A hierarchically structured framework for analog circuit synthesis is described. This hierarchical structure has two important features: it decomposes the design task int...Show MoreMetadata
A hierarchically structured framework for analog circuit synthesis is described. This hierarchical structure has two important features: it decomposes the design task into a sequence of smaller tasks with uniform structure, and it simplifies the reuse of design knowledge. Mechanisms are described that select from among alternate design styles and translate performance specifications from one level in the hierarchy to the next lower, more concrete level. A prototype implementation, OASYS, synthesizes sized transistor schematics for CMOS operational amplifiers from performance specifications and process parameters. Measurements from detailed circuit simulation and from actual fabricated analog ICs based on OASYS-synthesized designs demonstrate that OASYS is capable of synthesizing functional circuits.<>
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems ( Volume: 8, Issue: 12, December 1989)
DOI: 10.1109/43.44506