The communication protocol described by IEEE Std 1149.1 TM -2001 (Standard Test Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architecture) has been adopted by this standard for providin...Show MoreScope:The proposed porject will describe a series of mandatory and optional boundary-scan instructions and associated data registers that will define a standard methodology for...Show More
Purpose:The objective of the ISC standardization effort is to enhance user access to 1149.1-based programmable devices. Devices that adhere to the proposed 1149.1-based ISC stand...Show More
The communication protocol described by IEEE Std 1149.1 TM -2001 (Standard Test Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architecture) has been adopted by this standard for providing standardized programming access and methodology for programmable integrated circuit devices.Devices that implement this standard will first be compliant with IEEE Std 1149.1-2001, which isused for testing purposes. A device, or set of devices, implementing this standard can be pro-grammed (written), read back, erased, and verified, singly or concurrently, with a standardized setof resources. Sample implementation and application details (which are not part of this standard)are included for illustrative purposes.
The proposed porject will describe a series of mandatory and optional boundary-scan instructions and associated data registers that will define a standard methodology for accessing and configuring programmable devices that already support IEEE Std 1149.1.
The objective of the ISC standardization effort is to enhance user access to 1149.1-based programmable devices. Devices that adhere to the proposed 1149.1-based ISC standard would form the foundation for the realization of tremendous savings in software product development and manufacturing costs related to ISC. These parts would be immediately integratible into existing systems and tools. In addition, these new tools could leverage easily on the existing 1149.1-based tool sets and knowledge base rapidly incorporating the features of ISC parts.
Date of Publication: 12 January 2000
Electronic ISBN:978-0-7381-3133-7
Persistent Link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=7197