A proposed model of bonding wires is presented in this paper. For a regular double-π bonding-wire model considering the skin effect, nine parameters should be determined,...Show MoreMetadata
A proposed model of bonding wires is presented in this paper. For a regular double-π bonding-wire model considering the skin effect, nine parameters should be determined, including inductance (LS), series parasitic resistances (R1, R2), shunt parasitic capacitances (CPAR1 , CPAR2), and parameters for skin effects (RS1, LS1, RS2, LS2), so procedures to extract the design parameters for a bonding-wire model are complicated. To reduce the complexity, a proposed model is presented. Introducing a frequency-dependent resistor Rskinfm can significantly reduce the number of design parameters for a bonding-wire model considering the skin effect from nine to five. This can resolve the design complexity of the bonding wires and cables. Moreover, it is suitable for industrial applications. In addition, the proposed design methodology is presented and the mechanisms are validated by experiments. According to experimental results, the model accuracy with 10% difference in magnitude between measured and modeled S21 of the 2, 4, 6, and 8 mm aluminum bonding wires is at the frequencies of 5.9, 5.0, 3.5, and 2.9 GHz, respectively.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics ( Volume: 13, Issue: 5, October 2017)