Reverse blocking IGBT (RB-IGBT), with the capability of blocking both forward and reverse voltage, is now receiving widely attention in power converter applications. In t...Show MoreMetadata
Reverse blocking IGBT (RB-IGBT), with the capability of blocking both forward and reverse voltage, is now receiving widely attention in power converter applications. In this paper, by introducing two dynamical current sources, a three-stage driving circuit is designed for RB-IGBT to reduce the switching transition while limiting the turn-on di/dt and the turn-off dv/dt within the safe area. Furthermore, a novel v/sub ce/ sensing method is proposed. Using the detected v/sub ce/, over-current and short-circuit protection schemes are implemented respectively. The v/sub ce/ is also used as a sign of current direction, which is helpful for commutation between bidirectional switches.
Published in: Conference Record of the 2004 IEEE Industry Applications Conference, 2004. 39th IAS Annual Meeting.
Date of Conference: 03-07 October 2004
Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 01 November 2004
Print ISBN:0-7803-8486-5
Print ISSN: 0197-2618