publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_volume monograph_edition first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type subtype subjects standard_number standard_status standard_modifier_status "1002-1987 - IEEE Standard Taxonomy for Software Engineering Standards" 0-7381-0399-3 2601 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1987 2002-12-10 P Standard Computing and Processing 1002-1987 Inactive Withdrawn "1008-1987 - IEEE Standard for Software Unit Testing" 978-0-7381-0400-3 2599 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1986 2002-12-10 P Standard Computing and Processing 1008-1987 Superseded "1012-1986 - IEEE Standard for Software Verification and Validation Plans" 978-0-7381-0401-0 9768042 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1986 2022-05-04 P Standard Computing and Processing 1012-1986 Superseded "1012-1998 - IEEE Standard for Software Verification and Validation" 978-0-7381-0435-5 5672 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1998 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1012-1998 Superseded "1012-1998 - IEEE Standard for Software Verification and Validation - Redline" 978-1-5044-3894-0 7873193 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1998 2017-03-07 P Standard Computing and Processing 1012-1998 Superseded Redline "1012-2004 - IEEE Standard for Software Verification and Validation" 978-0-7381-4642-3 9958 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2005 2005-08-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1012-2004 Superseded "1012-2012 - IEEE Standard for System and Software Verification and Validation" 978-0-7381-7268-2 6204024 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2012 2012-05-23 P Standard Computing and Processing 1012-2012 Superseded "1012-2012 - IEEE Standard for System and Software Verification and Validation - Redline" 978-0-7381-7571-3 6251986 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2012 2012-07-27 P Standard Computing and Processing 1012-2012 Superseded Redline "1012-2016 - IEEE Standard for System, Software, and Hardware Verification and Validation" 978-1-5044-1812-6 8055460 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-10-02 P Standard Computing and Processing 1012-2016 Active Approved "1012-2016 - IEEE Standard for System, Software, and Hardware Verification and Validation - Redline" 978-1-5044-4896-3 8356701 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2018-05-09 P Standard Computing and Processing 1012-2016 Active Redline "1012a-1998 - IEEE Standard for Software Verification and Validation - Content Map to IEEE 12207.1" 978-0-7381-1426-2 6936451 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1998 2014-10-24 P Standard Computing and Processing 1012a-1998 Superseded "1016-1987 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Design Descriptions" 978-0-7381-0402-7 2594 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1987 2002-12-10 P Standard Computing and Processing 1016-1987 Superseded "1016-1998 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Design Descriptions" 978-0-7381-1456-9 5985 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1998 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1016-1998 Superseded "1016-2009 - IEEE Standard for Information Technology--Systems Design--Software Design Descriptions" 978-0-7381-5925-6 5167253 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2009-07-21 P Standard Computing and Processing 1016-2009 Inactive Reserved "1016-2009 - IEEE Standard for Information Technology--Systems Design--Software Design Descriptions - Redline" 978-0-7381-6900-2 5981337 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2011-08-09 P Standard Computing and Processing 1016-2009 Inactive Reserved "1016.1-1993 - IEEE Guide to Software Design Descriptions" 978-0-7381-0403-4 2822 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1993 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1016.1-1993 Inactive Withdrawn "1028-1988 - IEEE Standard Software Reviews and Audits" 978-0-7381-4725-3 2366 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1989 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1028-1988 Superseded "1028-1997 - IEEE Standard for Software Reviews" 978-1-5044-5710-1 5362 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1998 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1028-1997 Superseded "1028-2008 - IEEE Standard for Software Reviews and Audits" 978-0-7381-5768-9 4601582 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-08-14 P Standard Computing and Processing 1028-2008 Inactive Reserved "1042-1987 - IEEE Guide to Software Configuration Management" 978-0-7381-2378-3 2592 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1988 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1042-1987 Inactive Withdrawn "1044-1993 - IEEE Standard Classification for Software Anomalies" 978-0-7381-0406-5 3112 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1993 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1044-1993 Superseded "1044-2009 - IEEE Standard Classification for Software Anomalies" 978-0-7381-6114-3 5399058 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2010-01-26 P Standard Bioengineering 1044-2009 Inactive Reserved "1044-2009 - IEEE Standard Classification for Software Anomalies - Redline" 978-0-7381-5484-8 5953439 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2011-07-12 P Standard Computing and Processing 1044-2009 Inactive Redline "1044.1-1995 - IEEE Guide to Classification for Software Anomalies" 978-1-5593-7697-6 3824 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1996 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1044.1-1995 Inactive Withdrawn "1045-1992 - IEEE Standard for Software Productivity Metrics" 978-0-7381-0408-9 2858 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1992 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1045-1992 Inactive Withdrawn "1058-1998 - IEEE Standard for Software Project Management Plans" 978-0-7381-1448-4 5978 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1998 1988-01-01 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 1058-1998 Superseded "1058.1-1987 - IEEE Standard for Software Project Management Plans" 978-0-7381-0409-6 2591 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1988 1988-01-01 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 1058.1-1987 Superseded "1059-1993 - IEEE Guide for Software Verification and Validation Plans" 978-0-7381-2379-0 3113 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1994 1988-01-01 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 1059-1993 Inactive Withdrawn "1061-1992 - IEEE Standard for a Software Quality Metrics Methodology" 978-0-7381-0411-9 2837 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1993 1988-01-01 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 1061-1992 Superseded "1061-1998 - IEEE Standard for a Software Quality Metrics Methodology" 978-0-7381-1510-8 6061 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1994 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1061-1998 Inactive Reserved "1062-1993 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Acquisition." 978-0-7381-0412-6 3255 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1992 1988-01-01 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 1062-1993 Superseded "1062-1998 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Acquisition, 1998 Edition" 978-0-7381-1724-9 5977 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1998 1988-01-01 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 1062-1998 Superseded "1062-2015 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Acquisition" 978-1-5044-0085-5 7419833 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2016 2016-02-25 P Standard Computing and Processing 1062-2015 Active Approved "1062-2015 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Acquisition" 978-1-5044-2066-2 7544425 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2016 2016-08-16 P Standard Computing and Processing 1062-2015 Active Redline "1063-1987 - IEEE Standard for Software User Documentation" 978-0-7381-3132-0 2590 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1988 1988-01-01 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 1063-1987 Superseded "1063-2001 - IEEE Standard for Software User Documentation" 978-0-7381-3099-6 7687 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2001 2002-07-27 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 1063-2001 Superseded "1074-1991 - IEEE Standard for Developing Software Life Cycle Processes" 978-1-5593-7170-4 2930 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1992 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1074-1991 Superseded "1074-1995 - IEEE Standard for Developing Software Life Cycle Processes" 978-0-7381-0414-0 3513 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1996 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1074-1995 Superseded "1074-1997 - IEEE Standard for Developing Software Life Cycle Processes" 978-0-7381-0532-1 5984 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1998 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1074-1997 Superseded "1074-2006 - IEEE Standard for Developing a Software Project Life Cycle Process" 978-0-7381-4957-8 11045 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2006 2006-08-07 P Standard Computing and Processing 1074-2006 Superseded "1074.1-1995 - IEEE Guide for Developing Software Life Cycle Processes" 978-0-7381-2764-4 3813 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1996 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1074.1-1995 Inactive Withdrawn "1084-1986 - IEEE Standard Glossary of Mathematics of Computing Terminology" 0-7381-4541-6 2485 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1986 2002-12-10 P Standard Computing and Processing 1084-1986 Inactive Withdrawn "1154-1991 - IEEE Standard for Programmed Inquiry, Learning, or Teaching (PILOT)" 978-0-7381-1184-1 2270 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1991 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 1154-1991 Inactive Withdrawn "1155-1992 - IEEE Standard for VMEbus Extensions for Instrumentation: VXIbus" 978-0-7381-1185-8 2798 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1993 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 1155-1992 Inactive Reserved "1175-1991 - IEEE Standard Reference Model for Computing System Tool Interconnections" 978-0-7381-3141-2 4331 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1992 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1175-1991 Inactive Withdrawn "1175.1-2002 - IEEE Guide for CASE Tool Interconnections - Classification and Description" 978-0-7381-3484-0 8401 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2003 2003-02-19 P Standard Computing and Processing 1175.1-2002 Inactive Reserved "1175.2-2006 - IEEE Recommended Practice for CASE Tool Interconnection - Characterization of Interconnections" 978-0-7381-5234-9 4068341 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2007 2007-02-05 P Standard Computing and Processing 1175.2-2006 Inactive Withdrawn "1175.3-2004 - IEEE Standard for CASE Tool Interconnections - Reference Model for Specifying Software Behavior" 978-0-7381-4002-5 9348 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2004 2004-11-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1175.3-2004 Inactive Withdrawn "1175.4-2008 - IEEE Standard for CASE Tool Interconnections--Reference Model for Specifying System Behavior" 978-1-5044-6419-2 4839187 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2009-04-24 P Standard Computing and Processing 1175.4-2008 Inactive Reserved "1209-1992 - IEEE Recommended Practice for the Evaluation and Selection of CASE Tools" 978-0-7381-0417-1 2847 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1993 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1209-1992 Inactive Withdrawn "1219-1992 - IEEE Standard for Software Maintenance" 978-0-7381-0418-8 2824 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1993 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1219-1992 Superseded "1219-1998 - IEEE Standard for Software Maintenance" 978-0-7381-0533-8 5832 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1998 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1219-1998 Active "1220-1994 - IEEE Trial Use Standard for Application and Management of the Systems Engineering Process" 978-0-7381-0419-5 3443 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1995 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1220-1994 Superseded "1220-1998 - IEEE Standard for Application and Management of the Systems Engineering Process" 978-0-7381-1544-3 5981 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1999 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1220-1998 Superseded "1220-2005 - IEEE Standard for Application and Management of the Systems Engineering Process" 978-0-7381-4692-8 10106 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2005 2005-09-26 P Standard Computing and Processing 1220-2005 Superseded "12207-2-2020 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Software life cycle processes--Part 2: Relation and mapping between ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2017 and ISO/IEC 12207:2008" 978-1-5044-7030-8 9238527 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-10-23 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 12207-2-2020 Active Approved "12207-2008 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Software life cycle processes" 978-0-7381-5664-4 4475822 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-03-21 P Standard Computing and Processing 12207-2008 Active Superseded "12207-2008 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Software life cycle processes" 978-0-7381-5664-4 6042285 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2011-10-10 P Standard Computing and Processing 12207-2008 Superseded "12207-2008 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Software life cycle processes - Redline" 978-0-7381-7048-0 8742771 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2019-06-21 P Standard Computing and Processing 12207-2008 Superseded Redline "12207-2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Software life cycle processes" 978-1-5044-4253-4 8100769 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-11-09 P Standard Computing and Processing 12207-2017 Active Approved "12207-2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Software life cycle processes - Redline" 978-1-5044-5003-4 8392557 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2018-06-21 P Standard Computing and Processing 12207-2017 Active Redline "12207.0-1996 - IEEE/EIA - Standard for Information Technology - Software Life Cycle Processes" 978-0-7381-0428-7 5720 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1998 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 12207.0-1996 Superseded "12207.1-1997 - IEEE/EIA Guide - Industry Implementation of International Standard ISO/IEC 12207 : 1995 (ISO/IEC 12207) - Software Life Cycle Processes - Life Cycle Data" 978-0-7381-0429-4 5409 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1998 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 12207.1-1997 Superseded "12207.2-1997 - IEEE/EIA Guide for Information Technology - Software Life Cycle Processes - Implementation Considerations" 978-0-7381-0430-0 5410 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1998 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 12207.2-1997 Superseded "1228-1994 - IEEE Standard for Software Safety Plans" 978-0-7381-0420-1 3257 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1993 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1228-1994 Inactive Reserved "1233-1996 - IEEE Guide for Developing System Requirements Specifications" 978-0-7381-0421-8 3731 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1996 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1233-1996 Superseded "1233-1998 - IEEE Guide for Developing System Requirements Specifications" 978-0-7381-1723-2 5982 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1998 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1233-1998 Superseded "1275.1-1994 - IEEE Standard for Boot (Initialization Configuration) Firmware: Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) Supplement for IEEE 1754" 978-0-7381-1211-4 3260 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1994 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 1275.1-1994 Inactive Withdrawn "1278-1993 - IEEE Standard for Information Technology -- Protocols for Distributed Interactive Simulation Applications--Entity Information and Interaction" 978-1-5593-7305-0 2826 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1993 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1278-1993 Superseded "1298-1992 - IEEE Standard Software Quality Management System Part 1: Requirements" 978-0-7381-3035-4 2846 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1993 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1298-1992 Inactive Withdrawn "1320.1-1998 - IEEE Standard for Functional Modeling Language - Syntax and Semantics for IDEF0" 978-0-7381-1369-2 6054 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1998 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1320.1-1998 Inactive Reserved "1320.2-1998 - IEEE Standard for Conceptual Modeling Language - Syntax and Semantics for IDEF1X97 (IDEFobject)" 978-0-7381-1405-7 6170 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1997 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1320.2-1998 Inactive Reserved "1348-1995 - IEEE Recommended Practice for the Adoption of Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Tools" 978-0-7381-0423-2 3688 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1996 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1348-1995 Inactive Withdrawn "1351-1994 - IEEE Standard for Information Technology--ACSE and Presentation Layer Services--Application Program Interface (API) [C Language Independent]" 978-0-7381-2366-0 3297 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1994 1988-01-01 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 1351-1994 Inactive Withdrawn "1362-1998 - IEEE Guide for Information Technology - System Definition - Concept of Operations (ConOps) Document" 978-0-7381-1407-1 6166 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1998 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1362-1998 Active "14102-2010 - IEEE Standard for Adoption of ISO/IEC 14102:2008 Information Technology--Guideline for the Evaluation and Selection of CASE Tools" 978-0-7381-6318-5 5567081 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2010-09-09 P Standard Computing and Processing 14102-2010 Inactive Withdrawn "14143.1-2000 - Implementation note for IEEE adoption of ISO/IEC 14143-1:1998. Information technology - software measurement - functional size measurement. Part 1: definition of concepts" 0-7381-2165-7 0-7381-2166-5 6742 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2000 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 14143.1-2000 Active Approved "1420.1-1995 - IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Software Reuse - Data Model for Reuse Library Interoperability: Basic Interoperability Data Model (BIDM)" 978-0-7381-0424-9 3698 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1996 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1420.1-1995 Inactive Withdrawn "1420.1a-1996 - IEEE Supplement to Standard for Information Technology--Software Reuse--Data Model for Reuse Library Interoperability: Asset Certification Framework" 978-1-5593-7870-3 4140793 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1996 2007-09-04 P Standard Computing and Processing 1420.1a-1996 Inactive Withdrawn "1420.1b-1999 - IEEE Trial-Use Supplement to IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Software Reuse - Data Model for Reuse Library Interoperability: Intellectual Property Rights Framework" 0-7381-1765-X 0-7381-1766-8 6482 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1999 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1420.1b-1999 Inactive Withdrawn "1430-1996 - IEEE Guide for Information Technology Software Reuse-Concept of Operations for Interoperating Reuse Libraries [Developed in cooperation with the Reuse Library Interoperability Group (RIG)]" 978-0-7381-3142-9 4322 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1997 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1430-1996 Inactive Withdrawn "14471-2010 - IEEE Guide for Adoption of ISO/IEC TR 14471:2007 Information Technology -- Software Engineering -- Guidelines for the Adoption of CASE Tools" 978-0-7381-6372-7 5585614 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2010-09-27 P Standard Computing and Processing 14471-2010 Inactive Withdrawn "14575-2000 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Information Technology - Microprocessor systems - Heterogeneous InterConnect (HIC) (Low-Cost, Low-Latency Scalable Serial Interconnect for Parallel System Construction)" 978-0-7381-2961-7 6887398 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2001 2014-08-28 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing 14575-2000 Inactive Withdrawn "1462-1998 - 1462-1998 IEEE Adoption of ISO/IEC 14102:1995 Information Technology - Guideline for the Evaluation and Selection of CASE Tools" 978-0-7381-1486-6 6583 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1998 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1462-1998 Superseded "1465-1998 - IEEE Standard - Adoption of International Standard ISO/IEC 12119:1994(E) - Information Technology - Software Packages - Quality Requirements and Testing" 978-0-7381-1408-8 4301414 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1998 2007-09-17 P Standard Computing and Processing 1465-1998 Inactive Withdrawn "1471-2000 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Architectural Description for Software-Intensive Systems" 978-0-7381-2519-0 7040 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2000 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1471-2000 Superseded "14764-2006 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard for Software Engineering - Software Life Cycle Processes - Maintenance" 978-0-7381-4961-5 11168 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2006 2006-09-18 P Standard Computing and Processing 14764-2006 Superseded "14764-2021 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Software engineering - Software life cycle processes - Maintenance" 978-1-5044-8247-9 9690129 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-01-21 P Standard Computing and Processing 14764-2021 Active Approved "1490-1998 - IEEE Guide - Adoption of PMI Standard, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge" 978-0-7381-1415-6 6238 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1999 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1490-1998 Superseded "1490-2003 - IEEE Guide Adoption of PMI Standard - A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge" 978-0-7381-3894-7 9130 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2004 2004-06-07 P Standard Computing and Processing 1490-2003 Inactive Withdrawn "15026-1 - IEEE Draft Trial-Use Standard for Adoption of ISO/IEC TR 15026-1:2010 -- Systems and Software Engineering -- Systems and Software Assurance -- Part 1: Concepts and Vocabulary" 978-0-7381-6510-3 5621026 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2010-11-04 P Standard Computing and Processing 15026-1 Inactive Draft "15026-1-2011 - IEEE Trial-Use Standard--Adoption of ISO/IEC TR 15026-1:2010 Systems and Software Engineering--Systems and Software Assurance--Part 1: Concepts and Vocabulary" 978-0-7381-6601-8 5871658 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-06-07 P Standard Computing and Processing 15026-1-2011 Inactive Withdrawn "15026-1-2014 - IEEE Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 15026-1--Systems and Software Engineering--Systems and Software Assurance--Part 1: Concepts and Vocabulary" 978-0-7381-9350-2 6948213 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2014 2014-11-05 P Standard Computing and Processing 15026-1-2014 Superseded "15026-1-2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Systems and software assurance --Part 1:Concepts and vocabulary" 978-1-5044-5542-8 8657408 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-03-01 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing 15026-1-2019 Active Approved "15026-2-2011 - IEEE Standard--Adoption