Due to the successful application of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Internet of Services (IoS) in association with other emerging technologies, the fourth industria...Show MoreMetadata
Due to the successful application of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Internet of Services (IoS) in association with other emerging technologies, the fourth industrial revolution is finally achieved through various advancements of cyber-physical systems (CPS). In manufacturing, CPS, in association with the existing enabling technologies, bridges the gap between the manufacturing and information technology (IT) and gives birth to the smart factory that is significantly changing the global market, societal life, and economic growth. This transformation will go far beyond today's conventional industry in terms of adaptability, energy and resource efficiency, accuracy, reliability, safety, user-friendliness, scalability, and intelligence while thoughtfully dealing with the technical challenges allied with the development of CPSs in terms of wireless networking, reliability, complexity, security, and data protection to achieve the desired level of performance. Moreover, a successful industrial revolution paves the way for efficient and thoughtful management operations. This article provides a detailed analysis of CPS in the industrial domain, its required technologies and management skills, architectures, and expected features. This article also highlights a few case studies and discusses their benefits as well as related challenges, along with the possible solutions to them. And, last but not least, an in-depth discussion on the socio-economic impact of CPS-based industrial revolution is presented in this context.
Published in: IEEE Engineering Management Review ( Volume: 48, Issue: 2, 01 Secondquarter,june 2020)