We propose UniPose+, a unified framework for 2D and 3D human pose estimation in images and videos. The UniPose+ architecture leverages multi-scale feature representations...Show MoreMetadata
We propose UniPose+, a unified framework for 2D and 3D human pose estimation in images and videos. The UniPose+ architecture leverages multi-scale feature representations to increase the effectiveness of backbone feature extractors, with no significant increase in network size and no postprocessing. Current pose estimation methods heavily rely on statistical postprocessing or predefined anchor poses for joint localization. The UniPose+ framework incorporates contextual information across scales and joint localization with Gaussian heatmap modulation at the decoder output to estimate 2D and 3D human pose in a single stage with state-of-the-art accuracy, without relying on predefined anchor poses. The multi-scale representations allowed by the waterfall module in the UniPose+ framework leverage the efficiency of progressive filtering in the cascade architecture, while maintaining multi-scale fields-of-view comparable to spatial pyramid configurations. Our results on multiple datasets demonstrate that UniPose+, with a HRNet, ResNet or SENet backbone and waterfall module, is a robust and efficient architecture for single person 2D and 3D pose estimation in single images and videos.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence ( Volume: 44, Issue: 12, 01 December 2022)