A generic statistical-based ultrawide-band (UWB) indoor channel model which incorporates the clustering of multipath components (MPCs) is proposed. The model is derived u...Show MoreMetadata
A generic statistical-based ultrawide-band (UWB) indoor channel model which incorporates the clustering of multipath components (MPCs) is proposed. The model is derived using measurement data collected in the frequency band of 3-10 GHz in various types of high-rise apartment under different propagation scenarios. The measurement procedure allows the characterization of both the large-scale and the small-scale statistics of the channel. The main objective is to study multipath propagation behavior, particularly the phenomenon of clustered MPCs. The description of clustering observed in the channel uses two classes of parameters which characterize the clustering and the MPCs respectively. All parameters are described by a set of empirical probability density functions derived from the measured data such as the distribution of clusters and MPCs, cluster and MPC arrival statistics and small-scale amplitude fading statistics. A new distribution, namely, a mixture of two Poisson processes, is proposed to model the ray arrival times. This new distribution fits the empirical data better than the single Poisson process proposed in the conventional Saleh-Valenzuela (S-V) model. Analysis results show that the small-scale amplitude fading statistics are best modeled by the Weibull distribution. The Weibull b-shape parameter is lognormally distributed and is found to be invariant across the excess delay. Additionally, the temporal correlation between adjacent path amplitudes is investigated. The amplitude temporal correlation coefficients are found to be relatively small, and thus, can be assumed to be negligible in reality. The proposed model can provide a realistic simulation platform for UWB communication systems.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation ( Volume: 53, Issue: 8, August 2005)