Semiconductor manufacturing economics necessitate the development of novel and innovative techniques that can replace the traditional time consuming reliability methods, ...Show MoreMetadata
Semiconductor manufacturing economics necessitate the development of novel and innovative techniques that can replace the traditional time consuming reliability methods, i.e., the constant voltage stress time-dependent dielectric breakdown (CVS-TDDB) tests. We show that positive charge trapping is a dominant process when ultra-thick oxides are stressed through the ramped voltage test. Exploiting the physics behind positive charge generation/trapping at high electric fields, a fast I-V measurement technique is proposed that can be used to effectively distinguish the ultra-thick oxides' intrinsic quality at low electric fields. It will be demonstrated, based on experimental data, that our proposed technique can be a suitable replacement for the CVS-TDDB as a quality screening tool.
Published in: IEEE Electron Device Letters ( Volume: 35, Issue: 1, January 2014)