State assignment problems still need satisfactory solutions to make asynchronous circuit synthesis more practical. A well-known example of such a problem is that of compl...Show MoreMetadata
State assignment problems still need satisfactory solutions to make asynchronous circuit synthesis more practical. A well-known example of such a problem is that of complete state coding (CSC), which happens when a pair of different states in a specification has the same binary encoding. A standard way to approach state coding conflicts is to insert new state signals into the original specification in such a way that the original behavior remains intact. This paper proposes a method which improves over existing approaches by coupling generality, optimality, and efficiency. The method is based on the use of a class of "ground objects", called regions, that play the role of a bridge between state-based specifications (transition systems, TS's) and event-based specifications (signal transition graphs, STG's), We need to deal with both types of specification because designers usually prefer a timing diagram-like notation, such as STG, while optimization and cost analysis work better at the state level. A region in a transition system is a set of states that corresponds to a place in an STG (or the underlying Petri net). Regions are tightly connected with a set of properties that are to be preserved across the state encoding process, namely, 1) trace equivalence between the original and the encoded specification, and 2) implementability as a speed-independent circuit. We will build on a theoretical body of work that has shown the significance of regions for such property-preserving transformations, and describe a set of algorithms aimed at efficiently solving the encoding problem. The algorithms have been implemented in a software tool called petrify. Unlike many existing tools, petrify represents the encoded specification as an STG. This significantly improves the readability of the result (compared to a state-based description in which concurrency is represented implicitly by interleaving), and allows the designer to be more closely involved in the synthesis process. T...
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems ( Volume: 16, Issue: 8, August 1997)
DOI: 10.1109/43.644602