of ISO/IEC 15026-2:2011 Systems and Software Engineering--Systems and Software Assurance--Part 2: Assurance Case" 978-0-7381-6799-2 6045291 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-10-13 P Standard Computing and Processing 15026-2-2011 Inactive Reserved "15026-2-2022 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Systems and software assurance--Part 2: Assurance case" 978-1-5044-9030-6 9938450 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-11-03 P Standard Computing and Processing 15026-2-2022 Active Approved "15026-3-2013 - IEEE Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 15026-3 -- Systems and Software Engineering -- Systems and Software Assurance -- Part 3: System Integrity Levels" 978-0-7381-8436-4 6557403 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-07-11 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 15026-3-2013 Active Approved "15026-3-2023 - IEEE/ISO/IEC International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering - Systems and Software Assurance - Part 3: System Integrity Levels" 979-8-8557-0176-0 10295420 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-10-24 P Standard Computing and Processing 15026-3-2023 Active Approved "15026-4-2013 - IEEE Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 15026-4--Systems and Software Engineering--Systems and Software Assurance--Part 4: Assurance in the Life Cycle" 978-0-7381-8576-7 6587251 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-08-27 P Standard Computing and Processing 15026-4-2013 Superseded "15026-4-2021 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Systems and software assurance -- Part 4: Assurance in the life cycle" 978-1-5044-7493-1 9444256 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-05-28 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 15026-4-2021 Active Approved "15068-2-1999 - ISO/IEC 15068-2 : 1999 (IEEE 1387.2-1995), International Standard Information technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX(TM)) system administration - Part 2: Software administration" 978-0-7381-1568-9 6334497 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1999 2012-10-18 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies 15068-2-1999 Inactive Withdrawn "1517-1999 - IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Software Life Cycle Processes - Reuse Processes" 978-0-7381-1736-2 10098 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1999 2005-09-19 P Standard Computing and Processing 1517-1999 Superseded "1517-2010 - IEEE Standard for Information Technology--System and Software Life Cycle Processes--Reuse Processes" 978-0-7381-6357-4 5551091 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2010-08-19 P Standard Computing and Processing 1517-2010 Inactive Reserved "15288 - Draft International Standard for Systems Engineering -- System Life Cycle Processes" 978-1-5044-3862-9 7862993 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2007 2017-02-23 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 15288 Inactive Draft "15288-2002 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard -- Systems Engineering -- System Life Cycle Processes" 978-1-5044-0172-2 7368049 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2001 2015-12-29 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 15288-2002 Superseded "15288-2004 - Adoption of ISO/IEC 15288:2002, Systems Engineering-System Life Cycle Processes" 978-0-7381-4652-2 9973 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2005 2005-08-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 15288-2004 Active "15288-2008 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering System life cycle processes" 978-0-7381-5666-8 4475823 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-03-21 P Standard Computing and Processing 15288-2008 Superseded "15288-2008 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering System life cycle processes" 978-0-7381-5666-8 6093921 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2011-12-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 15288-2008 Superseded "15288-2008 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering System life cycle processes - Redline" 978-0-7381-6941-5 6581808 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2013-08-15 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies 15288-2008 Superseded Redline "15288-2015 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft Systems and software engineering -- System life cycle processes" 978-0-7381-9632-9 7073539 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-03-31 P Standard Computing and Processing 15288-2015 Inactive Draft "15288-2015 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- System life cycle processes" 978-0-7381-9531-5 7106433 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-05-13 P Standard Computing and Processing 15288-2015 Superseded "15288-2023 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering--System life cycle processes" 978-1-5044-9665-0 10123345 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-05-11 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing 15288-2023 Active Approved "15288.1-2014 - IEEE Standard for Application of Systems Engineering on Defense Programs" 978-0-7381-9533-9 7105316 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-05-11 P Standard Signal Processing and Analysis; Aerospace; Transportation; Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies 15288.1-2014 Active Approved "15288.2-2014 - IEEE Standard for Technical Reviews and Audits on Defense Programs" 978-0-7381-9535-3 7105319 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-05-11 P Standard Computing and Processing; Aerospace; Transportation; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 15288.2-2014 Active Approved "15289, 2nd ED, July 2014 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard Systems and software engineering -- Content of life-cycle information products (documentation)" 978-0-7381-9268-0 6870353 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2014 2014-08-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 15289, 2nd ED, July 2014 Inactive Draft "15289-2011 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Systems and software engineering -- Content of life-cycle information products (documentation)" 978-0-7381-6589-9 6104077 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-12-13 P Standard Computing and Processing 15289-2011 Superseded "15289-2015 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard Systems and software engineering -- Content of life-cycle information items (documentation)" 978-0-7381-9529-2 7109793 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-05-18 P Standard Computing and Processing 15289-2015 Superseded "15289-2015 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard Systems and software engineering -- Content of life-cycle information items (documentation) - Redline" 978-0-7381-9968-9 7270962 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-09-17 P Standard Computing and Processing 15289-2015 Superseded Redline "15289-2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Content of life-cycle information items (documentation)" 978-1-5044-4076-9 7942149 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-06-07 P Standard Computing and Processing 15289-2017 Superseded "15289-2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard -- Systems and software engineering - Content of life-cycle information items (documentation)" 978-1-5044-5967-9 8767108 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-07-19 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 15289-2019 Active Approved "1540-2001 - IEEE Standard for Software Life Cycle Processes - Risk Management" 978-0-7381-2935-8 7300 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2001 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1540-2001 Superseded "15939-2008 - IEEE Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 15939:2007--Systems and Software Engineering--Measurement Process" 978-0-7381-5877-8 4775908 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2009-02-13 P Standard Computing and Processing 15939-2008 Superseded "15939-2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Measurement process" 978-1-5044-3950-3 7907156 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-04-24 P Standard Computing and Processing 15939-2017 Active Approved "15939-2017 - Iso/iec/ieee international standard - systems and software engineering--measurement process" 978-1-5044-4851-2 8337130 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2018-04-12 P Standard Computing and Processing 15939-2017 Active Redline "16085-2004 - Standard for Software Engineering - Software Life Cycle Processes - Risk Management" 978-0-7381-4103-9 6298073 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2004 2012-09-10 P Standard Computing and Processing 16085-2004 Superseded "16085-2006 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering - Life Cycle Processes - Risk Management" 978-0-7381-4969-1 4042191 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2006 2007-01-02 P Standard Computing and Processing 16085-2006 Superseded "16085-2020 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Life cycle processes -- Risk management" 978-1-5044-7249-4 9325906 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-01-15 P Standard Computing and Processing 16085-2020 Active Approved "16085-2020 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Life cycle processes -- Risk management - Redline" 978-1-5044-7469-6 9373050 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-03-08 P Standard Computing and Processing 16085-2020 Active Redline "16326-2009 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering--Life Cycle Processes--Project Management" 978-0-7381-6116-7 5372628 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2009-12-31 P Standard Computing and Processing 16326-2009 Superseded "16326-2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle processes - Project management" 978-1-5044-6299-0 8932688 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-12-13 P Standard Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers 16326-2019 Active Approved "16326-2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle processes - Project management - Redline" 978-1-5044-6506-9 9006997 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2020-02-21 P Standard Computing and Processing 16326-2019 Active Redline "1633-2008 - IEEE Recommended Practice on Software Reliability" 978-0-7381-5406-0 4554196 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-06-27 P Standard Computing and Processing 1633-2008 Superseded "1633-2016 - IEEE Recommended Practice on Software Reliability" 978-1-5044-3648-9 7827905 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-01-20 P Standard Power, Energy and Industry Applications 1633-2016 Active Approved "1633-2016 - IEEE Recommended Practice on Software Reliability - Redline" 978-1-5044-4459-0 8085430 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-10-26 P Standard Computing and Processing 1633-2016 Active Redline "1636-2009 - IEEE Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA)" 978-0-7381-5927-0 5210053 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2009-08-21 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Power, Energy and Industry Applications 1636-2009 Superseded "1636-2009 - IEEE Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA)" 978-0-7381-8170-7 8654229 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2019-02-27 P Standard Computing and Processing 1636-2009 Superseded "1636-2018 - IEEE Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA)" 978-1-5044-5295-3 8657405 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-03-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 1636-2018 Active Approved "1636.1-2007 - IEEE Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Test Results and Session Information via the eXtensible Markup Language(XML)" 978-0-7381-8162-2 6457399 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2013-02-07 P Standard Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing 1636.1-2007 Superseded "1636.1-2007 - IEEE Trial-Use Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Test Results and Session Information via the eXtensible Markup Language(XML)" 978-0-7381-5703-0 4460802 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-03-03 P Standard Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing 1636.1-2007 Superseded "1636.1-2013 - IEEE Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Test Results and Session Information via the eXtensible Markup Language (XML)" 978-0-7381-8560-6 6655875 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-11-05 P Standard Computing and Processing 1636.1-2013 Superseded "1636.1-2013 - IEEE Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Test Results and Session Information via the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) - Redline" 978-0-7381-9011-2 6759733 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2014-03-07 P Standard Computing and Processing 1636.1-2013 Superseded Redline "1636.1-2018 - IEEE Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Test Results and Session Information via the eXtensible Markup Language (XML)" 978-1-5044-5392-9 8662796 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-03-07 P Standard Computing and Processing 1636.1-2018 Active Approved "1636.1-2018/Cor 1-2023 - IEEE Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Test Results and Session Information via the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) - Corrigenda 1" 979-8-8557-0303-0 10431703 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-02-09 P Standard Computing and Processing 1636.1-2018/Cor 1-2023 Active Approved "1636.2-2018 - IEEE Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Maintenance Action Information via the Extensible Markup Language (XML)" 978-1-5044-5466-7 8664697 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-03-11 P Standard Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers 1636.2-2018 Active Approved "1636.99-2013 - IEEE Std 1636.99-2013, IEEE Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Common Information Elements." 978-0-7381-8652-8 6662356 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-11-12 P Standard Computing and Processing 1636.99-2013 Inactive Reserved "1647/D8+3, Dec 2010 - IEEE Draft Standard for the Functional Verification Language 'e'" 978-0-7381-6524-0 5673092 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2010-12-23 P Standard Computing and Processing 1647/D8+3, Dec 2010 Inactive Draft "1730-2010 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Distributed Simulation Engineering and Execution Process (DSEEP)" 978-0-7381-6468-7 5706285 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-01-31 P Standard Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing 1730-2010 Inactive Reserved "1730.1-2023 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Distributed Simulation Engineering and Execution Process Multi‐Architecture Overlay" 979-8-8557-0479-2 10439053 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-02-16 P Standard Computing and Processing 1730.1-2023 Active Approved "1730.2-2022 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Verification, Validation and Acceptance/Accreditation of a Distributed Simulation: An Overlay to the Distributed Simulation Engineering and Execution Process" 978-1-5044-9372-7 10041008 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-02-08 P Standard Computing and Processing 1730.2-2022 Active Approved "1754-1994 - IEEE Standard for a 32-bit Microprocessor Architecture" 978-0-7381-2760-6 3435 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1995 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 1754-1994 Inactive Withdrawn "1849-2016 - IEEE Standard for eXtensible Event Stream (XES) for Achieving Interoperability in Event Logs and Event Streams" 978-1-5044-2421-9 7740856 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2016 2016-11-10 P Standard Computing and Processing 1849-2016 Superseded "1855-2016 - IEEE Standard for Fuzzy Markup Language" 978-1-5044-0677-2 7479439 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2016 2016-05-26 P Standard Computing and Processing 1855-2016 Active Approved "1857.6-2018 - IEEE Standard for Digital Media Content Description" 978-1-5044-5417-9 8667839 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-03-15 P Standard Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing 1857.6-2018 Active Approved "1857.7-2018 - IEEE Standard for Adaptive Streaming" 978-1-5044-5419-3 8667842 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-03-15 P Standard Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 1857.7-2018 Active Approved "1857.8-2020 - IEEE Standard for Second Generation Audio Coding" 978-1-5044-6802-2 9271959 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-11-25 P Standard Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing 1857.8-2020 Active Approved "1874-2013 - IEEE Standard for Documentation Schema for Repair and Assembly of Electronic Devices" 978-0-7381-8870-6 6712030 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2014 2014-01-14 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 1874-2013 Inactive Reserved "1924.1-2022 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Developing Energy-Efficient Power-Proportional Digital Architectures" 978-1-5044-8773-3 9968217 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-12-01 P Standard Computing and Processing; Power, Energy and Industry Applications 1924.1-2022 Active Approved "20000-1-2013 - IEEE Standard - Adoption of ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011, Information technology -- Service management -- Part 1: Service management system requirements" 978-0-7381-8428-9 6517855 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-05-21 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 20000-1-2013 Inactive Withdrawn "20000-2-2013 - IEEE Standard -- Adoption of ISO/IEC 20000-2:2012, Information technology -- Service management -- Part 2: Guidance on the application of service management systems" 978-0-7381-8430-2 6518117 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-05-22 P Standard Computing and Processing 20000-2-2013 Inactive Withdrawn "2001-1999 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Internet Practices - Web Page Engineering - Intranet/Extranet Applications" 978-0-7381-3680-6 6316 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1999 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 2001-1999 Superseded "2001-2002 - IEEE Recommended Practice for the Internet - Web Site Engineering, Web Site Management and Web Site Life Cycle" 978-0-7381-3372-0 8449 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2003 2003-03-20 P Standard Computing and Processing 2001-2002 Active "2003.1-1992 - IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Test Methods for Measuring Conformance to POSIX-Part 1: System Interfaces" 1-55937-275-3 0-7381-0654-2 4360 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1992 1988-01-01 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 2003.1-1992 Inactive Withdrawn "2048.101-2023 - IEEE Standard for Augmented Reality on Mobile Devices--General Requirements for Software Framework, Components, and Integration" 979-8-8557-0439-6 10424718 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-02-07 P Standard Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers 2048.101-2023 Active Approved "2143.1-2020 - IEEE Standard for General Process of Cryptocurrency Payment" 978-1-5044-6746-9 9115944 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-06-12 P Standard Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers 2143.1-2020 Active Approved "21839-2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Systems and software Engineering - Systems of systems (SoS) considerations in life cycle stages of a system" 978-1-5044-5606-7 8664700 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-03-11 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 21839-2019 Inactive Draft "21839-2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard -- Systems and software engineering -- System of systems (SoS) considerations in life cycle stages of a system" 978-1-5044-5963-1 8767114 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-07-19 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 21839-2019 Active Approved "21840-2019 - IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Guidelines for the utilization of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 in the context of system of systems (S0S)" 978-1-5044-6251-8 8776672 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-07-25 P Standard Computing and Processing 21840-2019 Inactive Draft "21840-2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Guidelines for the utilization of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 in the context of system of systems (S0S)" 978-1-5044-6257-0 8929108 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-12-09 P Standard Computing and Processing 21840-2019 Active Approved "21841-2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Taxonomy of systems of systems" 978-1-5044-5965-5 8766996 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-07-19 P Standard Computing and Processing 21841-2019 Active Approved "2301-2020 - IEEE Guide for Cloud Portability and Interoperability Profiles (CPIP)" 978-1-5044-6464-2 9169936 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-08-17 P Standard Computing and Processing 2301-2020 Active Approved "23026-2006 - ISO/IEC 23026:2006, Software Engineering---Recommended Practice for the Internet---Web Site Engineering, Web Site Management, and Web Site Life Cycle" 978-0-7381-4972-1 11021 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2006 2006-07-24 P Standard Computing and Processing 23026-2006 Superseded "23026-2015 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering - Engineering and management of websites for systems, software, and services information" 978-0-7381-9569-8 7106436 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-05-13 P Standard Computing and Processing 23026-2015 Superseded "23026-2023 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Engineering and Management of Websites for Systems, Software, and Services Information" 978-1-5044-9842-5 10186261 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-07-18 P Standard Computing and Processing 23026-2023 Active Approved "2418.2-2020 - IEEE Standard for Data Format for Blockchain Systems" 978-1-5044-6570-0 9303501 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-12-22 P Standard Computing and Processing 2418.2-2020 Active Approved "2430-2019 - IEEE Trial-Use Standard for Software Non-Functional Sizing Measurements" 978-1-5044-5987-7 8870261 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-10-15 P Standard Computing and Processing 2430-2019 Inactive Reserved "24641-2023 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and Software engineering--Methods and tools for model-based systems and software engineering" 978-1-5044-9663-6 10123374 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-05-11 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing 24641-2023 Active Approved "24748-1-2011 - IEEE Guide--Adoption of ISO/IEC TR 24748-1:2010 Systems and Software Engineering--Life Cycle Management--Part 1: Guide for Life Cycle Management" 978-0-7381-6603-2 5871655 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-06-07 P Standard Computing and Processing 24748-1-2011 Superseded "24748-1-2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management - Part 1:Guidelines for life cycle management" 978-1-5044-5208-3 8526558 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-11-07 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 24748-1-2018 Superseded "24748-1-2024 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management - Part 1: Guidelines for life cycle management" 979-8-8557-0341-2 10328528 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2023-11-23 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing 24748-1-2024 Inactive Draft "24748-1-2024 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Life cycle management--Part 1: Guidelines for life cycle management" 979-8-8557-0558-4 10476383 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-03-19 P Standard Computing and Processing 24748-1-2024 Active Approved "24748-2-2012 - IEEE Guide--Adoption of ISO/IEC TR 24748-2:2011 Systems and Software Engineering-- Life Cycle Management-- Part 2: Guide to the Application of ISO/IEC 15288 (System Life Cycle Processes)" 978-0-7381-7235-4 6187663 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2012 2012-04-19 P Standard Computing and Processing 24748-2-2012 Superseded "24748-2-2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering-- Life Cycle Management-- Part 2: Guidelines for the Application of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 (System Life Cycle Processes)" 978-1-5044-5377-6 8764710 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2019-07-16 P Standard Computing and Processing 24748-2-2018 Active Approved "24748-2-2024 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Life cycle management--Part 2: Guidelines for the application of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 (System life cycle processes)" 979-8-8557-0560-7 10476371 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-03-19 P Standard Computing and Processing 24748-2-2024 Active Approved "24748-3-2012 - IEEE Guide--Adoption of ISO/IEC TR 24748-3:2011,Systems and Software Engineering--Life Cycle Management-- Part 3: Guide to the Application of ISO/IEC 12207 (Software Life Cycle Processes)" 978-0-7381-7236-1 6189319 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2012 2012-04-24 P Standard Computing and Processing 24748-3-2012 Superseded "24748-3-2020 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Life cycle management--Part 3: Guidelines for the application of ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207 (software life cycle processes)" 978-1-5044-7172-5 9238524 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-10-23 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 24748-3-2020 Active Approved "24748-4-2016 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard for Systems and Software Engineering -- Life Cycle Management -- Part 4: Systems Engineering Planning" 978-1-5044-0817-2 7470725 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2016 2016-05-18 P Standard Computing and Processing 24748-4-2016 Active Approved "24748-5-2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering--Life Cycle Management--Part 5: Software Development Planning" 978-1-5044-3653-3 7955093 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-06-22 P Standard Computing and Processing 24748-5-2017 Active Approved "24748-6-2023 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Life Cycle Management -- Part 6: Systems and Software Integration" 978-1-5044-9840-1 10194522 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-07-25 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing 24748-6-2023 Active Approved "24748-7000-2022 - IEEE/ISO/IEC International Standard--Systems and software engineering--Life cycle management--Part 7000: Standard model process for addressing ethical concerns during system design" 978-1-5044-9220-1 9967785 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-11-30 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 24748-7000-2022 Active Approved "24748-9-2023 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Life cycle management -- Part 9: Application of system and software life cycle processes in epidemic prevention and control systems" 978-1-5044-9729-9 10137416 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-05-26 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Robotics and Control Systems 24748-9-2023 Active Approved "24765-2010 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Vocabulary" 978-0-7381-6205-8 5733833 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2011-03-17 P Standard Computing and Processing 24765-2010 Superseded "24765-2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Vocabulary" 978-1-5044-4118-6 8016710 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-08-25 P Standard Computing and Processing 24765-2017 Active Approved "24774-2012 - IEEE Guide--Adoption of ISO/IEC TR 24474:2010 Systems and Software Engineering-- Life Cycle Management--Guidelines for Process Description" 978-0-7381-7242-2 6190702 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2012 2012-04-26 P Standard Computing and Processing 24774-2012 Superseded "24774-2021 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard -Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management--Specification for process description" 978-1-5044-7495-5 9442424 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-05-26 P Standard Computing and Processing 24774-2021 Active Approved "26511-2012 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Requirements for managers of user documentation" 978-0-7381-7150-0 6170924 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2012 2012-03-16 P Standard Computing and Processing 26511-2012 Superseded "26511-2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering - Requirements for managers of information for users of systems, software, and services" 978-1-5044-5299-1 8584456 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-12-20 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 26511-2018 Active Approved "26512-2011 - IEEE/ISO/IEC Systems and software engineering -- Requirements for acquirers and suppliers of user documentation" 978-0-7381-6583-7 5871661 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-06-07 P Standard Computing and Processing 26512-2011 Superseded "26512-2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering - Requirements for acquirers and suppliers of information for users" 978-1-5044-4255-8 8288805 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2018-02-09 P Standard Computing and Processing 26512-2017 Active Approved "26513 - IEEE Draft Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 26513:2009 Systems and Software Engineering Requirements for Testers and Reviewers of User Documentation" 978-0-7381-6402-1 5562708 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2010-09-02 P Standard Computing and Processing 26513 Inactive Draft "26513-2010 - IEEE Standard for Adoption of ISO/IEC 26513:2009 Systems and Software Engineering--Requirements for Testers and Reviewers of Documentation" 978-0-7381-6875-3 5712770 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-02-14 P Standard Computing and Processing 26513-2010 Superseded "26513-2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Requirements for testers and reviewers of information for users" 978-1-5044-3952-7 8085433 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-10-26 P Standard Computing and Processing 26513-2017 Active Approved "26513-2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Requirements for testers and reviewers of information for users - Redline" 978-1-5044-4967-0 8372829 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2018-06-05 P Standard Computing and Processing 26513-2017 Active Redline "26514 - IEEE Draft Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 26514:2008 – Systems and Software Engineering – Requirements for Designers and Developers of User Documentation" 978-0-7381-6342-0 5553441 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2010-08-23 P Standard Computing and Processing 26514 Inactive Draft "26514-2010 - IEEE Standard for Adoption of ISO/IEC 26514:2008 Systems and Software Engineering--Requirements for Designers and Developers of User Documentation" 978-0-7381-6505-9 5712773 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-02-14 P Standard Computing and Processing 26514-2010 Inactive Reserved "26514-2021 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering--Design and development of information for users" 978-1-5044-7901-1 9519583 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-08-19 P Standard Computing and Processing 26514-2021 Inactive Draft "26514-2021 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Design and development of information for users" 978-1-5044-8249-3 9690113 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-01-21 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing 26514-2021 Active Approved "26515-2012 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Developing user documentation in an agile environment" 978-0-7381-7151-7 6170921 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2012 2012-03-16 P Standard Computing and Processing 26515-2012 Superseded "26515-2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering — Developing information for users in an agile environment" 978-1-5044-5297-7 8584453 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-12-20 P Standard Computing and Processing 26515-2018 Active Approved "26531-2015 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard for Systems and software engineering -- Content management for product life-cycle, user, and service management documentation" 978-0-7381-9663-3 7106439 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-05-13 P Standard Computing and Processing 26531-2015 Superseded "26531-2023 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Content management for product life cycle, user and service management information for users" 978-1-5044-9523-3 10085730 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-03-28 P Standard Computing and Processing 26531-2023 Active Approved "26531-2023 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Content management for product life cycle, user and service management information for users - Redline" 978-1-5044-9909-5 10184921 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-07-17 P Standard Computing and Processing 26531-2023 Active Redline "2660.1-2020 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Industrial Agents: Integration of Software Agents and Low-Level Automation Functions" 978-1-5044-7104-6 9340087 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-01-28 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Robotics and Control Systems 2660.1-2020 Active Approved "26702-2007 - ISO/IEC Standard for Systems Engineering - Application and Management of the Systems Engineering Process" 978-0-7381-5658-3 4278474 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2007 2007-07-23 P Standard Computing and Processing 26702-2007 Superseded "2755.2-2020 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Implementation and Management Methodology for Software-Based Intelligent Process Automation" 978-1-5044-7271-5 9404957 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-04-14 P Standard Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers 2755.2-2020 Active Approved "2804-2019 - IEEE Standard for Electrical Safety Practices in Electrolytic Cell Line Working Zones" 978-1-5044-6359-1 8880583 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-10-23 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing 2804-2019 Active Approved "2804-2019 - IEEE Standard for Software-Hardware Interface for Multi-Many-Core" 978-1-5044-6359-1 8985661 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-02-07 P Standard Computing and Processing 2804-2019 Active Approved "2807-2022 - IEEE Standard for Framework of Knowledge Graphs" 978-1-5044-9158-7 10017145 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-01-13 P Standard Computing and Processing 2807-2022 Active Approved "2807.3-2022 - IEEE Guide for Electric-Power-Oriented Knowledge Graph" 978-1-5044-9160-0 10012533 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2023-01-09 P Standard Computing and Processing 2807.3-2022 Active Approved "2859-2023 - IEEE Standard for Biometric Multi-modal Fusion" 978-1-5044-9937-8 10201403 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-08-01 P Standard Bioengineering; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Robotics and Control Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis 2859-2023 Active Approved "2866.1-2023 - IEEE Standard for Device Trusted Extension: Software Architecture" 978-1-5044-9926-2 10226564 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-08-22 P Standard Computing and Processing 2866.1-2023 Active Approved "29119-1-2013 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Software and systems engineering --Software testing --Part 1:Concepts and definitions" 978-0-7381-8597-2 6588535 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-09-03 P Standard Computing and Processing 29119-1-2013 Superseded "29119-1-2021 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Software and systems engineering --Software testing --Part 1:General concepts" 978-1-5044-8251-6 9698143 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-01-31 P Standard Computing and Processing 29119-1-2021 Active Approved "29119-2-2013 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Software and systems engineering —Software testing —Part 2:Test processes" 978-0-7381-8599-6 6588541 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-09-03 P Standard Computing and Processing 29119-2-2013 Superseded "29119-2-2021 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Software and systems engineering - Software testing -- Part 2: Test processes" 978-1-5044-7978-3 9591506 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-10-27 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 29119-2-2021 Active Approved "29119-2-2021 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Software and systems engineering - Software testing -- Part 2: Test processes - Redline" 978-1-5044-8380-3 9687452 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2022-01-20 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing 29119-2-2021 Active Redline "29119-3-2013 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Software and systems engineering — Software testing —Part 3: Test documentation" 978-0-7381-8601-6 6588538 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-09-03 P Standard Computing and Processing 29119-3-2013 Superseded "29119-3-2021 - IEEE/ISO/IEC Approved Draft International Standard - Software and systems engineering -- Software testing -- Part 3: Test documentation" 978-1-5044-7832-8 9495331 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-07-27 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 29119-3-2021 Inactive Draft "29119-3-2021 - IEEE/ISO/IEC International Standard for Software and systems engineering--Software testing--Part 3:Test documentation" 978-1-5044-7980-6 9591575 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-10-27 P Standard Computing and Processing 29119-3-2021 Active Approved "29119-3-2021 - IEEE/ISO/IEC International Standard for Software and systems engineering--Software testing--Part 3:Test documentation - Redline" 978-1-5044-8368-1 9687475 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2022-01-20 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing 29119-3-2021 Active Redline "29119-4-2015 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Software and systems engineering--Software testing--Part 4: Test techniques" 978-0-7381-9840-8 7346373 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-12-03 P Standard Computing and Processing 29119-4-2015 Superseded "29119-4-2021 - IEEE/ISO/IEC International Standard - Software and systems engineering--Software testing--Part 4: Test techniques" 978-1-5044-7982-0 9591512 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-10-27 P Standard Computing and Processing 29119-4-2021 Active Approved "29119-4-2021 - IEEE/ISO/IEC International Standard - Software and systems engineering--Software testing--Part 4: Test techniques - Redline" 978-1-5044-8332-2 9663116 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-12-24 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 29119-4-2021 Active Redline "29119-5-2016 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Software and systems engineering -- Software testing -- Part 5: Keyword-Driven Testing" 978-1-5044-0874-5 7750537 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2016 2016-11-21 P Standard Computing and Processing 29119-5-2016 Active Approved "29148-2011 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Life cycle processes --Requirements engineering" 978-0-7381-6591-2 6146377 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2012-02-06 P Standard Computing and Processing 29148-2011 Superseded "29148-2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Life cycle processes -- Requirements engineering" 978-1-5044-5302-8 8559684 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-12-05 P Standard Computing and Processing 29148-2018 Active Approved "29148-2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Life cycle processes -- Requirements engineering - Redline" 978-1-5044-7963-9 9541317 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2021-09-20 P Standard Computing and Processing 29148-2018 Active Redline "2999-2023 - IEEE Guide for Technical Requirements and Test Methods for Industrial Ultrashort Pulse Lasers" 978-1-5044-9884-5 10267853 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-09-28 P Standard Photonics and Electrooptics; Power, Energy and Industry Applications 2999-2023 Active Approved "3079-2020 - IEEE Standard for Head-Mounted Display (HMD)-Based Virtual Reality(VR) Sickness Reduction Technology" 978-1-5044-7102-2 9416948 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-04-27 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Bioengineering; Computing and Processing 3079-2020 Active Approved "31320-1-2012 - Information technology -- Modeling Languages--Part 1: Syntax and Semantics for IDEF0" 978-0-7381-8001-4 6363474 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2012 2012-11-29 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies 31320-1-2012 Active Approved "31320-2-2012 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Information technology -- Modeling Languages -- Part 2: Syntax and Semantics for IDEF1X97 (IDEFobject)" 978-0-7381-8003-8 6357336 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2012 2012-11-20 P Standard Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies 31320-2-2012 Active Approved "32430-2021 - IEEE/ISO/IEC International Standard--Software engineering--Trial use standard for software non-functional sizing measurements" 978-1-5044-8040-6 9604024 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-11-04 P Standard Computing and Processing 32430-2021 Active Approved "3307-2024 - IEEE Standard Adoption of Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) Technical Specification Connected Autonomous Vehicle-Architecture (MPAI-CAV) V1" 979-8-8557-0890-5 10596000 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-07-11 P Standard Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Transportation 3307-2024 Active Approved "3333.1.1-2015 - IEEE Standard for Quality of Experience (QoE) and Visual-Comfort Assessments of Three-Dimensional (3D) Contents Based on Psychophysical Studies" 978-0-7381-9773-9 7154375 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-07-10 P Standard Computing and Processing 3333.1.1-2015 Superseded "41062-2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Software engineering - Recommended practice for software acquisition" 978-1-5044-5529-9 8645775 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-02-20 P Standard Computing and Processing 41062-2019 Active Approved "42010-2007 - ISO/IEC Standard for Systems and Software Engineering - Recommended Practice for Architectural Description of Software-Intensive Systems" 978-0-7381-5660-6 4278470 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2007 2007-07-23 P Standard Computing and Processing 42010-2007 Superseded "42010-2011 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Systems and software engineering -- Architecture description" 978-0-7381-7142-5 6129465 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2012-01-12 P Standard Computing and Processing 42010-2011 Inactive Reserved "42010-2022 - IEEE/ISO/IEC International Standard for Software, systems and enterprise--Architecture description" 978-1-5044-9155-6 9938424 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-11-03 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing 42010-2022 Active Approved "42020-2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Software, systems and enterprise -- Architecture processes" 978-1-5044-5902-0 8767002 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-07-19 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 42020-2019 Active Approved "42030-2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Software, systems and enterprise -- Architecture evaluation framework" 978-1-5044-5904-4 8766999 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-07-19 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 42030-2019 Active Approved "610-1990 - IEEE Standard Computer Dictionary: A Compilation of IEEE Standard Computer Glossaries" 978-0-7381-4768-0 2267 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1991 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 610-1990 Inactive Withdrawn "610.10-1994 - IEEE Standard Glossary of Computer Hardware Terminology" 1-55937-492-6 0-7381-4567-X 3438 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1995 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 610.10-1994 Inactive Withdrawn "610.12-1990 - IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology" 978-0-7381-0391-4 2238 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1990 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 610.12-1990 Superseded "610.13-1993 - IEEE Standard Glossary of Computer Languages" 0-7381-4574-2 2800 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1993 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 610.13-1993 Inactive Withdrawn "610.2-1987 - IEEE Standard Glossary of Computer Applications Terminology" 0-7381-4561-0 2529 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1987 2002-12-10 P Standard Computing and Processing 610.2-1987 Inactive Withdrawn "610.3-1989 - IEEE Standard Glossary of Modeling and Simulation Terminology" 978-1-55937-638-9 2340 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1989 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 610.3-1989 Inactive Withdrawn "610.4-1990 - IEEE Standard Glossary of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Terminology" 0-7381-4559-9 2339 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1990 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 610.4-1990 Inactive Withdrawn "610.5-1990 - IEEE Standard Glossary of Data Management Terminology" 0-7381-4577-7 2338 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1990 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 610.5-1990 Inactive Withdrawn "610.6-1991 - IEEE Standard Glossary of Computer Graphics Terminology" 0-7381-4572-6 2920 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1992 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 610.6-1991 Inactive Withdrawn "610.7-1995 - IEEE Standard Glossary of Computer Networking Terminology" 0-7381-4575-0 3284 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1995 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 610.7-1995 Inactive Withdrawn "61636-1-2021 - International Standard-Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Test Results and Session Information via the eXtensible Markup Language (XML)" 978-1-5044-7674-4 9451896 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-06-10 P Standard Computing and Processing 61636-1-2021 Active Approved "61636-2021 - International Standard-Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA)" 978-1-5044-7671-3 9451887 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-06-10 P Standard Computing and Processing 61636-2021 Active Approved "62528-2007 - IEC 62528 Ed. 1 (IEEE Std 1500(TM)-2005): Standard Testability Method for Embedded Core-based Integrated Circuits" 978-0-7381-5724-5 4410236 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2007 2007-12-19 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 62528-2007 Superseded "62530-2007 - IEC 62530 Ed. 1 (IEEE Std 1800(TM)-2005): Standard for SystemVerilog - Unified Hardware Design, Specification, and Verification Language" 9-7807-3815-7269 4410438 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2007 2007-12-19 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 62530-2007 Superseded "7000-2021 - IEEE Standard Model Process for Addressing Ethical Concerns during System Design" 978-1-5044-7687-4 9536677 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-09-13 P Standard Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers 7000-2021 Active Approved "7002-2022 - IEEE Standard for Data Privacy Process" 978-1-5044-8452-7 9760245 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-04-19 P Standard Computing and Processing 7002-2022 Active Approved "7005-2021 - IEEE Standard for Transparent Employer Data Governance" 978-1-5044-8011-6 9618903 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-11-17 P Standard Computing and Processing 7005-2021 Active Approved "729-1983 - IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology" 978-1-5044-0425-9 7435205 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1983 2016-03-17 P Standard Computing and Processing 729-1983 Superseded "730-1980 - IEEE Trial Use Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans" 978-1-5044-0426-6 7435193 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1980 2016-03-17 P Standard Computing and Processing 730-1980 Superseded "730-1981 - IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans" 978-1-5044-0427-3 7435202 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1981 2016-03-17 P Standard Computing and Processing 730-1981 Superseded "730-1984 - IEEE Standard Software Quality Assurance Plans" 978-1-5044-0428-0 7435196 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1984 2016-03-17 P Standard Computing and Processing 730-1984 Superseded "730-1989 - IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans" 978-0-7381-0392-1 4519 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1989 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 730-1989 Superseded "730-1998 - Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans" 978-0-7381-3527-4 5838 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1998 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 730-1998 Superseded "730-2002 - IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans" 978-0-7381-3286-0 8063 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2002 2002-12-10 P Standard Computing and Processing 730-2002 Superseded "730-2014 - IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Processes" 978-0-7381-9168-3 6835309 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2014 2014-06-16 P Standard Computing and Processing 730-2014 Active Approved "730-2014 - IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Processes - Redline" 978-0-7381-9310-6 6894539 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2014 2014-09-09 P Standard Computing and Processing 730-2014 Active Redline "730.1-1989 - IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans" 978-0-7381-4401-6 2857 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1986 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 730.1-1989 Superseded "730.1-1995 - IEEE Guide for Software Quality Assurance Planning" 978-1-55937-593-1 3687 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1996 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 730.1-1995 Inactive Withdrawn "770X3.160-1989 - IEEE/ANSI Standard for the Programming Language Extended Pascal" 978-0-7381-4247-0 2242 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1990 1988-01-01 P Standard Nuclear Engineering 770X3.160-1989 Inactive Withdrawn "770X3.97-1983 - IEEE Standard Pascal Computer Programming Language" 978-0-7381-4248-7 2619 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1983 2002-12-10 P Standard Nuclear Engineering 770X3.97-1983 Inactive Withdrawn "82079-1-2019 - IEEE/IEC International Standard for Preparation of information for use (instructions for use) of products - Part 1: Principles and general requirements" 978-1-5044-5683-8 8715836 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-05-15 P Standard Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers 82079-1-2019 Active Approved "828-1983 - IEEE Standard for Software Configuration Management Plans" 978-1-5044-0451-8 7439687 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1983 2016-03-23 P Standard Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers 828-1983 Superseded "828-1990 - IEEE Standard for Software Configuration Management Plans" 978-0-7381-0394-5 2239 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1990 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 828-1990 Superseded "828-1998 - IEEE Standard for Software Configuration Management Plans" 978-0-7381-0447-8 5835 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1998 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 828-1998 Superseded "828-2005 - IEEE Standard for Software Configuration Management Plans" 978-0-7381-4765-9 10048 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2005 2005-09-06 P Standard Computing and Processing 828-2005 Superseded "828-2005 - IEEE Standard for Software Configuration Management Plans - Redline" 978-0-7381-7079-4 6044673 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2005 2011-10-12 P Standard Computing and Processing 828-2005 Superseded Redline "828-2012 - IEEE Standard for Configuration Management in Systems and Software Engineering" 978-0-7381-7232-3 6170933 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2012 2012-03-16 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies 828-2012 Inactive Reserved "828-2012 - IEEE Standard for Configuration Management in Systems and Software Engineering - Redline" 978-0-7381-7134-0 6197681 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2012 2012-05-09 P Standard Computing and Processing 828-2012 Inactive Redline "829-1983 - IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation" 978-0-7381-0395-2 4305 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1983 2002-12-10 P Standard Computing and Processing 829-1983 Superseded "829-1998 - IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation" 978-0-7381-1444-6 5976 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1998 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 829-1998 Superseded "829-2008 - IEEE Standard for Software and System Test Documentation" 978-0-7381-5746-7 4578271 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-07-25 P Standard Computing and Processing 829-2008 Superseded "829-2008 - IEEE Standard for Software and System Test Documentation - Redline" 978-0-7381-6985-9 5983351 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2011-08-11 P Standard Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 829-2008 Superseded Redline "830-1984 - IEEE Guide for Software Requirements Specifications" 978-0-7381-4418-4 2228 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1984 2002-12-10 P Standard Computing and Processing 830-1984 Superseded "830-1993 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications" 978-0-7381-4723-9 3114 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1994 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 830-1993 Superseded "830-1998 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications" 978-0-7381-0448-5 5841 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1998 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 830-1998 Superseded "90003-2008 - IEEE Guide--Adoption of ISO/IEC 90003:2004 Software Engineering--Guidelines for the Application of ISO 9001:2000 to Computer Software" 978-0-7381-5828-0 4690897 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-12-02 P Standard Computing and Processing 90003-2008 Superseded "90003-2015 - IEEE Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 90003:2014, Software Engineering -- Guidelines for the Application of ISO 9001:2008 to Computer Software" 978-0-7381-9850-7 7274037 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-09-22 P Standard Computing and Processing 90003-2015 Superseded "90003-2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Software engineering -- Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2015 to computer software" 978-1-5044-5306-6 8559959 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-12-05 P Standard Computing and Processing 90003-2018 Active Approved "982.1-1988 - IEEE Standard Dictionary of Measures to Produce Reliable Software" 978-0-7381-0397-6 2752 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1989 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 982.1-1988 Superseded "982.1-2005 - IEEE Standard Dictionary of Measures of the Software Aspects of Dependability" 978-0-7381-4847-2 10888 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2006 2006-06-05 P Standard Computing and Processing 982.1-2005 Inactive Reserved "982.2-1988 - IEEE Guide for the Use of IEEE Standard Dictionary of Measures to Produce Reliable Software" 978-0-7381-0398-3 2596 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1989 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing 982.2-1988 Inactive Withdrawn "983-1986 - IEEE Guide for Software Quality Assurance Planning" 0-7381-4269-7 4611 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1986 2002-12-10 P Standard Computing and Processing 983-1986 Inactive Withdrawn "990-1987 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Ada As a Program Design Language" 978-0-7381-4726-0 2605 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1987 2002-12-10 P Standard Computing and Processing 990-1987 Inactive Withdrawn "993-1990 - IEEE Trial-Use Standard for Test Equipment Description Language (TEDL)" 1-55937-029-7 0-7381-4585-8 4530 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1990 1988-01-01 P Standard Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 993-1990 Inactive Withdrawn "993-1997 - IEEE Standard for Test Equipment Description Language (TEDL)" 1-55937-915-4 0-7381-3754-5 4507 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1997 1988-01-01 P Standard Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems 993-1997 Inactive Withdrawn "ISO/IEC DIS P26511.2, May 2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Requirements for Managers of Information for Users of Systems, Software, and Services" 978-1-5044-4106-3 7964808 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-06-30 P Standard Computing and Processing ISO/IEC DIS P26511.2, May 2017 Inactive Draft "ISO/IEC/IEEE P12207-DIS-1610 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Software life cycle processes" 978-1-5044-2440-0 7676233 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2016 2016-10-25 P Standard Computing and Processing ISO/IEC/IEEE P12207-DIS-1610 Inactive Draft "J-STD-016-1995 - Standard for Information Technology--Software Life Cycle Processes--Software Development--Acquirer-Supplier Agreement (Issued for Trial Use)" 978-0-7381-0427-0 7009 fulltext IEEE Monograph 1996 1988-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing J-STD-016-1995 Inactive Withdrawn "P1012 Corrigendum/D1, January 2017 - IEEE Draft Standard for System, Software and Hardware Verification and Validation - Corrigendum 1" 978-1-5044-3773-8 7835637 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-01-27 P Standard Computing and Processing P1012 Corrigendum/D1, January 2017 Inactive Draft "P1012/D1.2, Oct 2011 - IEEE Draft Standard for System and Software Verification and Validation" 978-0-7381-7403-7 6042246 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-10-10 P Standard Computing and Processing P1012/D1.2, Oct 2011 Inactive Draft "P1012/D12 - Approved IEEE Draft Standard for Software Verification and Validation (Superseded by IEEE 1012-2004)" 978-1-5044-2806-4 4040006 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2004 2007-02-09 P Standard Computing and Processing P1012/D12 Inactive Draft "P1012/D17, Aug 2015 - IEEE Approved Draft Standard for System, Software and Hardware Verification and Validation" 978-0-7381-9934-4 7240182 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-09-03 P Standard Computing and Processing P1012/D17, Aug 2015 Inactive Draft "P1012/D18, Jan 2016 - IEEE Approved Draft Standard for System, Software and Hardware Verification and Validation" 978-1-5044-0669-7 7383208 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2016 2016-01-14 P Standard Computing and Processing P1012/D18, Jan 2016 Inactive Draft "P1012/D2, March 2017 - IEEE Draft Standard for System, Software and Hardware Verification and Validation - Corrigendum 1" 978-1-5044-3932-9 7884919 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-03-22 P Standard Computing and Processing P1012/D2, March 2017 Inactive Draft "P1012/D20, May 2024 - IEEE Draft Standard for System, Software, and Hardware Verification and Validation" 979-8-8557-0842-4 10539077 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-05-24 P Standard Computing and Processing P1012/D20, May 2024 Inactive Draft "P1012/D21, Aug 2024 - IEEE Draft Standard for System, Software, and Hardware Verification and Validation" 979-8-8557-1176-9 10669283 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-09-06 P Standard Computing and Processing P1012/D21, Aug 2024 Active Draft "P1016/D7, Oct 2008 - IEEE Draft Standard for Information Technology--Systems Design--Software Design Descriptions" 978-1-5044-2808-8 4664993 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-10-30 P Standard Computing and Processing P1016/D7, Oct 2008 Inactive Draft "P1016/D8, Nov 2008 - IEEE Draft Standard for Information Technology--Systems Design--Software Design Descriptions" 978-1-5044-2809-5 4711506 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-12-11 P Standard Computing and Processing P1016/D8, Nov 2008 Inactive Draft "P1016/D9, Dec 2008 - IEEE Draft Standard for Information Technology--Systems Design--Software Design Descriptions" 978-1-5044-2810-1 4749821 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2009-01-12 P Standard Computing and Processing P1016/D9, Dec 2008 Inactive Draft "P1028/D10, Apr 2008 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software Reviews and Audits" 978-1-5044-2812-5 4519431 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-05-09 P Standard Computing and Processing P1028/D10, Apr 2008 Inactive Draft "P1028/D5.1, Sep, 07 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software Reviews and Audits" 978-1-5044-2813-2 4343663 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2007 2007-10-04 P Standard Computing and Processing P1028/D5.1, Sep, 07 Inactive Draft "P1028/D9, Apr 2008 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software Reviews and Audits" 978-1-5044-2814-9 4497175 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-04-22 P Standard Computing and Processing P1028/D9, Apr 2008 Inactive Draft "P1028_Draft7.0, Feb 2008 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software Reviews and Audits (Revison of IEEE 1028-1997)" 978-1-5044-2815-6 4468775 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-03-04 P Standard Computing and Processing P1028_Draft7.0, Feb 2008 Inactive Draft "P1044/D00003, Feb 2009 - Draft Standard for IEEE Standard Classification for Software Anomalies" 978-1-5044-2818-7 4799091 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2009-03-06 P Standard Computing and Processing P1044/D00003, Feb 2009 Inactive Draft "P1044/D00005, Aug-2009 - Standard Classification for Software Anomalies" 978-1-5044-2819-4 5234339 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2009-09-09 P Standard Computing and Processing P1044/D00005, Aug-2009 Inactive Draft "P1062/D.19, March 2015 - IEEE Draft Recommended Practice for Software Acquisition" 978-0-7381-9599-5 7058317 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-03-11 P Standard Computing and Processing P1062/D.19, March 2015 Active Draft "P1062/D.30, Sep 2015 - IEEE Approved Draft Recommended Practice for Software Acquisition" 978-1-5044-0024-4 7293042 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-10-19 P Standard Computing and Processing P1062/D.30, Sep 2015 Inactive Draft "P1062/D29, Sep 2015 - IEEE Draft Recommended Practice for Software Acquisition" 978-0-7381-9961-0 7272716 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-09-21 P Standard Computing and Processing P1062/D29, Sep 2015 Active Draft "P1074/D5 - Unapproved IEEE Draft Standard for Developing Software Life Cycle Processes (Revision of IEEE 1074-1997) Superseded by Approved IEEE Draft" 978-1-5044-2829-3 4040090 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2006 2007-02-09 P Standard Computing and Processing P1074/D5 Inactive Draft "P1074/D5.5 - Approved IEEE Draft Standard for Developing Software Life Cycle Processes (Revision of IEEE 1074-1997) Superseded by 1074-2006" 978-1-5044-2830-9 4040087 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2006 2007-02-09 P Standard Computing and Processing P1074/D5.5 Inactive Draft "P1175.2/D11.2 - Unapproved IEEE Recommended Practice for CASE Tool Interconnection - Characterization of Interconnections (Superseded by P1175.2_D12.2)" 978-1-5044-2893-4 4040126 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2006 2007-02-09 P Standard Computing and Processing P1175.2/D11.2 Inactive Draft "P1175.2/D12.2, Jul 2006 - IEEE Draft Recommended Practice for Case Tool Interconnection-Characterization of Interconnections" 978-1-5044-2894-1 4067152 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2006 2015-04-03 P Standard Computing and Processing P1175.2/D12.2, Jul 2006 Inactive Draft "P1175.2/D8.0 - Unapproved IEEE Recommended Practice for CASE Tool Interconnection - Characterization of Interconnections (Superseded by P1175.2_D11.2)" 978-1-5044-2895-8 4040123 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2006 2007-02-09 P Standard Computing and Processing P1175.2/D8.0 Inactive Draft "P1175.4/D1, Jul 2008 - IEEE Draft Standard 1 for Case Tool Interconnections-Reference Model for Specifying System Behavior" 978-1-5044-2896-5 4588261 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-08-01 P Standard Computing and Processing P1175.4/D1, Jul 2008 Inactive Draft "P1175.4/D2, Oct 2008 - IEEE Draft Standard for CASE Tool Interconnections--Reference Model for Specifying System Behavior" 978-1-5044-2897-2 4665014 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-10-30 P Standard Computing and Processing P1175.4/D2, Oct 2008 Inactive Draft "P1220/D2 - Approved IEEE Draft Standard for the Application and Management of the Systems Engineering Process (Superseded by IEEE 1212-2005)" 978-1-5044-2905-4 4040162 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2004 2007-02-09 P Standard Computing and Processing P1220/D2 Inactive Draft "P12207-2/D3_FDIS, Jul 2020 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Software Life Cycle Processes -- Part 2: Relation and Mapping Between ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207-1:2017 and ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2008" 978-1-5044-7024-7 9147114 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-07-24 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P12207-2/D3_FDIS, Jul 2020 Inactive Draft "P12207-2: 201x(E), Feb 2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Software Life Cycle Processes -- Part 2: Relation and Mapping Between ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207-1:2017 and ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2008" 978-1-5044-5713-2 8686424 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-04-11 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P12207-2: 201x(E), Feb 2019 Inactive Draft "P12207-CD2-1410, Oct 2014 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Software life cycle processes" 978-0-7381-9376-2 6936833 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2014 2014-10-27 P Standard Computing and Processing P12207-CD2-1410, Oct 2014 Inactive Draft "P12207-CD3-1502 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Software life cycle processes" 978-0-7381-9591-9 7053896 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-03-03 P Standard Computing and Processing P12207-CD3-1502 Inactive Draft "P12207-CD4-1602 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Software life cycle processes" 978-1-5044-0805-9 7429673 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2016 2016-03-09 P Standard Computing and Processing P12207-CD4-1602 Inactive Draft "P12207-FDIS-1707, Jun 2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Software life cycle processes" 978-1-5044-4171-1 7973006 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-07-11 P Standard Computing and Processing P12207-FDIS-1707, Jun 2017 Inactive Draft "P12207.0_D2, Jul 2007 - IEEE Draft Systems and Software Engineering - Software Life Cycle Processes (Revision of ISO/IEC 12207.0:1996)" 978-1-5044-2469-1 4293224 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2007 2007-08-17 P Standard Computing and Processing P12207.0_D2, Jul 2007 Inactive Draft "P12207/FDIS, Nov 2007 - IEEE Draft International IEEE Standard Systems and software engineering-Software life cycle processes (Revision of ISO/IEC 12207 : 1995)" 978-1-5044-2470-7 4392514 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2007 2007-11-27 P Standard Computing and Processing P12207/FDIS, Nov 2007 Inactive Draft "P12207_CD1 - Unapproved ISO/IEC Systems and Software Engineering -- Software Life Cycle Processes" 4040499 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2006 2007-02-09 P Standard Computing and Processing P12207_CD1 Inactive Draft "P14102_D1, Feb 2010 - IEEE Draft Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 14102:2008 Information Technology - Guideline for the Evaluation and Selection of CASE Tools" 978-1-5044-2935-1 5422016 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2010-02-25 P Standard Computing and Processing P14102_D1, Feb 2010 Inactive Draft "P14471/D1, Feb 2010 - IEEE Draft Guide Adoption of ISO/IEC TR14471 Information technology - Software engineering - Guidelines for the adoption of CASE tools" 978-1-5044-2943-6 5422007 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2010-02-25 P Standard Computing and Processing P14471/D1, Feb 2010 Inactive Draft "P14764 - Unapproved Draft IEEE Standard for Software engineering Software life cycle processes maintenance (Superseded by approved draft)" 978-1-5044-2524-7 4040502 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2004 2007-02-09 P Standard Computing and Processing P14764 Inactive Draft "P14764, Nov 2004 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software Engineering - Software Life Cycle Processes - Maintenance" 978-1-5044-2524-7 4152484 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2004 2007-04-10 P Standard Computing and Processing P14764, Nov 2004 Inactive Draft "P14764/CD2, Jun 2020 - ISO/IEC/IEEEDraft International Standard - Software Engineering - Software Life Cycle Processes - Maintenance" 978-1-5044-6848-0 9138811 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-07-10 P Standard Computing and Processing P14764/CD2, Jun 2020 Inactive Draft "P14764/DIS, Jan 2021 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Software Engineering - Software Life Cycle Processes - Maintenance" 978-1-5044-7333-0 9335694 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-01-25 P Standard Computing and Processing P14764/DIS, Jan 2021 Inactive Draft "P14764/FDIS, Jul 2021 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Software Engineering - Software Life Cycle Processes - Maintenance" 978-1-5044-7921-9 9528311 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-09-02 P Standard Computing and Processing P14764/FDIS, Jul 2021 Inactive Draft "P1490/D1, May 2011 - IEEE Draft Guide: Adoption of the Project Management Institute (PMI) Standard: A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)-2008 (4th edition)" 978-0-7381-6788-6 5937009 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-06-30 P Standard Computing and Processing P1490/D1, May 2011 Inactive Draft "P15026-1, Jul2014 - IEEE Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 15026-1--Systems and Software Engineering--Systems and Software Assurance--Part 1: Concepts and Vocabulary" 978-0-7381-9241-3 6849914 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2014 2014-07-08 P Standard Computing and Processing P15026-1, Jul2014 Inactive Draft "P15026-1, May2014 - Draft International Standard Systems and software engineering -- Systems and software assurance -- Part 1: Concepts and vocabulary" 978-0-7381-9218-5 6840841 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2014 2014-06-20 P Standard Computing and Processing P15026-1, May2014 Inactive Draft "P15026-1/DIS - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering--Systems and Software Assurance--Part 1: Concepts and Vocabulary" 978-1-5044-4746-1 8315178 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-03-13 P Standard Computing and Processing P15026-1/DIS Inactive Draft "P15026-1_D2, Dec 2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering--Systems and Software Assurance--Part 1: Concepts and Vocabulary" 978-1-5044-5530-5 8640860 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-02-12 P Standard Computing and Processing P15026-1_D2, Dec 2018 Inactive Draft "P15026-2 - IEEE Draft Standard for Systems and software engineering -- Systems and software assurance -- Part 2: Assurance case" 978-0-7381-6340-6 5553423 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2010-08-23 P Standard Computing and Processing P15026-2 Inactive Draft "P15026-2, Apr 2011 - IEEE Draft Standard for Systems and software engineering -- Systems and software assurance -- Part 2: Assurance case" 978-0-7381-6340-6 5764888 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-05-10 P Standard Computing and Processing P15026-2, Apr 2011 Inactive Draft "P15026-2/CD, Feb 2020 - IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Systems and software assurance--Part 2: Assurance case" 978-1-5044-6791-9 9123708 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-06-23 P Standard Computing and Processing P15026-2/CD, Feb 2020 Inactive Draft "P15026-2/CD2, Oct 2020 - IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Systems and software assurance--Part 2: Assurance case" 978-1-5044-7200-5 9259261 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-11-13 P Standard Computing and Processing P15026-2/CD2, Oct 2020 Inactive Draft "P15026-2/DISC, Jul 2021 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Systems and software assurance--Part 2: Assurance case" 978-1-5044-7821-2 9775027 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2022-05-13 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P15026-2/DISC, Jul 2021 Inactive Draft "P15026-2/FDIS, May 2022 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Systems and software assurance--Part 2: Assurance case" 978-1-5044-8709-2 9775033 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-05-13 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P15026-2/FDIS, May 2022 Inactive Draft "P15026-3, March 2013 - IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Systems and software engineering -- Systems and software assurance -- Part 3: System integrity levels" 978-0-7381-8364-0 6493348 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-04-03 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P15026-3, March 2013 Inactive Draft "P15026-3-DIS-Jan 2015 - IEEE Draft Standard for Adoption of Systems and software engineering --Systems and software assurance -- Part 3: Systems integrity levels" 978-0-7381-9510-0 7017978 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-01-22 P Standard Computing and Processing P15026-3-DIS-Jan 2015 Inactive Draft "P15026-3/CD, Dec 2021 - IEEE/ISO/IEC Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering - Systems and Software Assurance - Part 3: System Integrity Levels" 978-1-5044-8352-0 9682659 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-01-14 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P15026-3/CD, Dec 2021 Inactive Draft "P15026-3/D1, Jul 2017 - IEEE Draft Standard for Adoption of Systems and software engineering --Systems and software assurance -- Part 3: Systems integrity levels" 978-1-5044-4223-7 8305687 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2018-03-01 P Standard Computing and Processing P15026-3/D1, Jul 2017 Inactive Draft "P15026-3/DIS, Nov 2022 - IEEE/ISO/IEC Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering - Systems and Software Assurance - Part 3: System Integrity Levels" 978-1-5044-9186-0 9953924 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-11-16 P Standard Computing and Processing P15026-3/DIS, Nov 2022 Inactive Draft "P15026-3/FCD, Dec 2010 - IEEE Draft Standard for Systems and software engineering -- Systems and software assurance -- Part 3: System integrity levels" 978-0-7381-6563-9 5692969 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-01-20 P Standard Computing and Processing P15026-3/FCD, Dec 2010 Inactive Draft "P15026-3/FDIS, Aug 2023 - IEEE/ISO/IEC Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering - Systems and Software Assurance - Part 3: System Integrity Levels" 979-8-8557-0013-8 10219552 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-08-15 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P15026-3/FDIS, Aug 2023 Inactive Draft "P15026-4/CD2, Feb 2018 - IEEE Draft Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Systems and Software Assurance -- Part 4: Assurance in the Life Cycle" 978-1-5044-4836-9 8331405 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-04-04 P Standard Computing and Processing P15026-4/CD2, Feb 2018 Inactive Draft "P15026-4/CD3, Jun 2019 - IEEE Draft Internation Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Systems and Software Assurance -- Part 4: Assurance in the Life Cycle" 978-1-5044-5962-4 8755347 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-07-03 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P15026-4/CD3, Jun 2019 Inactive Draft "P15026-4/DIS, Feb 2020 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Systems and software assurance -- Part 4: Assurance in the life cycle" 978-1-5044-6584-7 9046308 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-03-25 P Standard Computing and Processing P15026-4/DIS, Feb 2020 Inactive Draft "P15026-4/DIS2, Feb 2021 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Systems and software assurance -- Part 4: Assurance in the life cycle" 978-1-5044-7352-1 9347842 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-02-04 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P15026-4/DIS2, Feb 2021 Inactive Draft "P15026-4/DIS2, Sept2020 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Systems and software assurance -- Part 4: Assurance in the life cycle" 978-1-5044-7158-9 9237218 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-10-22 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P15026-4/DIS2, Sept2020 Inactive Draft "P15026-4/Pub2-2012 - IEEE Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 15026-4--Systems and Software Engineering--Systems and SoftwareAssurance--Part 4: Assurance in the Life Cycle" 978-0-7381-8440-1 6515569 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-05-16 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P15026-4/Pub2-2012 Inactive Draft "P15026.2/FCD, Feb 2010 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard Systems and Software engineering-Systems and Software assurance-Part 2: Assurance Case" 978-1-5044-4018-9 5434878 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2010-03-18 P Standard Computing and Processing P15026.2/FCD, Feb 2010 Inactive Draft "P1517/D2, Oct 2009 - Draft Standard for Information Technology--System and Software Life Cycle Processes--Reuse Processes" 978-1-5044-4031-8 5325039 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2009-11-06 P Standard Computing and Processing P1517/D2, Oct 2009 Inactive Draft "P1517/D3, Jan 2010 - IEEE Draft Standard for Information Technology-System and software life cycle processes-Reuse processes" 978-1-5044-2981-8 5407670 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2010-02-04 P Standard Computing and Processing P1517/D3, Jan 2010 Inactive Draft "P15288-DIS-1403 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Systems and software engineering -- System life cycle processes" 978-0-7381-9043-3 6780561 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2014 2014-03-28 P Standard Computing and Processing P15288-DIS-1403 Inactive Draft "P15288-FDIS-1412 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft Systems and software engineering -- System life cycle processes" 978-0-7381-9478-3 6994194 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2014-12-19 P Standard Computing and Processing P15288-FDIS-1412 Inactive Draft "P15288.1/D3.0, Jun 2014 - IEEE Draft Standard for Application of Systems Engineering on Defense Programs" 978-0-7381-9233-8 6846259 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2014 2014-06-30 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Aerospace P15288.1/D3.0, Jun 2014 Inactive Draft "P15288.1/D4.0, Aug 2014 - IEEE Draft Standard for Application of Systems Engineering on Defense Programs" 978-0-7381-9342-7 6905694 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2014 2014-09-19 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P15288.1/D4.0, Aug 2014 Inactive Draft "P15288.1/D4.1, Sept 2014 - IEEE Draft Standard for Application of Systems Engineering on Defense Programs" 978-0-7381-9357-1 6907925 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2014-09-23 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; General Topics for Engineers P15288.1/D4.1, Sept 2014 Inactive Draft "P15288.2/D5.1, Aug 2014 - IEEE Draft Standard for Technical Reviews and Audits on Defense Programs" 978-0-7381-9341-0 6905691 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2014 2014-09-19 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P15288.2/D5.1, Aug 2014 Inactive Draft "P15288.2/D5.2, Sept 2014 - IEEE Draft Standard for Technical Reviews and Audits on Defense Programs" 978-0-7381-9356-4 6907922 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2014-09-23 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; General Topics for Engineers P15288.2/D5.2, Sept 2014 Inactive Draft "P15288/ CD, Mar 2021 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard - Systems and Software engineering -- System Life Cycle Processes" 978-1-5044-7598-3 9409828 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-04-20 P Standard Computing and Processing P15288/ CD, Mar 2021 Inactive Draft "P15288/CD1 - Unapproved IEEE Draft Std 15288-2004 (Adoption of ISO/IEC 15288:2002, IDT), Systems Engineering---System Life Cycle Processes (Revision of ISO/IEC 15288:2004)" 978-1-5044-2621-3 4040505 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2006 2007-02-09 P Standard Computing and Processing P15288/CD1 Inactive Draft "P15288/CD2-2013-09 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Systems and software engineering -- System life cycle processes" 978-0-7381-8672-6 6601609 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-09-17 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P15288/CD2-2013-09 Inactive Draft "P15288/D4 - Approved IEEE Draft Std 15288-2004 (Adoption of ISO/IEC 15288:2002, IDT), Systems Engineering---System Life Cycle Processes (Superseded by ISO/IEC 15288:2004)" 978-1-5044-2985-6 4040508 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2004 2007-02-09 P Standard Computing and Processing P15288/D4 Inactive Draft "P15288/DFDIS, Nov 2007 - Draft International Standard for Systems Engineering -- System Life Cycle Processes" 978-1-5044-2622-0 4392511 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2007 2007-11-27 P Standard Computing and Processing P15288/DFDIS, Nov 2007 Inactive Draft "P15288/DIS , March 2022 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard - Systems and Software engineering -- System Life Cycle Processes" 978-1-5044-8666-8 9765405 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-04-28 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P15288/DIS , March 2022 Inactive Draft "P15288/FDIS, Dec 2022 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft Standard - Systems and Software engineering -- System Life Cycle Processes" 978-1-5044-9457-1 10048746 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-02-17 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P15288/FDIS, Dec 2022 Inactive Draft "P15289 - IEEE Draft Standard for Systems and Software Engineering - Content of Life Cycle Information Products (Documentation)" 978-0-7381-6349-9 5562717 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2010-09-02 P Standard Computing and Processing P15289 Inactive Draft "P15289 FDIS, Feb 2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard -- Systems and Software Engineering -- Content of Life-Cycle Information Items (Documentation)" 978-1-5044-5574-9 8645784 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-02-20 P Standard Computing and Processing P15289 FDIS, Feb 2019 Inactive Draft "P15289, 06 - Unapproved ISO/IEC IEEE Draft Systems and software engineering -Content of systems and software life cycle process information products (Documentation)" 978-1-5044-2792-0 4278944 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2007 2007-07-23 P Standard Computing and Processing P15289, 06 Inactive Draft "P15289, April 2014 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard Systems and software engineering -- Content of life-cycle information products (documentation)" 978-0-7381-9110-2 6808397 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2014 2014-04-30 P Standard Computing and Processing P15289, April 2014 Inactive Draft "P15289, Dec 2014 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard Systems and software engineering -- Content of life-cycle information products (documentation)" 978-0-7381-9519-3 7017989 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-01-22 P Standard Computing and Processing P15289, Dec 2014 Inactive Draft "P15289, Jun 2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard -- Systems and Software Engineering -- Content of Life-Cycle Information Items (Documentation)" 978-1-5044-5023-2 8398608 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-06-27 P Standard Computing and Processing P15289, Jun 2018 Inactive Draft "P15289, Nov 2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard -- Systems and Software Engineering -- Content of Life-Cycle Information Items (Documentation)" 978-1-5044-4754-6 8315184 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-03-13 P Standard Computing and Processing P15289, Nov 2017 Inactive Draft "P15289/D2, Dec 2009 - Draft Standard XSoftware and systems engineering -- Content of life-cycle information products (documentation)" 978-1-5044-2793-7 5385190 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2010-01-14 P Standard Computing and Processing P15289/D2, Dec 2009 Inactive Draft "P15289/D4, Mar 2011 - IEEE Draft Standard for Systems and Software Engineering - Content of Life Cycle Information Products (Documentation)" 978-0-7381-6349-9 5738184 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-03-22 P Standard Computing and Processing P15289/D4, Mar 2011 Inactive Draft "P15289:2016, 3rd Ed FDIS/D2 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Content of life-cycle information items (documentation)" 978-1-5044-2286-4 7551074 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2016 2016-08-24 P Standard Computing and Processing P15289:2016, 3rd Ed FDIS/D2 Active Draft "P15289_D3, 2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Content of life-cycle information items (documentation)" 978-1-5044-3703-5 7814179 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-01-11 P Standard Computing and Processing P15289_D3, 2017 Inactive Draft "P15289_D4, 2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Content of life-cycle information items (documentation)" 978-1-5044-3750-9 7888882 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-03-29 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P15289_D4, 2017 Inactive Draft "P15939, Aug 2015 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard - Systems and software engineering - Measurement process" 978-1-5044-0021-3 7293048 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-10-19 P Standard Computing and Processing P15939, Aug 2015 Inactive Draft "P15939/D2, Aug 2008 - IEEE Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 15939:2007--Systems and Software Engineering--Measurement Process" 978-1-5044-3014-2 4601590 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-08-14 P Standard Computing and Processing P15939/D2, Aug 2008 Inactive Draft "P15939/D3, Oct 2008 - IEEE Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 15939:2007--Systems and Software Engineering--Measurement Process" 978-1-5044-3015-9 4664990 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-10-30 P Standard Computing and Processing P15939/D3, Oct 2008 Inactive Draft "P15939_FDIS, 2016 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft Standard - Systems and software engineering - Measurement process" 978-1-5044-2445-5 7707333 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2016 2016-10-26 P Standard Computing and Processing P15939_FDIS, 2016 Inactive Draft "P16085-2006 - Unapproved IEEE Draft Standard for Systems and Software Engineering - Life Cycle Processes-Risk Management (Revision of ISO/IEC 16085 IEEE Std 1540-2001 First edition 2004-10-01)" 978-1-5044-2668-8 4040514 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2006 2007-02-09 P Standard Computing and Processing P16085-2006 Inactive Draft "P16085/ FDIS, Aug 2020 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Approved Draft Standard - Systems and Software Engineering - Life Cycle Processes - Risk Management" 978-1-5044-7128-2 9224254 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-10-14 P Standard Computing and Processing P16085/ FDIS, Aug 2020 Inactive Draft "P16085/CD, Feb2018 - IEEE Draft Standard - Systems and Software Engineering - Life Cycle Processes - Risk Management" 978-1-5044-4837-6 8331396 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-04-04 P Standard Computing and Processing P16085/CD, Feb2018 Inactive Draft "P16085/CD2, Feb 2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Draft Standard - Systems and Software Engineering - Life Cycle Processes - Risk Management" 978-1-5044-5642-5 8674874 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-03-26 P Standard Computing and Processing P16085/CD2, Feb 2019 Inactive Draft "P16085/CD3, August 2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Draft Standard - Systems and Software Engineering - Life Cycle Processes - Risk Management" 978-1-5044-6237-2 8890970 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-11-04 P Standard Computing and Processing P16085/CD3, August 2019 Inactive Draft "P16085/D3 - Unapproved IEEE Draft Standard for Systems and Software Engineering - Life Cycle Processes-Risk Management (Revision of ISO/IEC 16085 IEEE Std 1540-2001 First edition 2004-10-01)" 978-1-5044-3024-1 4040511 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2005 2007-02-09 P Standard Computing and Processing P16085/D3 Inactive Draft "P16085_DIS, Mar 2020 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Draft Standard - Systems and Software Engineering - Life Cycle Processes - Risk Management" 978-1-5044-6701-8 9094405 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-05-15 P Standard Computing and Processing P16085_DIS, Mar 2020 Inactive Draft "P16326/201x/DIS, Dec 2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering--Life Cycle Processes--Project Management" 978-1-5044-5409-4 8584450 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-12-20 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P16326/201x/DIS, Dec 2018 Inactive Draft "P16326/DFCD, Sept 2007 - IEEE Draft International IEEE Standard for Software engineering -- Life cycle processes -- Project management (Replaces ISO/IEC 16326:1999)" 978-1-5044-2749-4 4392505 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2007 2007-11-27 P Standard Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers P16326/DFCD, Sept 2007 Inactive Draft "P16326:2008/CD2, Sep 2008 - ISO/IEC/IEEE FDIS IEEE Draft Systems and software engineering -- Life cycle processes -- Project management" 4651755 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2008-10-10 P Standard Computing and Processing P16326:2008/CD2, Sep 2008 Inactive Draft "P16326:2009 - Systems and software engineering -- Life cycle processes -- Project management" 978-1-5044-2750-0 5234330 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2009-09-09 P Standard Computing and Processing P16326:2009 Inactive Draft "P16326:201x WD5, Dec 2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering--Life Cycle Processes--Project Management" 978-1-5044-4600-6 8237228 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-12-22 P Standard Computing and Processing P16326:201x WD5, Dec 2017 Inactive Draft "P16326:201x/ Jul 2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard Systems and Software Engineering--Life Cycle Processes--Project Management" 978-1-5044-4437-8 8071200 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-10-18 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P16326:201x/ Jul 2017 Inactive Draft "P16326_FDIS, Apr 2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering--Life Cycle Processes--Project Management" 978-1-5044-6094-1 8811786 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-08-23 P Standard Computing and Processing P16326_FDIS, Apr 2019 Inactive Draft "P1633/D12, Sep 2007 - IEEE/AIAA Recommended Practice on Software Reliability" 978-0-7381-5442-x 4312735 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2007 2007-09-17 P Standard Computing and Processing P1633/D12, Sep 2007 Inactive Draft "P1633/D14, Dec 2007 - Unapproved Draft IEEE Recommended Practice on Software Reliability" 978-1-5044-3060-9 4432354 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2007 2008-01-11 P Standard Computing and Processing P1633/D14, Dec 2007 Inactive Draft "P1633/D2, Apr 2016 - IEEE Draft Recommended Practice on Software Reliability" 978-1-5044-1983-3 7459679 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2016 2016-04-26 P Standard Computing and Processing P1633/D2, Apr 2016 Inactive Draft "P1633/D3, Apr 2016 - IEEE Approved Draft Recommended Practice on Software Reliability" 978-1-5044-2156-0 7502039 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2016 2016-06-30 P Standard Computing and Processing P1633/D3, Apr 2016 Inactive Draft "P1633/D5 - IEEE Draft Recommended Practice for Software Reliability Prepared by the Software Reliability Engineering Working Group of the Definitions and Recommended Practices Committee of the Reliability Society" 978-1-5044-2514-8 4040427 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2006 2007-02-09 P Standard Computing and Processing P1633/D5 Inactive Draft "P1633/D6 Mar 2007 - Unapproved IEEE/AIAA Draft Recommended Practice for Software Reliability" 978-1-5044-3061-6 4152631 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2007 2007-04-10 P Standard Computing and Processing P1633/D6 Mar 2007 Inactive Draft "P1633_D13, Sep 2007 - IEEE/AIAA IEEE Draft Recommended Practice on Software Reliability" 978-1-5044-3062-3 4360088 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2007 2007-10-16 P Standard Computing and Processing P1633_D13, Sep 2007 Inactive Draft "P1636.1-2018/Cor 1/D1, Aug 2023 - IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Test Results and Session Information via the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) - Corrigendum 1" 978-1-5044-9963-7 10197299 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-07-28 P Standard Computing and Processing P1636.1-2018/Cor 1/D1, Aug 2023 Inactive Draft "P1636.1/D1 - IEEE Draft Trial-Use Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Test Results and Session Information Via the Extensible Markup Language (XML) " 978-1-5044-2607-7 4040430 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2006 2007-02-09 P Standard Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P1636.1/D1 Inactive Draft "P1636.1/D3, Jan 09 - IEEE Draft Trial-Use Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMCA): Exchanging Test Results and Session Information Via the Extensible Markup Language (XML)" 4783148 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2009-02-10 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Computing and Processing P1636.1/D3, Jan 09 Inactive Draft "P1636.1/D3, May 07 - Approved IEEE Draft Trial-Use Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMCA): Exchanging Test Results and Session Information Via the Extensible Markup Language (XML)" 978-1-5044-2608-4 4343609 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2007 2007-10-04 P Standard Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P1636.1/D3, May 07 Inactive Draft "P1636.1/D3, May 2007 - Unapproved IEEE Draft Trial-Use Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMCA): Exchanging Test Results and Session Information Via the Extensible Markup Language (XML)" 4278980 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2007 2007-07-23 P Standard Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P1636.1/D3, May 2007 Inactive Draft "P1636.1/D4, Jul 2017 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Test Results and Session Information via the eXtensible Markup Language (XML)" 978-1-5044-4216-9 8322442 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2018-03-22 P Standard Computing and Processing P1636.1/D4, Jul 2017 Inactive Draft "P1636.1/D4, Jun 2012 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Test Results and Session Information via the eXtensible Markup Language(XML)" 978-0-7381-7518-8 6218726 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2012 2012-06-15 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics P1636.1/D4, Jun 2012 Inactive Draft "P1636.1/D5, Feb 2013 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Test Results and Session Information via the eXtensible Markup Language(XML)" 978-0-7381-8371-8 6495466 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-04-08 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P1636.1/D5, Feb 2013 Inactive Draft "P1636.1/D5, Oct 2017 - IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Test Results and Session Information via the eXtensible Markup Language (XML)" 978-1-5044-4804-8 8322471 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-03-22 P Standard Computing and Processing P1636.1/D5, Oct 2017 Inactive Draft "P1636.1/D6, May 2013 - IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Test Results and Session Information via the eXtensible Markup Language(XML)" 978-0-7381-8474-6 6523054 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-06-04 P Standard Computing and Processing P1636.1/D6, May 2013 Inactive Draft "P1636.2 - IEEE Draft Trial-Use Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Maintenance Action Information via the Extensible Markup Language (XML)." 978-0-7381-6399-4 5530300 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2010-07-29 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications P1636.2 Inactive Draft "P1636.2/D10, Oct 2017 - IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Maintenance Action Information via the Extensible Markup Language (XML)" 978-1-5044-4805-5 8322465 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-03-22 P Standard Computing and Processing P1636.2/D10, Oct 2017 Inactive Draft "P1636.2/D3, Aug 2008 - IEEE Draft Trial-Use Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMCA): Exchanging Maintenance Action Information (MAI) Via the Extensible Markup Language (XML)" 978-1-5044-2653-4 4711490 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-12-11 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Computing and Processing P1636.2/D3, Aug 2008 Inactive Draft "P1636.2/D5.1 Jan 2010 - IEEE Draft Trial-Use Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Maintenance Action Information via the Extensible Markup Language (XML)" 978-1-5044-2654-1 5422037 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2010-02-25 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Computing and Processing P1636.2/D5.1 Jan 2010 Inactive Draft "P1636.2/D8, Jul 2017 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Maintenance Action Information via the Extensible Markup Language (XML)" 978-1-5044-4217-6 7993107 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-07-26 P Standard Computing and Processing P1636.2/D8, Jul 2017 Inactive Draft "P1636.2/D9, Sept 2017 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Maintenance Action Information via the Extensible Markup Language (XML)" 978-1-5044-4419-4 8065158 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-10-11 P Standard Computing and Processing P1636.2/D9, Sept 2017 Inactive Draft "P1636.99/D3, Jun 2012 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Common Information Elements" 978-0-7381-7511-9 6212325 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2012 2012-06-05 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P1636.99/D3, Jun 2012 Inactive Draft "P1636.99/D4, Feb 2013 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Common Information Elements" 978-0-7381-7511-9 6482155 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-03-19 P Standard Computing and Processing P1636.99/D4, Feb 2013 Inactive Draft "P1636.99/D5, May 2013 - IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Common Information Elements" 978-0-7381-8453-1 6517437 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-05-20 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P1636.99/D5, May 2013 Inactive Draft "P1636/D1.6, Mar 2008 - IEEE Draft Trial-Use Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis" 978-1-5044-3063-0 4519422 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-05-09 P Standard Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P1636/D1.6, Mar 2008 Inactive Draft "P1636/D1.7, Jul 2008 - IEEE Draft Trial-Use Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis" 978-1-5044-3064-7 4711487 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-12-11 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Computing and Processing P1636/D1.7, Jul 2008 Inactive Draft "P1636/D6, Jul 2017 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA)" 978-1-5044-4218-3 7993101 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-07-26 P Standard Computing and Processing P1636/D6, Jul 2017 Inactive Draft "P1636/D7, Sept 2017 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA)" 978-1-5044-4420-0 8065143 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-10-11 P Standard Computing and Processing P1636/D7, Sept 2017 Inactive Draft "P1636/D8, Oct 2017 - IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA)" 978-1-5044-4803-1 8322439 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-03-22 P Standard Computing and Processing P1636/D8, Oct 2017 Inactive Draft "P1647/D6 - Unapproved IEEE Draft Standard for the Functional Verification Language 'E' (Replaced by the Approved IEEE Draft)" 978-1-5044-4036-3 4040445 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2005 2007-02-09 P Standard General Topics for Engineers; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P1647/D6 Inactive Draft "P1647/D9, Jan 2007 - IEEE Draft Standard for the Functional Verification Language 'E' (Revision of IEEE 1647-2006)" 978-1-5044-3070-8 4459198 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-02-25 P Standard General Topics for Engineers; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P1647/D9, Jan 2007 Inactive Draft "P1730.1 D2, Jun 2023 - IEEE Approved Draft Recommended Practice for Distributed Simulation Engineering and Execution Process Multi-Architecture Overlay (DMAO)" 978-1-5044-9961-3 10196401 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-07-27 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P1730.1 D2, Jun 2023 Inactive Draft "P1730.2/D1, May 2022 - IEEE Draft Recommended Practice for Verification, Validation, and Acceptance/Accreditation of a Distributed Simulation--An Overlay to the Distributed Simulation Engineering and Execution Process" 978-1-5044-8827-3 9817079 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-07-06 P Standard Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers P1730.2/D1, May 2022 Inactive Draft "P1730.2/D2, May 2022 - IEEE Approved Draft Recommended Practice for Verification, Validation, and Acceptance/Accreditation of a Distributed Simulation--An Overlay to the Distributed Simulation Engineering and Execution Process" 978-1-5044-9066-5 9921250 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-10-17 P Standard Computing and Processing P1730.2/D2, May 2022 Inactive Draft "P1924.1/D14, 2021 - IEEE Draft Recommended practice for developing energy efficient power-proportional digital architectures" 978-1-5044-8185-4 9620015 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-11-18 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Power, Energy and Industry Applications P1924.1/D14, 2021 Inactive Draft "P20000-2, D1 Dec 2012 - Draft Standard for Adoption of ISO/IEC 20000-2:2012, Information technology -- Service management -- Part 2: Guidance on the application of service management systems" 978-0-7381-8271-1 6461024 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2012 2013-02-12 P Standard Computing and Processing P20000-2, D1 Dec 2012 Inactive Draft "P2048.101/D4.0, Jan 2023 - IEEE Draft Standard for Augmented Reality on Mobile Devices: General Requirements for Software Framework, Components, and Integration" 978-1-5044-9829-6 10154539 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-06-16 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing P2048.101/D4.0, Jan 2023 Inactive Draft "P2048.101/D5.0, Jul 2023 - IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Augmented Reality on Mobile Devices: General Requirements for Software Framework, Components, and Integration" 978-1-5044-9957-6 10196395 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-07-27 P Standard Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P2048.101/D5.0, Jul 2023 Inactive Draft "P2143.1/D9, Mar 2020 - IEEE Draft Standard for General Process of Cryptocurrency Payment" 978-1-5044-6581-6 9044949 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-03-23 P Standard Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers P2143.1/D9, Mar 2020 Inactive Draft "P2143.1/D9.1, Apr 2020 - IEEE Draft Standard for General Process of Cryptocurrency Payment" 978-1-5044-6635-6 9079689 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-04-27 P Standard Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers P2143.1/D9.1, Apr 2020 Inactive Draft "P21839, Apr 2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering - Systems of Systems Considerations in Engineering of Systems" 978-1-5044-3991-6 7906473 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-04-24 P Standard Computing and Processing P21839, Apr 2017 Inactive Draft "P21839/CD.1, Oct 2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering - Systems of Systems Considerations in Engineering of Systems" 978-1-5044-4447-7 8080313 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-10-23 P Standard Computing and Processing P21839/CD.1, Oct 2017 Inactive Draft "P21839_DIS, July 2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering - Systems of Systems Considerations in Engineering of Systems" 978-1-5044-5168-0 8466080 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-09-14 P Standard Computing and Processing P21839_DIS, July 2018 Inactive Draft "P21840, DIS-2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Draft Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Guide for the Utilization of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 in the Context of System of Systems Engineering" 978-1-5044-5734-7 8692773 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-04-16 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P21840, DIS-2019 Inactive Draft "P21840/CD, Feb 2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Draft Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Guide for the Utilization of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 in the Context of System of Systems Engineering" 978-1-5044-4834-5 8332124 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-04-06 P Standard Computing and Processing P21840/CD, Feb 2018 Inactive Draft "P21841/CD2 - IEEE Draft Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Taxonomies of Systems of Systems (SoS)" 978-1-5044-4835-2 8331402 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-04-04 P Standard Computing and Processing P21841/CD2 Inactive Draft "P21841/FDIS, Apr 2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Taxonomies of Systems of Systems (SoS)" 978-1-5044-5745-3 8697161 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-04-24 P Standard Computing and Processing P21841/FDIS, Apr 2019 Inactive Draft "P23026/CD, Jan 2022 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Content Management for Product Life Cycle, User, and Service Management Documentation" 978-1-5044-8493-0 9729142 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-03-04 P Standard Computing and Processing P23026/CD, Jan 2022 Inactive Draft "P23026/DIS, Sept 2022 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Engineering and Management of Websites for Systems, Software, and Services Information" 978-1-5044-9150-1 9934863 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-11-01 P Standard Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P23026/DIS, Sept 2022 Inactive Draft "P23026/FDIS, Apr2023 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Engineering and Management of Websites for Systems, Software, and Services Information" 978-1-5044-9640-7 10097664 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-04-07 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P23026/FDIS, Apr2023 Inactive Draft "P23026:2013 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Systems and software engineering - Engineering and management of websites for systems, software, and services information" 978-0-7381-8570-5 6572797 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-07-31 P Standard Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P23026:2013 Inactive Draft "P23026_D2, 2013 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Systems and software engineering - Engineering and management of websites for systems, software, and services information" 978-0-7381-9035-8 6776382 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2014 2014-03-20 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P23026_D2, 2013 Inactive Draft "P23026_D3, 2014 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering - Engineering and management of websites for systems, software, and services information" 978-0-7381-9266-6 6870347 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2014-08-01 P Standard Computing and Processing P23026_D3, 2014 Inactive Draft "P2418.2/D1, May 2019 - IEEE Draft Standard Data Format for Blockchain Systems" 978-1-5044-6369-0 8930413 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-12-10 P Standard Computing and Processing P2418.2/D1, May 2019 Inactive Draft "P2418.2/D2, Jan 2020 - IEEE Approved Draft Standard Data Format for Blockchain Systems" 978-1-5044-6411-6 8956122 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-01-13 P Standard Computing and Processing P2418.2/D2, Jan 2020 Inactive Draft "P2430/D2, Aug 2018 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software Nonfunctional Sizing Measurement" 978-1-5044-5326-4 8542987 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-11-21 P Standard Computing and Processing P2430/D2, Aug 2018 Inactive Draft "P24641/DIS, Sept 2021 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering – Methods and Tools for Model-based Systems and Software Engineering" 978-1-5044-8268-4 9652502 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-12-15 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P24641/DIS, Sept 2021 Inactive Draft "P24641/FDIS, Jan 2023 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering - Methods and Tools for Model-based Systems and Software Engineering" 978-1-5044-9470-0 10050200 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-02-22 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P24641/FDIS, Jan 2023 Inactive Draft "P24641_D2_CD, Jun 2020 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering – Methods and Tools for Model-based Systems and Software Engineering" 978-1-5044-6790-2 9123711 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-06-23 P Standard Computing and Processing P24641_D2_CD, Jun 2020 Inactive Draft "P24641_D3_CD2, Mar 2020 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering – Methods and Tools for Model-based Systems and Software Engineering" 978-1-5044-7519-8 9652490 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-12-15 P Standard Computing and Processing; Power, Energy and Industry Applications P24641_D3_CD2, Mar 2020 Inactive Draft "P24748-1 - IEEE Draft Guide for Adoption of ISO/IEC TR 24748-1:2010 -- Systems and Software Engineering -- Life Cycle Management -- Part 1: Guide for Life Cycle Management" 978-0-7381-6511-0 5621020 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2010-11-04 P Standard Computing and Processing P24748-1 Inactive Draft "P24748-1/CD, Aug 2022 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management - Part 1: Guidelines for life cycle management" 978-1-5044-8948-5 9873859 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-08-31 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P24748-1/CD, Aug 2022 Inactive Draft "P24748-1/D1, Aug 2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering - Life Cycle Management - Part 1: Guidelines for Life Cycle Management" 978-1-5044-4332-6 8012564 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-08-17 P Standard Computing and Processing P24748-1/D1, Aug 2017 Inactive Draft "P24748-1/D2, Feb 2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering - Life Cycle Management - Part 1: Guidelines for Life Cycle Management" 978-1-5044-4696-9 8290786 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-02-12 P Standard Computing and Processing P24748-1/D2, Feb 2018 Inactive Draft "P24748-1/DIS, May 2023 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management - Part 1: Guidelines for life cycle management" 978-1-5044-9763-3 10130714 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-05-22 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P24748-1/DIS, May 2023 Inactive Draft "P24748-1/FDIS, May 2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering - Life Cycle Management - Part 1: Guidelines for Life Cycle Management" 978-1-5044-5063-8 8412366 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-07-17 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P24748-1/FDIS, May 2018 Inactive Draft "P24748-2, Oct 2011 - IEEE Draft Guide: Adoption of ISO/IEC TR 24748-2011, Systems and software engineering-Life cycle management-Part 2: Guide to the application of ISO/IEC 15288 (System life cycle processes)" 978-0-7381-7422-8 6104068 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-12-13 P Standard Computing and Processing P24748-2, Oct 2011 Inactive Draft "P24748-2/ FDIS, Nov 2023 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering -Life cycle management - Part 2: Guidelines for the application of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 (System life cycle processes)" 979-8-8557-0342-9 10328537 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2023-11-23 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P24748-2/ FDIS, Nov 2023 Inactive Draft "P24748-2/CD, August 2022 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering -Life cycle management - Part 2: Guidelines for the application of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 (System life cycle processes)" 978-1-5044-8947-8 9873877 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-08-31 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P24748-2/CD, August 2022 Inactive Draft "P24748-2/D1, Aug 2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering-- Life Cycle Management-- Part 2: Guidelines for the Application of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 (System Life Cycle Processes)" 978-1-5044-4333-3 8013164 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-08-18 P Standard Computing and Processing P24748-2/D1, Aug 2017 Inactive Draft "P24748-2/D2, Feb 2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering-- Life Cycle Management-- Part 2: Guidelines for the Application of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 (System Life Cycle Processes)" 978-1-5044-4695-2 8290789 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-02-12 P Standard Computing and Processing P24748-2/D2, Feb 2018 Inactive Draft "P24748-2/D3, Jun 2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering-- Life Cycle Management-- Part 2: Guidelines for the Application of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 (System Life Cycle Processes)" 978-1-5044-5081-2 8419126 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-07-24 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P24748-2/D3, Jun 2018 Inactive Draft "P24748-2/DIS, Mar 2023 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering -Life cycle management - Part 2: Guidelines for the application of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 (System life cycle processes)" 978-1-5044-9777-0 10136553 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-05-25 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P24748-2/DIS, Mar 2023 Inactive Draft "P24748-3, Jan 2019 - IEEE Draft - Systems and Software Engineering-Life Cycle Management-Part 3: Guidelines for the Application of ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207 (Software Life Cycle Processes)" 978-1-5044-5641-8 8809987 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-08-22 P Standard Computing and Processing P24748-3, Jan 2019 Inactive Draft "P24748-3, Oct 2011 - IEEE Draft Guide: Adoption of ISO/IEC 24748-3:2011, Systems and software engineering-Life cycle management-Part 3: Guide to the application of ISO/IEC 12207 (Software life cycle processes)" 978-0-7381-7423-5 6104071 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-12-13 P Standard Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P24748-3, Oct 2011 Inactive Draft "P24748-3/D3_FDIS, Apr 2020 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering-Life Cycle Management-Part 3: Guidelines for the Application of ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207 (Software Life Cycle Processes)" 978-1-5044-6631-8 9076354 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-04-23 P Standard Computing and Processing P24748-3/D3_FDIS, Apr 2020 Inactive Draft "P24748-3/DIS, Aug 2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering-Life Cycle Management-Part 3: Guidelines for the Application of ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207 (Software Life Cycle Processes)" 978-1-5044-6088-0 8809975 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-08-22 P Standard Computing and Processing P24748-3/DIS, Aug 2019 Inactive Draft "P24748-4-DIS-1404, Apr 2014 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard for Systems and Software Engineering -- Life Cycle Management -- Part 4: Systems Engineering Planning" 978-0-7381-9088-4 7028997 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-02-02 P Standard Computing and Processing P24748-4-DIS-1404, Apr 2014 Inactive Draft "P24748-4/CD2, Jun 2024 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Life Cycle Management -- Part 4: Systems Engineering Management Planning" 979-8-8557-0983-4 10586934 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-07-04 P Standard Computing and Processing P24748-4/CD2, Jun 2024 Active Draft "P24748-4/DIS2-Jan 2015 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard for Systems and Software Engineering -- Life Cycle Management -- Part 4: Systems Engineering Planning" 978-0-7381-9550-6 7029591 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-02-03 P Standard Computing and Processing P24748-4/DIS2-Jan 2015 Inactive Draft "P24748-4/FDIS-Dec2015 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard for Systems and Software Engineering -- Life Cycle Management -- Part 4: Systems Engineering Planning" 978-1-5044-0135-7 7370716 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2016-01-01 P Standard Computing and Processing P24748-4/FDIS-Dec2015 Inactive Draft "P24748-5-CD3, Feb 2015 - IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering--Life Cycle Management--Part 5: Software Development Planning" 978-0-7381-9677-0 7091836 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-04-22 P Standard Computing and Processing P24748-5-CD3, Feb 2015 Active Draft "P24748-5-CD3-July 2015 - IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering--Life Cycle Management--Part 5: Software Development Planning" 978-0-7381-9865-1 7203305 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-08-14 P Standard Computing and Processing P24748-5-CD3-July 2015 Inactive Draft "P24748-5-FDIS-DEC 2016 - IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering--Life Cycle Management--Part 5: Software Development Planning" 978-1-5044-3694-6 7805153 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-01-04 P Standard Computing and Processing P24748-5-FDIS-DEC 2016 Inactive Draft "P24748-6, Mar 2021 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Life Cycle Management -- Part 6: Systems and Software Integration" 978-1-5044-7582-2 9405541 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-04-15 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P24748-6, Mar 2021 Inactive Draft "P24748-6/CD2, Sept 2021 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Life Cycle Management -- Part 6: Systems and Software Integration" 978-1-5044-7938-7 9540639 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-09-16 P Standard Computing and Processing P24748-6/CD2, Sept 2021 Inactive Draft "P24748-6/DIS, May 2022 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Life Cycle Management -- Part 6: Systems and Software Integration" 978-1-5044-8718-4 9779156 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-05-19 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P24748-6/DIS, May 2022 Inactive Draft "P24748-6/FDIS, Mar 2023 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Life Cycle Management -- Part 6: Systems and Software Integration" 978-1-5044-9592-9 10085939 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-03-28 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P24748-6/FDIS, Mar 2023 Inactive Draft "P24748-7/CD1, Jul 2024 - IEEE/ISO/IEC Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Life cycle management--Part 7: Application of systems engineering on defense programs" 979-8-8557-1170-7 10667044 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-09-05 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P24748-7/CD1, Jul 2024 Active Draft "P24748-9/CD, Aug 2021 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard - Systems and software engineering – Part 9: Application of system and software life cycle processes in epidemic prevention and control systems" 978-1-5044-7936-3 9536674 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-09-13 P Standard Computing and Processing; Robotics and Control Systems P24748-9/CD, Aug 2021 Inactive Draft "P24748-9/DIS, May 2022 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Part 9: Application of system and software life cycle processes in epidemic prevention and control systems" 978-1-5044-8900-3 9844678 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-07-28 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P24748-9/DIS, May 2022 Inactive Draft "P24748-9/FDIS, Dec 2022 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Part 9: Application of system and software life cycle processes in epidemic prevention and control systems" 978-1-5044-9319-2 10011141 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-01-06 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P24748-9/FDIS, Dec 2022 Inactive Draft "P24748-9/WD.2, Jan 2021 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard - Systems and software engineering – Part 9: Application of system and software life cycle processes in epidemic prevention and control systems" 978-1-5044-7574-7 9416327 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-04-26 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P24748-9/WD.2, Jan 2021 Inactive Draft "P24748/DTR, Nov 2008 - Draft ISO/IEC/IEEE Guide Systems and software engineering-Guide for life cycle processes" 978-1-5044-2751-7 4711501 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-12-11 P Standard Computing and Processing P24748/DTR, Nov 2008 Inactive Draft "P24748_PDTR3, Feb 2008 - Draft IEEE Standard Systems and Software Engineering-Guide for Life Cycle Processes" 978-1-5044-2752-4 4468778 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-03-04 P Standard Computing and Processing P24748_PDTR3, Feb 2008 Inactive Draft "P24765 FDIS, Oct 2016 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Systems and Software Engineering - Vocabulary" 978-1-5044-3633-5 7752753 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2016 2016-11-22 P Standard Computing and Processing P24765 FDIS, Oct 2016 Inactive Draft "P24765, Oct 2009 - Draft International Standard -- Systems and Software Engineering -- Vocabulary" 978-1-5044-4030-1 5325068 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2009-11-06 P Standard Computing and Processing P24765, Oct 2009 Inactive Draft "P24765-2009, Sept 2009 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Systems and software engineering - Vocabulary" 5276041 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2009-09-29 P Standard Computing and Processing P24765-2009, Sept 2009 Inactive Draft "P24765/D3:2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering - Vocabulary" 978-1-5044-3965-7 7891864 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-04-04 P Standard Computing and Processing P24765/D3:2017 Inactive Draft "P24765:2016(E), Jan 2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Systems and Software Engineering - Vocabulary" 978-1-5044-3781-3 7839170 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-02-01 P Standard Computing and Processing P24765:2016(E), Jan 2017 Inactive Draft "P24774/DIS, Jul 2020 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Life cycle management--Specification for process description" 978-1-5044-6962-3 9177417 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-08-25 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P24774/DIS, Jul 2020 Inactive Draft "P24774_D1, Feb 2020 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Life cycle management--Specification for process description" 978-1-5044-6582-3 9044875 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-03-23 P Standard Computing and Processing P24774_D1, Feb 2020 Inactive Draft "P24774_D3, Jan 2021 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Life cycle management--Specification for process description" 978-1-5044-7340-8 9337280 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-01-27 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P24774_D3, Jan 2021 Inactive Draft "P26511.2_FDIS 2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Requirements for Managers of Information for Users of Systems, Software, and Services" 978-1-5044-5249-6 8495136 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-10-17 P Standard Computing and Processing P26511.2_FDIS 2018 Inactive Draft "P26511/D1, Apr 2011 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software and systems engineering -- Requirements for managers of user documentation" 978-0-7381-6640-7 5762401 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-05-02 P Standard Computing and Processing P26511/D1, Apr 2011 Inactive Draft "P26511/D2, Jul 2011 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software and systems engineering -- Requirements for managers of user documentation" 978-0-7381-6640-7 5967860 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-07-29 P Standard Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P26511/D2, Jul 2011 Inactive Draft "P26512 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software and Systems Engineering -- Requirements for Acquirers and Suppliers of User Documentation" 978-0-7381-6341-3 5553447 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2010-08-23 P Standard Computing and Processing P26512 Inactive Draft "P26512/D1, Dec 2009 - IEEE Draft Standard Systems and software engineering - Requirements for acquirers and suppliers of user documentation" 978-1-5044-2789-0 5385175 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2010-01-14 P Standard Computing and Processing P26512/D1, Dec 2009 Inactive Draft "P26512/D3, Nov 2010 - IEEE Draft Standard for Systems and Software Engineering -- Requirements for Acquirers and Suppliers of User Documentation" 978-0-7381-8245-2 5658202 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2010-12-06 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications P26512/D3, Nov 2010 Inactive Draft "P26512_D1, Oct 2016 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Requirements for Acquirers and Suppliers of Information for Users" 978-1-5044-3596-3 7739981 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2016 2016-11-09 P Standard Computing and Processing P26512_D1, Oct 2016 Inactive Draft "P26512_D3, January 2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Requirements for Acquirers and Suppliers of Information for Users" 978-1-5044-3864-3 7862713 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-02-23 P Standard Computing and Processing P26512_D3, January 2017 Inactive Draft "P26513, Mar 2016 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Draft Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Requirements for Testers and Reviewers of User Documentation" 978-1-5044-2051-8 7469976 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2016 2016-05-13 P Standard Computing and Processing P26513, Mar 2016 Inactive Draft "P26513/CD, Jun 2024 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Testing and reviewing information for users" 979-8-8557-1149-3 10659402 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-08-29 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P26513/CD, Jun 2024 Active Draft "P26513/D1, Aug 2015 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Draft Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Requirements for Testers and Reviewers of User Documentation" 978-0-7381-9936-8 7243265 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-09-04 P Standard Computing and Processing P26513/D1, Aug 2015 Inactive Draft "P26513/D1, Dec 2009 - IEEE Draft Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 26513:2009 -- Systems and Software Engineering -- Requirements for Testers and Reviewers of User Documentation" 978-1-5044-3150-7 5385163 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2010-01-14 P Standard Computing and Processing P26513/D1, Dec 2009 Inactive Draft "P26513_D2, Jan 2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Draft Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Requirements for Testers and Reviewers of User Documentation" 978-1-5044-4012-7 7917384 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-05-02 P Standard Computing and Processing P26513_D2, Jan 2017 Inactive Draft "P26514/CD2, Aug 2020 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering--Design and development of information for users" 978-1-5044-6949-4 9175058 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-08-24 P Standard Computing and Processing P26514/CD2, Aug 2020 Inactive Draft "P26514/D1, Dec 2009 - IEEE Draft Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 26514:2008 - Systems and Software Engineering - Requirements for Designers and Developers of User Documentation" 978-1-5044-3151-4 5385184 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2010-01-14 P Standard Computing and Processing P26514/D1, Dec 2009 Inactive Draft "P26514/D1, Mar 2020 - IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering--Design and development of information for users" 978-1-5044-6578-6 9052821 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-04-02 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P26514/D1, Mar 2020 Inactive Draft "P26515 FDIS, May 2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Developing Information for Users in an Agile Environment" 978-1-5044-5266-3 8509663 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-10-25 P Standard Computing and Processing P26515 FDIS, May 2018 Inactive Draft "P26515, May 2018 - IEEE/ISO/IEC Draft Standard for Software and systems engineering -- Developing user documentation in an agile environment" 978-1-5044-5041-6 8402270 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-07-03 P Standard Computing and Processing P26515, May 2018 Active Draft "P26515/D1, Apr 2011 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software and systems engineering -- Developing user documentation in an agile environment" 978-0-7381-6641-4 5759574 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-04-29 P Standard Computing and Processing P26515/D1, Apr 2011 Inactive Draft "P26515/D1, Mar 2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Developing Information for Users in an Agile Environment" 978-1-5044-3966-4 7891870 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-04-04 P Standard Computing and Processing P26515/D1, Mar 2017 Inactive Draft "P26515/D2, Jul 2011 - IEEE/ISO/IEC Draft International Standard for Software and systems engineering -- Developing user documentation in an agile environment" 978-0-7381-6641-4 5967863 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-07-29 P Standard Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P26515/D2, Jul 2011 Inactive Draft "P26516/CD, Jun2024 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and software engineering — Design and development of instructional videos and animations" 979-8-8557-1131-8 10645777 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-08-23 P Standard Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis P26516/CD, Jun2024 Active Draft "P26531, June 2013 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft standard for Systems and software engineering -- Content management for product life-cycle, user, and service management documentation" 978-0-7381-8691-7 6619388 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-10-03 P Standard Computing and Processing P26531, June 2013 Inactive Draft "P26531/D2.2, March 2014 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International standard for Systems and software engineering -- Content management for product life-cycle, user, and service management documentation" 978-0-7381-9046-4 6780567 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2014 2014-03-28 P Standard Computing and Processing P26531/D2.2, March 2014 Inactive Draft "P26531/DIS, Jan 2022 - IEEE/ISO/IEC Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Content Management for Product Life Cycle, User, and Service Management Documentation" 978-1-5044-8354-4 9686668 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-01-19 P Standard Computing and Processing P26531/DIS, Jan 2022 Inactive Draft "P26531_D2.1, Dec 2013 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International standard for Systems and software engineering -- Content management for product life-cycle, user, and service management documentation" 978-0-7381-9034-1 6776376 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2014 2014-03-20 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P26531_D2.1, Dec 2013 Inactive Draft "P26531_FDIS, Oct 2022 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft Standard - Systems and Software Engineering - Content Management for Product Life Cycle, User, and Service Management Information for Users" 978-1-5044-9149-5 9934857 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2022-11-01 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P26531_FDIS, Oct 2022 Inactive Draft "P2660.1/D1, May 2020 - IEEE Draft Recommended Practices on Industrial Agents: Integration of Software Agents and Low Level Automation Functions" 978-1-5044-6691-2 9093225 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-05-13 P Standard Computing and Processing P2660.1/D1, May 2020 Inactive Draft "P2660.1/D2, Jun 2020 - IEEE Draft Recommended Practices on Industrial Agents: Integration of Software Agents and Low Level Automation Functions" 978-1-5044-6856-5 9142594 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-07-16 P Standard Computing and Processing; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Robotics and Control Systems P2660.1/D2, Jun 2020 Inactive Draft "P2660.1/D3, Jul 2020 - IEEE Approved Draft Recommended Practices on Industrial Agents: Integration of Software Agents and Low Level Automation Functions" 978-1-5044-6890-9 9153208 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-07-30 P Standard Computing and Processing; Robotics and Control Systems P2660.1/D3, Jul 2020 Inactive Draft "P2675/D1, Jun 2020 - IEEE Draft Standard for DevOps: Building Reliable and Secure Systems Including Application Build, Package and Deployment" 978-1-5044-6918-0 9165983 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-08-12 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications P2675/D1, Jun 2020 Inactive Draft "P2675/D2, Oct 2020 - IEEE Draft Standard for DevOps: Building Reliable and Secure Systems Including Application Build, Package and Deployment" 978-1-5044-7130-5 9224248 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-10-14 P Standard Computing and Processing P2675/D2, Oct 2020 Inactive Draft "P2755.1/D1.1, Jan 2019 - IEEE Approved Draft Guide for Taxonomy for Intelligent Process Automation Product Features and Functionality" 978-1-5044-5848-1 8644050 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-02-19 P Standard Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers P2755.1/D1.1, Jan 2019 Inactive Draft "P2755.2/D1, Jun 2020 - IEEE Draft Recommended Practice for Implementation and Management Methodology for Software Based Intelligent Process Automation (SBIPA)" 978-1-5044-6901-2 9159997 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-08-05 P Standard Computing and Processing P2755.2/D1, Jun 2020 Inactive Draft "P2755.2/D2, Sept 2020 - IEEE Approved Draft Recommended Practice for Implementation and Management Methodology for Software Based Intelligent Process Automation (SBIPA)" 978-1-5044-7009-4 9199582 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-09-17 P Standard Computing and Processing; Robotics and Control Systems P2755.2/D2, Sept 2020 Inactive Draft "P2804/D1, Jul 2019 - IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Software-Hardware Interface for Multi-Many-Core" 978-1-5044-6004-0 8765651 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-07-17 P Standard Computing and Processing P2804/D1, Jul 2019 Inactive Draft "P2807.3/D1, Jun 2022 - IEEE Approved Draft Guide for Electric-Power-Oriented Knowledge Graph" 978-1-5044-8789-4 9800174 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-06-17 P Standard Power, Energy and Industry Applications P2807.3/D1, Jun 2022 Inactive Draft "P2859/D4, Aug 2022 - IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Biometric Multi-modal Fusion" 978-1-5044-9408-3 10036246 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-02-03 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P2859/D4, Aug 2022 Inactive Draft "P2886.1/D4, Sept 2022 - IEEE Draft Standard for Device Trusted Extension: Software Architecture" 978-1-5044-9519-6 10058127 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-03-02 P Standard Computing and Processing P2886.1/D4, Sept 2022 Inactive Draft "P29119-1-FDIS, Apr 2013 - IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Software and Systems Engineering--Software Testing--Part 1: Concepts and Definitions" 978-0-7381-8414-2 6512512 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-05-02 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P29119-1-FDIS, Apr 2013 Inactive Draft "P29119-1-FDIS, Mar 2013 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software and Systems Engineering--Software Testing--Part 1: Concepts and Definitions" 978-0-7381-8365-7 6493351 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-04-03 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P29119-1-FDIS, Mar 2013 Inactive Draft "P29119-1/CD, June 2020 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Software and systems engineering --Software testing--Part 1: Concepts and definitions" 978-1-5044-6973-9 9185099 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-09-02 P Standard Computing and Processing P29119-1/CD, June 2020 Inactive Draft "P29119-1/DIS, Dec 2020 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Software and systems engineering--Software testing--Part 1: Concepts and definitions" 978-1-5044-7422-1 9360668 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-02-22 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P29119-1/DIS, Dec 2020 Inactive Draft "P29119-1/DIS, Sep 2012 - SO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard for Software and Systems Engineering--Software Testing--Part 1: Concepts and Definitions" 978-0-7381-7340-5 6309993 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2012 2012-09-21 P Standard Computing and Processing P29119-1/DIS, Sep 2012 Inactive Draft "P29119-1/FDIS, Sept 2021 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Software and systems engineering--Software testing--Part 1: Concepts and definitions" 978-1-5044-8129-8 9611192 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-11-10 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P29119-1/FDIS, Sept 2021 Inactive Draft "P29119-2-DIS, Dec2011 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software and Systems Engineering--Software Testing--Part 2: Test Process" 978-0-7381-7450-1 6155566 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2012 2012-02-20 P Standard Computing and Processing P29119-2-DIS, Dec2011 Inactive Draft "P29119-2-FDIS, Apr 2013 - Approved Draft Software and systems engineering - Software testing - Part 2: Test process" 978-0-7381-8413-5 6512509 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-05-02 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P29119-2-FDIS, Apr 2013 Inactive Draft "P29119-2/CD, August 2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Software and systems engineering - Software testing -- Part 2: Test processes" 978-1-5044-6245-7 8894221 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-11-07 P Standard Computing and Processing P29119-2/CD, August 2019 Inactive Draft "P29119-2/DIS , Apr 2020 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Software and systems engineering - Software testing -- Part 2: Test processes" 978-1-5044-6886-2 9151321 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-07-28 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P29119-2/DIS , Apr 2020 Inactive Draft "P29119-2/FDIS, Jun2021 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Software and systems engineering - Software testing -- Part 2: Test processes" 978-1-5044-7833-5 9495328 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-07-27 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P29119-2/FDIS, Jun2021 Inactive Draft "P29119-2/FDIS, Mar 2013 - Software and systems engineering - Software testing - Part 2: Test process" 978-0-7381-8343-5 6488693 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-03-27 P Standard Computing and Processing P29119-2/FDIS, Mar 2013 Inactive Draft "P29119-2_FDIS, Dec 2020 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Software and systems engineering - Software testing -- Part 2: Test processes" 978-1-5044-7331-6 9334489 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-01-22 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P29119-2_FDIS, Dec 2020 Inactive Draft "P29119-3-DIS2, Sep 2012 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software and Systems Engineering--Software Testing--Part 3: Test Documentation" 978-0-7381-7449-5 6302147 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2012 2012-09-13 P Standard Computing and Processing P29119-3-DIS2, Sep 2012 Inactive Draft "P29119-3-FDIS, Apr 2013 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software and Systems Engineering--Software Testing--Part 3: Test Documentation" 978-0-7381-8412-8 6512506 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-05-02 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P29119-3-FDIS, Apr 2013 Inactive Draft "P29119-3/CD, Aug 2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Software and systems engineering -- Software testing --Part 3: Test documentation" 978-1-5044-6244-0 8894212 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-11-07 P Standard Computing and Processing P29119-3/CD, Aug 2019 Inactive Draft "P29119-3/D3_Jan 2021 - IEEE/ISO/IEC Draft International Standard - Software and systems engineering -- Software testing -- Part 3: Test documentation" 978-1-5044-7341-5 9340093 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-01-28 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P29119-3/D3_Jan 2021 Inactive Draft "P29119-3/DIS, Apr 2020 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Software and systems engineering -- Software testing --Part 3: Test documentation" 978-1-5044-6887-9 9151324 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-07-28 P Standard Computing and Processing P29119-3/DIS, Apr 2020 Inactive Draft "P29119-3/DIS, Dec 2011 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software and Systems Engineering--Software Testing--Part 3: Test Documentation" 978-0-7381-7449-5 6156725 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2012 2012-02-23 P Standard Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P29119-3/DIS, Dec 2011 Inactive Draft "P29119-3/FDIS, Mar2013 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software and Systems Engineering--Software Testing--Part 3: Test Documentation" 978-0-7381-8340-4 6488690 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2013 2013-03-27 P Standard Computing and Processing P29119-3/FDIS, Mar2013 Inactive Draft "P29119-4-CD3, Sep 2012 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software and Systems Engineering--Software Testing--Part 4: Test Techniques" 978-0-7381-7448-8 6302144 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2012 2012-09-13 P Standard Computing and Processing P29119-4-CD3, Sep 2012 Inactive Draft "P29119-4-DISMay2013 - IEEE Draft International Standard for Software and Systems Engineering--Software Testing--Part 4: Test Techniques" 978-0-7381-8451-7 6517200 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2014 2013-05-17 P Standard Computing and Processing P29119-4-DISMay2013 Inactive Draft "P29119-4-FDIS, Apr 2015 - IEEE Approved Draft International Standard for Software and Systems Engineering--Software Testing--Part 4: Test Techniques" 978-0-7381-9676-3 7091842 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-04-22 P Standard Computing and Processing P29119-4-FDIS, Apr 2015 Inactive Draft "P29119-4/DIS, Apr 2020 - IEEE/ISO/IEC Draft International Standard - Software and systems engineering--Software testing--Part 4: Test techniques" 978-1-5044-6888-6 9151433 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-07-28 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P29119-4/DIS, Apr 2020 Inactive Draft "P29119-4/DIS2-Feb2014 - IEEE Draft International Standard for Software and Systems Engineering--Software Testing--Part 4: Test Techniques" 978-0-7381-8957-4 6746626 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2014 2014-02-21 P Standard Computing and Processing P29119-4/DIS2-Feb2014 Inactive Draft "P29119-4/FDIS, Aug 2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Software and systems engineering--Software testing--Part 4: Test techniques" 978-1-5044-6243-3 8892800 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-11-06 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P29119-4/FDIS, Aug 2019 Inactive Draft "P29119-4/FDIS, Jun 2021 - IEEE/ISO/IEC Draft International Standard - Software and systems engineering--Software testing--Part 4: Test techniques" 978-1-5044-7834-2 9495343 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-07-27 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P29119-4/FDIS, Jun 2021 Inactive Draft "P29119-4_CD2, Feb2012 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software and Systems Engineering--Software Testing--Part 4: Test Techniques" 978-0-7381-7448-8 6155052 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2012 2012-02-17 P Standard Computing and Processing P29119-4_CD2, Feb2012 Inactive Draft "P29119-4_FDIS, Dec 2020 - IEEE/ISO/IEC Draft International Standard - Software and systems engineering--Software testing--Part 4: Test techniques" 978-1-5044-7330-9 9334486 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-01-22 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P29119-4_FDIS, Dec 2020 Inactive Draft "P29119-5, August 2014 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard Software and Systems Engineering -- Software Testing -- Part 5: Keyword-Driven Testing" 978-0-7381-9299-4 6881603 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2014 2014-08-21 P Standard Computing and Processing P29119-5, August 2014 Inactive Draft "P29119-5, Oct 2023 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard for Software and systems engineering -- Software testing -- Part 5: Keyword-Driven Testing" 979-8-8557-0200-2 10285672 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-10-13 P Standard Computing and Processing P29119-5, Oct 2023 Active Draft "P29119-5-CD1 April 2014 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard Software and Systems Engineering -- Software Testing -- Part 5: Keyword-Driven Testing" 978-0-7381-8055-7 6807627 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2014 2014-04-29 P Standard Computing and Processing P29119-5-CD1 April 2014 Inactive Draft "P29119-5-DIS2-1504 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Software and Systems Engineering -- Software Testing -- Part 5: Keyword-Driven Testing" 978-0-7381-9692-3 7526260 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2016-07-29 P Standard Computing and Processing P29119-5-DIS2-1504 Inactive Draft "P29119-5-FDIS1, Jul 2016 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Software and Systems Engineering -- Software Testing -- Part 5: Keyword-Driven Testing" 978-1-5044-2211-6 7526272 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2016 2016-07-29 P Standard Computing and Processing P29119-5-FDIS1, Jul 2016 Inactive Draft "P29148 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard for software and systems engineering -- Life cycle processes -- Requirements engineering" 978-0-7381-6404-5 5511450 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2010-07-19 P Standard Computing and Processing P29148 Inactive Draft "P29148, Sept 2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Life Cycle Processes --Requirements Engineering" 978-1-5044-4653-2 8267468 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-01-23 P Standard Computing and Processing P29148, Sept 2017 Inactive Draft "P29148/D1, March 2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Life Cycle Processes --Requirements Engineering" 978-1-5044-3964-0 7891867 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-04-04 P Standard Computing and Processing P29148/D1, March 2017 Inactive Draft "P29148:2011(E) Aug 2011 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard for software and systems engineering -- Life cycle processes -- Requirements engineering" 978-0-7381-6404-5 5966380 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-07-27 P Standard Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies P29148:2011(E) Aug 2011 Inactive Draft "P29148_CD2, Feb 2010 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft IEEE Standard Software and systems engineering -- Life cycle processes -- Requirements engineering" 978-1-5044-4019-6 5434881 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2010-03-18 P Standard Computing and Processing P29148_CD2, Feb 2010 Inactive Draft "P29148_FDIS, Sept 2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Life Cycle Processes --Requirements Engineering" 978-1-5044-5161-1 8463985 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-09-12 P Standard Computing and Processing P29148_FDIS, Sept 2018 Inactive Draft "P2999/D3, Aug 2022 - IEEE Draft Guide for Technical Requirements and Test Methods for Industrial Ultrashort Pulse Lasers" 978-1-5044-9239-3 9970477 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-12-05 P Standard Photonics and Electrooptics; Power, Energy and Industry Applications P2999/D3, Aug 2022 Inactive Draft "P3178/D1.0, Feb 2024 - IEEE Draft Standard for General Requirements and Protocols for Software-defined Physical Layer of Wireless Backscatter Networks" 979-8-8557-0518-8 10423613 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-02-06 P Standard Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies P3178/D1.0, Feb 2024 Inactive Draft "P3178/D1.1, Aug 2024 - IEEE Draft Standard for General Requirements and Protocols for Software-defined Physical Layer of Wireless Backscatter Networks" 979-8-8557-1124-0 10643824 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-08-22 P Standard Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineering Profession P3178/D1.1, Aug 2024 Active Draft "P32430/ DIS Mar 2024 - IEEE Draft International Standard - Software engineering - Software Non-Functional Sizing Measurement" 979-8-8557-0676-5 10489900 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-04-02 P Standard Computing and Processing P32430/ DIS Mar 2024 Active Draft "P32430/CD, Aug 2023 - IEEE Draft International Standard for Software Engineering -- Standard for Software Non-Functional Sizing Measurements" 979-8-8557-0070-1 10246120 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-09-08 P Standard Computing and Processing P32430/CD, Aug 2023 Active Draft "P32430/CD, Sept 2022 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software Non-Functional Sizing Measurements" 978-1-5044-9000-9 9900278 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-09-22 P Standard Computing and Processing; Power, Energy and Industry Applications P32430/CD, Sept 2022 Inactive Draft "P3307/D1, Jan 2024 - Draft Standard - Adoption of Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) Technical Specification Connected Autonomous Vehicle - Architecture (CAV) Version 1" 979-8-8557-0590-4 10458094 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-03-01 P Standard Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Transportation; Signal Processing and Analysis; Robotics and Control Systems P3307/D1, Jan 2024 Inactive Draft "P41062/CD1, April 2022 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard - Software Engineering - Life cycle processes - Software Acquisition" 978-1-5044-8720-7 9780269 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-05-27 P Standard Computing and Processing P41062/CD1, April 2022 Inactive Draft "P41062/CD2, Nov 2022 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard - Software Engineering - Life cycle processes - Software Acquisition" 978-1-5044-9231-7 9969531 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-12-02 P Standard Computing and Processing P41062/CD2, Nov 2022 Inactive Draft "P41062/DIS, Feb 2024 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Software Engineering - Life cycle processes - Software Acquisition" 979-8-8557-0585-0 10453478 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-02-28 P Standard Computing and Processing P41062/DIS, Feb 2024 Active Draft "P41062/DIS, May 2023 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard - Software Engineering - Life cycle processes - Software Acquisition" 978-1-5044-9750-3 10130000 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-05-19 P Standard P41062/DIS, May 2023 Inactive Draft "P42010 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard for Systems and Software Engineering -- Architectural Description" 978-0-7381-6403-8 5511447 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2010-07-19 P Standard Computing and Processing P42010 Inactive Draft "P42010.CD1-V1.0, Apr 2020 - IEEE/ISO/IEC Draft Standard for Systems and Software Engineering -- Architecture Description" 978-1-5044-6634-9 9078388 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-04-24 P Standard Computing and Processing P42010.CD1-V1.0, Apr 2020 Inactive Draft "P42010/D6, Mar 2009 - Systems and software engineering -- Architecture description" 978-1-5044-2716-6 4816171 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2009 2009-04-16 P Standard Computing and Processing P42010/D6, Mar 2009 Inactive Draft "P42010/DIS, Dec 2020 - IEEE/ISO/IEC Draft International Standard for Systems and Software Engineering -- Architecture Description" 978-1-5044-7238-8 9292513 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-12-11 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P42010/DIS, Dec 2020 Inactive Draft "P42010/FDIS, April 2022 - IEEE/ISO/IEC Draft International Standard for Systems and Software Engineering -- Architecture Description" 978-1-5044-8669-9 9765804 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2022-04-29 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P42010/FDIS, April 2022 Inactive Draft "P42010_D7, Jan 2010 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Draft Standard for Systems and Software Engineering --- Architectural Description" 978-1-5044-2794-4 5407664 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2010 2010-02-04 P Standard Computing and Processing P42010_D7, Jan 2010 Inactive Draft "P42020 FDIS, Mar 2019 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Software, Systems Enterprise - Architecture Processes" 978-1-5044-5634-0 8672199 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-03-20 P Standard Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems P42020 FDIS, Mar 2019 Inactive Draft "P42020/V1.9, Aug 2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard for Systems and Software Engineering -- Architecture Processes" 978-1-5044-5472-8 8606467 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-01-09 P Standard Computing and Processing P42020/V1.9, Aug 2018 Inactive Draft "P42020:201x(E), Jun 2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard for Systems and Software Engineering -- Architecture Processes" 978-1-5044-4130-8 7948695 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-06-14 P Standard Computing and Processing P42020:201x(E), Jun 2017 Inactive Draft "P42024 CD1, Aug 2024 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard for Enterprise, systems and software -- Architecture fundamentals" 979-8-8557-1134-9 10645774 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-08-23 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing P42024 CD1, Aug 2024 Active Draft "P42030, Mar 2019 - IEEE/ISO/IEC Approved Draft International Standard - Software, systems and enterprise - Architecture evaluation framework" 978-1-5044-5638-8 8671803 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2019 2019-03-20 P Standard Computing and Processing P42030, Mar 2019 Inactive Draft "P42030/D1, December 2017 - IEEE/ISO/IEC Draft Standard for Systems and Software Engineering - Architecture Evaluation" 978-1-5044-4559-7 8169703 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-12-07 P Standard Computing and Processing P42030/D1, December 2017 Inactive Draft "P42030/D2, Aug 2018 - IEEE/ISO/IEC Draft Standard for Systems and Software Engineering - Architecture Evaluation" 978-1-5044-5187-1 8472945 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-09-26 P Standard Computing and Processing P42030/D2, Aug 2018 Inactive Draft "P62582-5 - IEEE/IEC Approved Draft Nuclear power Plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Electrical equipment condition monitoring methods Part 5: Optical time domain reflectometry" 978-0-7381-9605-3 7122836 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-06-12 P Standard Nuclear Engineering; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Robotics and Control Systems P62582-5 Inactive Draft "P7000/D3, April 2020 - IEEE Draft Model Process for Addressing Ethical Concerns During System Design" 978-1-5044-6611-0 9064957 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2020 2020-04-14 P Standard Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers P7000/D3, April 2020 Inactive Draft "P7000/D5, Feb 2021 - IEEE Draft Standard for Model Process for Addressing Ethical Concerns During System Design" 978-1-5044-7445-0 9363688 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-02-25 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers P7000/D5, Feb 2021 Inactive Draft "P7000/D7, Apr 2021 - IEEE Draft Model Process for Addressing Ethical Concerns During System Design" 978-1-5044-7600-3 9410480 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-04-21 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers P7000/D7, Apr 2021 Inactive Draft "P7002/D7, Feb 2021 - IEEE Draft Standard for Data Privacy Process" 978-1-5044-7431-3 9360680 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-02-22 P Standard Computing and Processing P7002/D7, Feb 2021 Inactive Draft "P7002/D8, Sept 2021 - IEEE Draft Standard for Data Privacy Process" 978-1-5044-8080-2 9586456 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-10-26 P Standard Computing and Processing P7002/D8, Sept 2021 Inactive Draft "P7002/D9, Dec 2021 - IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Data Privacy Process" 978-1-5044-8230-1 9642953 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2022 2021-12-08 P Standard Computing and Processing P7002/D9, Dec 2021 Inactive Draft "P7005/D5, Nov 2020 - IEEE Draft Standard for Transparent Employer Data Governance" 978-1-5044-7322-4 9321784 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-01-13 P Standard Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers P7005/D5, Nov 2020 Inactive Draft "P7005/D6, May 2021 - IEEE Draft Standard for Transparent Employer Data Governance" 978-1-5044-7653-9 9444274 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-05-28 P Standard Computing and Processing P7005/D6, May 2021 Inactive Draft "P7005/D7, Jun 2021 - IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Transparent Employer Data Governance" 978-1-5044-7775-8 9464889 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2021 2021-06-24 P Standard Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers P7005/D7, Jun 2021 Inactive Draft "P7009/D1.1, Mar 2024 - IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Fail-Safe Design of Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Systems" 979-8-8557-0605-5 10462963 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-03-07 P Standard Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers P7009/D1.1, Mar 2024 Inactive Draft "P730/D0.8, Feb 2024 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software Quality Assurance Processes" 979-8-8557-0589-8 10458103 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-03-01 P Standard Computing and Processing P730/D0.8, Feb 2024 Active Draft "P730/D9, Nov 2013 - IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Software Quality Assurance Processes" 978-0-7381-8805-8 6662365 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2014 2013-11-12 P Standard Computing and Processing P730/D9, Nov 2013 Inactive Draft "P82079-1/D1, June 2016 - IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Information technology: Information for Use of Products -- Part 1: Principles and General Requirements" 978-1-5044-2198-0 7524639 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2016 2016-07-28 P Standard Computing and Processing P82079-1/D1, June 2016 Inactive Draft "P82079-1/ED2, Feb 2018 - IEEE/IEC International Draft Standard Preparation of Information for Use (Instructions for Use) of Products - Part 1: Principles and General Requirements" 978-1-5044-4712-6 8302426 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-02-23 P Standard Computing and Processing P82079-1/ED2, Feb 2018 Inactive Draft "P82079-1_D4_FDIS - IEEE/IEC International Approved Draft Standard - Preparation of Information for Use (Instructions for Use) of Products - Part 1: Principles and General Requirements" 978-1-5044-5150-5 8457452 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-09-10 P Standard Computing and Processing P82079-1_D4_FDIS Inactive Draft "P82079-2/CD, Aug 2023 - IEEE/ISO/IEC Draft Standard Preparation of information for use (instructions for use) of products--Part 2: Assembly of self-assembly products" 979-8-8557-0358-0 10345522 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-12-05 P Standard Computing and Processing P82079-2/CD, Aug 2023 Inactive Draft "P82079-2/ED1, May 2024 - IEEE/ISO/IEC Draft Standard Preparation of information for use (instructions for use) of products--Part 2: Assembly of self-assembly products" 979-8-8557-0844-8 10540082 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-05-27 P Standard Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers P82079-2/ED1, May 2024 Active Draft "P82079_D2, Mar 2017 - IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Information technology: Information for Use of Products -- Part 1: Principles and General Requirements" 978-1-5044-3948-0 7888873 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2017 2017-03-29 P Standard Computing and Processing P82079_D2, Mar 2017 Inactive Draft "P828/D2 - Approved IEEE Draft Standard for Software Configuration Management Plans (Revision of 828-1998)" 978-1-5044-3394-5 4039976 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2004 2007-02-09 P Standard Computing and Processing P828/D2 Inactive Draft "P828/D6, Mar 2011 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software and Software Systems Configuration Management" 978-0-7381-6619-3 5750119 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-04-15 P Standard Computing and Processing P828/D6, Mar 2011 Inactive Draft "P828/D9.2, Oct 2011 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software and Software Systems Configuration Management" 978-0-7381-6619-3 6061901 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-10-26 P Standard Computing and Processing P828/D9.2, Oct 2011 Inactive Draft "P828/D9.3, Nov 2011 - IEEE Draft Standard for Configuration Management in System and Software Engineering" 978-0-7381-6619-3 6093694 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2011 2011-11-30 P Standard Computing and Processing P828/D9.3, Nov 2011 Inactive Draft "P829/D11, Feb 2008 - Draft IEEE Standard for Software and System Test Documentation (Revision of IEEE 829-1998)" 978-1-5044-2596-4 4459216 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-02-25 P Standard Computing and Processing P829/D11, Feb 2008 Inactive Draft "P829/D8, July 2007 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software and System Test Documentation (Revison of IEEE 829-1998)" 978-1-5044-2597-1 4293221 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2007 2007-08-17 P Standard Computing and Processing P829/D8, July 2007 Inactive Draft "P829_D10, Jan 2008 - IEEE Draft Standard for Software and System Test Documentation" 978-1-5044-2598-8 4447427 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-02-04 P Standard Computing and Processing P829_D10, Jan 2008 Inactive Draft "P829_D9, Dec 2007 - Draft IEEE Standard for Software and System Test Documentation (Revision of IEEE 829-1998)" 978-1-5044-2599-5 4432348 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2007 2008-01-11 P Standard Computing and Processing P829_D9, Dec 2007 Inactive Draft "P90003, Feb 2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Software Engineering -- Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2015 to computer software" 978-1-5044-4722-5 8304858 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-02-28 P Standard Computing and Processing P90003, Feb 2018 Inactive Draft "P90003-2014, Apr 2015 - IEEE Approved Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 90003:2014, Software Engineering -- Guidelines for the Application of ISO 9001:2008 to Computer Software" 978-0-7381-9690-9 7095476 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-04-27 P Standard Computing and Processing P90003-2014, Apr 2015 Inactive Draft "P90003-2014, Feb 2015 - IEEE Draft International Standard - Software Engineering -- Guidelines for the Application of ISO 9001:2008 to Computer Software" 978-0-7381-9630-5 7070635 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2015 2015-03-27 P Standard Computing and Processing P90003-2014, Feb 2015 Inactive Draft "P90003/D1, Feb 2007 - IEEE Draft Adoption of ISO/IEC 90003, Software Engineering - Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2000 to computer software" 978-1-5044-3397-6 4601614 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2008 2008-08-14 P Standard Computing and Processing P90003/D1, Feb 2007 Inactive Draft "P90003/D1, Feb 2007.pdf - Unapproved IEEE Draft Adoption of ISO/IEC 90003, Software Engineering - Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2000 to computer software" 4152628 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2007 2007-04-10 P Standard Computing and Processing P90003/D1, Feb 2007.pdf Inactive Draft "P90003_FDIS, Aug2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Software Engineering -- Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2015 to computer software" 978-1-5044-5157-4 8457443 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2018 2018-09-10 P Standard Computing and Processing P90003_FDIS, Aug2018 Inactive Draft "P982.1/D7 - IEEE Approved IEEE Draft Standard Dictionary of Measures to Produce Reliable Software (Revision of 982.1-1988) Replaced by 982.1-2005" 978-1-5044-3401-0 4039994 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2005 2007-02-09 P Standard Computing and Processing P982.1/D7 Inactive Draft "P982/D1, Nov 2023 - IEEE Draft Standard for Measures of the Software Aspects of Dependability" 979-8-8557-0364-1 10345510 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2023 2023-12-05 P Standard Computing and Processing P982/D1, Nov 2023 Inactive Draft "P982/D2, Feb 2024 - IEEE Draft Standard for Measures of the Software Aspects of Dependability" 979-8-8557-0592-8 10460475 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-03-05 P Standard Computing and Processing P982/D2, Feb 2024 Inactive Draft "P982/D3, Feb 2024 - IEEE Draft Standard for Measures of the Software Aspects of Dependability" 979-8-8557-0647-5 10477305 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-03-20 P Standard Computing and Processing P982/D3, Feb 2024 Active Draft "P982/D4, Apr 2024 - IEEE Draft Standard for Measures of the Software Aspects of Dependability" 979-8-8557-0789-2 10530579 fulltext IEEE Monograph 2024 2024-05-14 P Standard Computing and Processing P982/D4, Apr 2024 Active Draft