publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_volume monograph_edition first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type subtype subjects "AI Ethics" 9780262357067 Coeckelbergh 9056575 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-04-06 P Ebook Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "AI in the Wild: Sustainability in the Age of Artificial Intelligence" 9780262359573 Dauvergne 9205177 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-10-02 P Ebook Computing and Processing "Algorithms" 9780262358668 Louridas 9186256 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-09-11 P Ebook Computing and Processing "Algorithms Are Not Enough: Creating General Artificial Intelligence" 9780262358934 Roitblat 9235187 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-10-29 P Ebook Computing and Processing "Ambient Play" 9780262360418 Hjorth 9205176 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-10-02 P Ebook Computing and Processing "Beyond Bakelite: Leo Baekeland and the Business of Science and Invention" 9780262357975 Mercelis 9072229 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-05-04 P Ebook General Topics for Engineers "Coding Democracy: How Hackers Are Disrupting Power, Surveillance, and Authoritarianism" 9780262357104 Webb 9072235 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-05-04 P Ebook Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "Collaborative Society" 9780262356442 Jemielniak 9072199 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-05-04 P Ebook Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "Critical Code Studies" 9780262357425 Marino 9072250 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-05-04 P Ebook Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "Critical Perspectives on Open Development: Empirical Interrogation of Theory Construction" 9780262363327 Bentley 9374192 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2021-03-10 Chib P Ebook General Topics for Engineers "Cultural Analytics" 9780262360647 Manovich 9255849 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-11-11 P Ebook Computing and Processing "Cyber Republic: Reinventing Democracy in the Age of Intelligent Machines" 9780262360111 Zarkadakis 9286257 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-12-31 P Ebook General Topics for Engineers; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "Data Feminism" 9780262358521 D'Ignazio 9072233 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-05-04 P Ebook Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "Downtime on the Microgrid: Architecture, Electricity, and Smart City Islands" 9780262357005 McCullough 9072205 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-05-04 P Ebook Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "Embodied Computing: Wearables, Implantables, Embeddables, Ingestibles" 9780262357791 Pedersen 9072230 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-05-04 P Ebook Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; General Topics for Engineers "fMRI" 9780262356770 Bandettini 9072204 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-05-04 P Ebook Bioengineering; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis "Free-to-Play: Mobile Video Games, Bias, and Norms" 9780262360517 Paul 9235184 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-10-29 P Ebook Computing and Processing "From Insight to Innovation: Engineering Ideas That Transformed America in the Twentieth Century" 9780262359672 Jr. 9269494 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-12-03 P Ebook Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Engineering Profession; General Topics for Engineers "Hacker States" 9780262357258 Follis 9072251 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-05-04 P Ebook Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "How AI Is Transforming the Organization" 9780262357517 Review 9072232 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-05-04 P Ebook Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "How Humans Judge Machines" 9780262363266 Hidalgo 9361592 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2021-02-24 P Ebook Computing and Processing "How to Grow a Robot: Developing Human-Friendly, Social AI" 9780262357852 Lee 9104217 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-06-09 P Ebook Bioengineering; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Robotics and Control Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis "Irony and Sarcasm" 9780262357296 Kreuz 8974142 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-02-06 P Ebook General Topics for Engineers; Computing and Processing "Locally Played: Real-World Games for Stronger Places and Communities" 9780262356923 Stokes 9062291 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-04-20 P Ebook Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "Play like a Feminist." 9780262360432 Chess 9186255 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-09-11 P Ebook Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "Playful Visions: Optical Toys and the Emergence of Children's Media Culture" 9780262358040 Bak 9072249 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-05-04 P Ebook Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers; Signal Processing and Analysis "Reassembling Scholarly Communications: Histories, Infrastructures, and Global Politics of Open Access" 9780262363723 Eve 9255850 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-11-11 Eve P Ebook Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; General Topics for Engineers "Recommendation Engines" 9780262358798 Schrage 9198868 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-09-24 P Ebook Computing and Processing "Right/Wrong: How Technology Transforms Our Ethics" 9780262360012 Enriquez 9235183 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-10-29 P Ebook General Topics for Engineers "Science and the Production of Ignorance: When the Quest for Knowledge Is Thwarted" 9780262357142 Kourany 9072206 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-05-04 P Ebook General Topics for Engineers "Smart Cities" 9780262356848 Halegoua 9072234 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-05-04 P Ebook Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; General Topics for Engineers "Spatial Computing" 9780262356800 Shekhar 9072201 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-05-04 P Ebook Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers; Geoscience "Studying Sound: A Theory and Practice of Sound Design" 9780262365062 Collins 9198869 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-09-24 P Ebook Signal Processing and Analysis; General Topics for Engineers "The Coevolution: The Entwined Futures of Humans and Machines" 9780262358378 Lee 9062289 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-04-20 P Ebook Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; General Topics for Engineers; Robotics and Control Systems "The Infographic: A History of Data Graphics in News and Communications" 9780262358118 Dick 9072203 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-05-04 P Ebook Computing and Processing "The Smart Wife: Why Siri, Alexa, and Other Smart Home Devices Need a Feminist Reboot" 9780262360036 Strengers 9205725 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-09-25 P Ebook Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "Too Smart: How Digital Capitalism is Extracting Data, Controlling Our Lives, and Taking Over the World" 9780262357937 Sadowski 9072231 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-05-04 P Ebook Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "Transmissions: Critical Tactics for Making and Communicating Research" 9780262356626 Jungnickel 9062290 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-04-20 P Ebook General Topics for Engineers "We Are Not Users: Dialogues, Diversity, and Design" 9780262356473 Subrahmanian 9072207 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-05-04 P Ebook Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "Who Are You?: Nintendo's Game Boy Advance Platform" 9780262360456 Custodio 9235185 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-10-29 P Ebook Computing and Processing "Wikipedia @ 20: Stories of an Incomplete Revolution" 9780262360593 Reagle 9235186 fulltext MIT Press Monograph 2020 2020-10-29 Reagle P Ebook Computing and Processing