Although SiC-mosfet has significant advantages on switching performance over traditional Si-IGBT, the switching loss of SiC-mosfet devices at hard switching rises quickly...Show MoreMetadata
Although SiC-mosfet has significant advantages on switching performance over traditional Si-IGBT, the switching loss of SiC-mosfet devices at hard switching rises quickly with the increment in the switching frequency. This has narrowed down further possibilities of improving efficiency and power density of the grid inverter. Zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) space-vector-modulation (SVM) technique is introduced to further push the power density of SiC-mosfet inverter. This paper focuses on the impact of applying the ZVS-SVM to three-phase two-level SiC-mosfet inverter. With the same efficiency requirement the ZVS-SVM SiC inverter can operate at a much higher switching frequency, which gives the opportunity to further reduce the size of passive components. The loss distributions, conversion efficiencies, and volumes of passive components of both a 20-kW SiC-mosfet hard-switching inverter and a 20-kW SiC-mosfet ZVS-SVM inverter have been compared under switching-frequency range from 50 to 300 kHz. Meanwhile, a new metric called “efficiency stiffness” is proposed to compare different inverters with respect to the efficiency performance against switching-frequency characteristics. In addition, high voltage overshoot of SiC-mosfet and high thermal stress of resonant inductor are the two critical issues in the SiC-mosfet ZVS-SVM inverter with high switching frequency. A power module including seven SiC-mosfet bare dies with low stray inductance is designed for ZVS-SVM inverter instead of the existing seven discrete TO-247 package SiC-mosfets to reduce the voltage overshoots on the switches. Besides, to reduce the power loss of the resonant inductor caused by large amplitude of current at hundreds of kHz excitation frequency, design of the inductor with distributed air gap and optimal winding thickness are studied. A 20-kW SiC-mosfet ZVS-SVM grid inverter prototype is built to verify the proposed design.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics ( Volume: 34, Issue: 6, June 2019)