The advancements in Mixed Reality (MR), Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, and multi-scale collaborative virtual environments have led to new interface opportunities for remote col...Show MoreMetadata
The advancements in Mixed Reality (MR), Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, and multi-scale collaborative virtual environments have led to new interface opportunities for remote collaboration. This paper explores a novel concept of flying telepresence for multi-scale mixed reality remote collaboration. This work could enable remote collaboration at a larger scale such as building construction. We conducted a user study with three experiments. The first experiment compared two interfaces, static and dynamic IPD, on simulator sickness and body size perception. The second experiment tested the user perception of a virtual object size under three levels of IPD and movement gain manipulation with a fixed eye height in a virtual environment having reduced or rich visual cues. Our last experiment investigated the participant's body size perception for two levels of manipulation of the IPDs and heights using stereo video footage to simulate a flying telepresence experience. The studies found that manipulating IPDs and eye height influenced the user's size perception. We present our findings and share the recommendations for designing a multi-scale MR flying telepresence interface.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics ( Volume: 24, Issue: 11, November 2018)