Asset Security (Domain 2) | part of (ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional Official Practice Tests | Wiley Data and Cybersecurity books | IEEE Xplore

Asset Security (Domain 2)


Chapter Abstract:

This chapter contains 100 questions covering the Asset Security domain of CISSP certification. The questions cover content from the CISSP Detailed Content Outline and exa...Show More

Chapter Abstract:

This chapter contains 100 questions covering the Asset Security domain of CISSP certification. The questions cover content from the CISSP Detailed Content Outline and exam that became effective on May 1, 2021. The wide variety of questions help the learner tests his knowledge of real‐world, scenario, and best‐practice security knowledge. The questions cover the CISSP Common Body of Knowledge and easy‐to‐understand explanations of both right and wrong answers. The questions are focused on the following topics: identifying and classifying information and assets; establishing information and asset handling requirements; provisioning resources securely; managing data lifecycle; asset retention; and determining data security controls and compliance requirements.
Page(s): 25 - 48
Copyright Year: 2021
Edition: 3
ISBN Information: