publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_volume monograph_edition first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type subtype subjects standard_number standard_status standard_modifier_status "Annals of the History of Computing" 0164-1239 1979 1 1 1991 13 4 5488650 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "Canadian Electrical Engineering Journal" 0700-9216 1976 1 1 1988 13 1 6449389 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering" 0840-8688 1988 13 2 1998 23 1-2 9754 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "Communications Society" 0094-5579 2331-463X 1973 10 1 1976 14 6 8158 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Bioengineering; Computing and Processing; Engineering Profession; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Robotics and Control Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "Computer" 0018-9162 1558-0814 1970 3 5 1999 32 12 2 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "Computing in Science & Engineering" 1521-9615 1558-366X 1999 1 1 1999 1 6 5992 fulltext IEEE Serial 99 P Journal Computing and Processing; Bioengineering; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "Electrical Engineering" 0095-9197 2376-7804 1931 50 1 1963 82 12 6413714 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine" 0278-0054 2376-8797 1982 1 1 1983 2 3 5005708 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Bioengineering; Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Robotics and Control Systems "IEEE Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Newsletter" 2168-3093 2168-3085 1974 29 1 1983 62 1 8342 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine" 0885-8985 1557-959X 1986 1 1 1999 14 12 62 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Aerospace; Transportation "IEEE Annals of the History of Computing" 1058-6180 1934-1547 1992 14 1 1999 21 4 85 fulltext IEEE Serial 5488650 P Journal Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Antennas and Propagation Group Newsletter" 2168-0353 2168-0361 1964 7 1 1973 15 3 4545874 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine" 1045-9243 1558-4143 1990 32 1 1999 41 6 74 fulltext IEEE Serial 8233 P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Photonics and Electrooptics "IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Newsletter" 2168-0329 2168-0337 1973 15 4 1989 31 6 8233 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Aerospace; Bioengineering; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Engineering Profession; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Geoscience; General Topics for Engineers; Nuclear Engineering; Photonics and Electrooptics; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Robotics and Control Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis; Transportation "IEEE ASSP Magazine" 0740-7467 1558-1284 1984 1 1 1990 7 4 53 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Audio and Electroacoustics Newsletter" 2168-3069 2168-3050 1970 16 1 1973 27 1 8338 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Circuits & Systems Magazine" 0163-6812 1979 1 1 1984 6 4 6331049 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine" 8755-3996 1558-1888 1985 1 1 1999 15 6 101 fulltext IEEE Serial 6331049 P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Aerospace; Bioengineering; Computing and Processing; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; General Topics for Engineers; Signal Processing and Analysis; Transportation; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Photonics and Electrooptics; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Communications Letters" 1089-7798 1558-2558 1997 1 1 1999 3 12 4234 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Communications Magazine" 0163-6804 1558-1896 1979 17 1 1999 37 12 35 fulltext IEEE Serial 5488653 P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Signal Processing and Analysis; Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Communications Society Magazine" 0148-9615 1977 15 1 1978 16 6 5488653 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Communications Surveys" 1998 1 1 1999 2 3 7041148 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Computational Science and Engineering" 1070-9924 1558-190X 1994 1 1 1998 5 4 99 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Computer Applications in Power" 0895-0156 1558-4151 1988 1 1 1999 12 4 67 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Computing and Processing "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications" 0272-1716 1558-1756 1981 1 1 1999 19 6 38 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Concurrency" 1092-3063 1558-0849 1997 5 1 1999 7 4 4434 fulltext IEEE Serial 88 P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Control Systems" 1066-033X 1941-000X 1991 11 1 1999 19 6 5488303 fulltext IEEE Serial 37 P Journal Robotics and Control Systems; Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Control Systems Magazine" 0272-1708 2374-9385 1981 1 1 1990 10 7 37 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Robotics and Control Systems; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE CSIT Newsletter" 0364-7188 2379-5654 1972 1 1 1976 4 16 6457541 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession "IEEE Design & Test of Computers" 0740-7475 1558-1918 1984 1 1 1999 16 4 54 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine" 0883-7554 1558-4402 1985 1 1 1999 15 6 57 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "IEEE Electron Device Letters" 0741-3106 1558-0563 1980 1 1 1999 20 12 55 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine" 0739-5175 1937-4186 1982 1 2 1999 18 6 51 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Bioengineering "IEEE Engineering Management Review" 0360-8581 1937-4178 1973 1 1 1987 15 4 46 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Engineering Profession; General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Expert" 0885-9000 2374-9407 1986 1 1 1997 12 6 64 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Industry Applications Magazine" 1077-2618 1558-0598 1995 1 1 1999 5 6 2943 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Signal Processing and Analysis; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing "IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine" 1094-6969 1941-0123 1998 1 1 1999 2 4 5289 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Intelligent Systems and their Applications" 1094-7167 2374-9423 1998 13 1 1999 14 6 5254 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Internet Computing" 1089-7801 1941-0131 1997 1 1 1999 3 6 4236 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering" 0364-9059 1558-1691 1976 1 1 1999 24 4 48 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Geoscience; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics" 0018-9197 1558-1713 1965 1 1 1999 35 12 3 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Photonics and Electrooptics "IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics" 1077-260X 1558-4542 1995 1 1 1999 5 6 2944 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Photonics and Electrooptics "IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits" 0018-9200 1558-173X 1966 1 1 1999 34 12 4 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Computing and Processing "IEEE Journal on Robotics and Automation" 0882-4967 2374-8710 1985 1 1 1988 4 6 56 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Robotics and Control Systems "IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications" 0733-8716 1558-0008 1983 1 1 1999 17 12 49 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE LCS" 1045-9235 1558-2620 1990 1 1 1991 2 1 73 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Photonics and Electrooptics "IEEE LTS" 1055-6877 1558-2604 1991 2 2 1992 3 4 80 fulltext IEEE Serial 73 P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Photonics and Electrooptics "IEEE Micro" 0272-1732 1937-4143 1981 1 1 1999 19 6 40 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters" 1051-8207 1558-2329 1991 1 1 1999 9 12 75 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE MultiMedia" 1070-986X 1941-0166 1994 1 1 1999 6 4 93 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Network" 0890-8044 1558-156X 1987 1 1 1999 13 6 65 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing "IEEE Parallel & Distributed Technology: Systems & Applications" 1063-6552 1558-1861 1993 1 1 1996 4 4 88 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Personal Communications" 1070-9916 1558-0652 1994 1 1 1999 6 6 98 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Photonics Technology Letters" 1041-1135 1941-0174 1989 1 1 1999 11 12 68 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Photonics and Electrooptics "IEEE Potentials" 0278-6648 1558-1772 1982 1 Fall 1999 18 4 45 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession "IEEE Power Engineering Review" 0272-1724 1558-1705 1981 PER-1 1 1999 19 12 39 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Professional Group on Antennas and Propagation Newsletter" 2168-3670 2168-3689 1963 6 1 1963 6 1 5721922 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Aerospace; Bioengineering; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Engineering Profession; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; General Topics for Engineers; Geoscience; Nuclear Engineering; Photonics and Electrooptics; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Robotics and Control Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis; Transportation "IEEE Professional Technical Group on Antennas and Propagation Newsletter" 2168-3514 2168-3506 1963 6 2 1963 6 2 4545875 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine" 1070-9932 1558-223X 1994 1 1 1999 6 4 100 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Robotics and Control Systems; Aerospace; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Engineering Profession; General Topics for Engineers; Signal Processing and Analysis; Transportation; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Signal Processing Letters" 1070-9908 1558-2361 1994 1 1 1999 6 12 97 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Signal Processing Magazine" 1053-5888 1558-0792 1991 8 1 1999 16 6 79 fulltext IEEE Serial 53 P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing "IEEE Software" 0740-7459 1937-4194 1984 1 1 1999 16 6 52 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Spectrum" 0018-9235 1939-9340 1964 1 1 1999 36 12 6 fulltext IEEE Serial 6413714 P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession "IEEE Technology and Society Magazine" 0278-0097 1937-416X 1982 1 1 1999 18 4 44 fulltext IEEE Serial 6457542 P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession "IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing" 0096-3518 1974 22 1 1990 38 12 29 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging" 1521-3323 1557-9980 1999 22 1 1999 22 4 6040 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Aerospace" 0536-1516 2374-944X 1963 1 1 1965 AS-3 2 4319334 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Aerospace; Transportation; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems" 0018-9251 1557-9603 1965 AES-1 1 1999 35 4 7 fulltext IEEE Serial 4319312,4319334,4323026,4335581 P Journal Aerospace; Robotics and Control Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Navigational Electronics" 0096-1957 2374-9547 1963 ANE-10 1 1965 12 2 4319312 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Aerospace; Transportation; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation" 0018-926X 1558-2221 1963 11 1 1999 47 12 8 fulltext IEEE Serial 8234 P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Aerospace; Transportation; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Applications and Industry" 0536-1524 2379-6782 1963 82 65 1964 83 75 5407695 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Geoscience "IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity" 1051-8223 1558-2515 1991 1 1 1999 9 4 77 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "IEEE Transactions on Audio" 0096-1620 1558-2663 1963 AU-11 1 1965 AU-13 6 8336 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics" 0018-9278 1558-2582 1966 14 1 1973 21 6 8337 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control" 0018-9286 1558-2523 1963 8 1 1999 44 12 9 fulltext IEEE Serial 8163 P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on Bio-medical Electronics" 0096-0616 2168-1600 1963 10 1 1963 10 4 5483695 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Bioengineering; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering" 0018-9294 1558-2531 1964 BME-11 3 1999 46 12 10 fulltext IEEE Serial 5483695 P Journal Bioengineering; Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Broadcast and Television Receivers" 0018-9308 2168-166X 1963 BTR-9 1 1974 BTR-20 4 4079767 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting" 0018-9316 1557-9611 1963 BC-9 1 1999 45 4 11 fulltext IEEE Serial 4501502 P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Cable Television" 0147-3204 1976 CATV-1 1 1980 CATV-5 4 4065009 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on Circuit Theory" 0018-9324 2374-9555 1963 10 1 1973 20 6 8147 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems" 0098-4094 1558-1276 1974 21 1 1991 38 12 31 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology" 1051-8215 1558-2205 1991 1 1 1999 9 8 76 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications" 1057-7122 1558-1268 1992 39 1 1999 46 12 81 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing" 1057-7130 1558-125X 1992 39 1 1999 46 12 82 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Communication and Electronics" 0536-1532 2379-6758 1963 82 1 1964 83 75 6412854 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Transactions on Communication Technology" 0018-9332 2162-2175 1964 12 3 1971 19 6 4547467 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on Communications" 0090-6778 1558-0857 1972 20 1 1999 47 12 26 fulltext IEEE Serial 4547467 P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Communications Systems" 0096-1965 1558-2647 1963 11 1 1964 12 2 4547466 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on Component Parts" 0097-6601 2168-1716 1963 10 1 1965 12 1 8216 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies" 1521-3331 1557-9972 1999 22 1 1999 22 4 6144 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology" 0148-6411 1558-3082 1978 1 1 1993 16 8 33 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology: Part A" 1070-9886 1558-3678 1994 17 1 1998 21 4 95 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology: Part B" 1070-9894 1558-3686 1994 17 1 1998 21 4 96 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology: Part C" 1083-4400 1558-1241 1996 19 1 1998 21 4 3476 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems" 0278-0070 1937-4151 1982 1 1 1999 18 12 43 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Computers" 0018-9340 1557-9956 1968 C-17 1 1999 48 12 12 fulltext IEEE Serial 4037753 P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics" 0098-3063 1558-4127 1975 CE-21 1 1999 45 4 30 fulltext IEEE Serial 4079767 P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology" 1063-6536 1558-0865 1993 1 1 1999 7 6 87 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Robotics and Control Systems "IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation" 1070-9878 1558-4135 1994 1 1 1999 6 6 94 fulltext IEEE Serial 14 P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "IEEE Transactions on Education" 0018-9359 1557-9638 1963 6 1 1999 42 4 13 fulltext IEEE Serial 4321999 P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession "IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation" 0018-9367 1557-962X 1965 EI-1 1 1993 28 6 14 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility" 0018-9375 1558-187X 1964 6 1 1999 41 4 15 fulltext IEEE Serial 4607257 P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices" 0018-9383 1557-9646 1963 10 1 1999 46 12 16 fulltext IEEE Serial 4639142 P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers" 0367-7508 1963 EC-12 1 1967 EC-16 6 4037753 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing" 1521-334X 1558-0822 1999 22 1 1999 22 4 6104 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion" 0885-8969 1558-0059 1986 EC-1 1 1999 14 4 60 fulltext IEEE Serial 10669 P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Geoscience "IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management" 0018-9391 1558-0040 1963 EM-10 1 1999 46 4 17 fulltext IEEE Serial 5007355 P Journal Engineering Profession "IEEE Transactions on Engineering Writing and Speech" 0018-9405 2331-3706 1963 6 1 1971 14 3 4322293 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession "IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation" 1089-778X 1941-0026 1997 1 1 1999 3 4 4235 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems" 1063-6706 1941-0034 1993 1 1 1999 7 6 91 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing" 0196-2892 1558-0644 1980 GE-18 1 1999 37 6 36 fulltext IEEE Serial 4043135 P Journal Geoscience; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on Geoscience Electronics" 0018-9413 1963 1 1 1979 17 4 4043135 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Geoscience; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics" 0096-249X 2168-2852 1963 HFE-4 1 1967 HFE-8 4 11151 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis; Robotics and Control Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Transactions on Image Processing" 1057-7149 1941-0042 1992 1 1 1999 8 12 83 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics" 0278-0046 1557-9948 1982 IE-29 1 1999 46 6 41 fulltext IEEE Serial 11166 P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation" 0018-9421 2375-0502 1964 IECI-11 1 1981 IECI-28 4 11166 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics [May 1963]" 0099-4553 1963 IE-10 1 1963 IE-10 1 5412874 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Industry and General Applications" 0018-943X 1965 IGA-1 1 1971 IGA-7 6 4180499 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Signal Processing and Analysis; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications" 0093-9994 1939-9367 1972 IA-8 1 1999 35 6 28 fulltext IEEE Serial 4180499 P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Signal Processing and Analysis; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine" 1089-7771 1558-0032 1997 1 1 1999 3 4 4233 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Bioengineering; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory" 0018-9448 1557-9654 1963 9 1 1999 45 7 18 fulltext IEEE Serial 4547527 P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement" 0018-9456 1557-9662 1963 12 1 1999 48 6 19 fulltext IEEE Serial 5006544 P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering" 1041-4347 1558-2191 1989 1 1 1999 11 6 69 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Magnetics" 0018-9464 1941-0069 1965 1 1 1999 35 6 20 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Transactions on Man-Machine Systems" 0536-1540 2168-2860 1968 9 1 1970 11 4 4081845 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; General Topics for Engineers; Robotics and Control Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Aerospace; Bioengineering; Engineering Profession; Transportation "IEEE Transactions on Manufacturing Technology" 0046-838X 1558-3074 1972 1 1 1977 6 4 8218 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging" 0278-0062 1558-254X 1982 1 1 1999 18 12 42 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Bioengineering; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques" 0018-9480 1557-9670 1963 11 1 1999 47 12 22 fulltext IEEE Serial 4547924 P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Transactions on Military Electronics" 0536-1559 2374-9520 1963 MIL-7 1 1965 9 3 4323026 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Aerospace; Transportation; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Transactions on Multimedia" 1520-9210 1941-0077 1999 1 1 1999 1 4 6046 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks" 1045-9227 1941-0093 1990 1 1 1999 10 6 72 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science" 0018-9499 1558-1578 1963 10 1 1999 46 6 23 fulltext IEEE Serial 4315440 P Journal Nuclear Engineering; Bioengineering "IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems" 1045-9219 1558-2183 1990 1 1 1999 10 12 71 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Parts, Hybrids, and Packaging" 0361-1000 1558-2469 1971 7 2 1977 13 4 8217 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Parts, Materials and Packaging" 0018-9502 1558-2655 1965 1 1 1971 7 1 8221 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence" 0162-8828 1939-3539 1979 PAMI-1 1 1999 21 12 34 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Bioengineering "IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science" 0093-3813 1939-9375 1973 1 1 1999 27 6 27 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems" 0018-9510 1963 82 65 1985 PAS-104 12 10669 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery" 0885-8977 1937-4208 1986 1 1 1999 14 4 61 fulltext IEEE Serial 10669 P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics" 0885-8993 1941-0107 1986 PE-1 1 1999 14 6 63 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Aerospace; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; General Topics for Engineers; Nuclear Engineering; Signal Processing and Analysis; Transportation "IEEE Transactions on Power Systems" 0885-8950 1558-0679 1986 1 1 1999 14 4 59 fulltext IEEE Serial 10669 P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Product Engineering and Production" 0097-4544 1558-2450 1963 7 1 1965 9 1 8224 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication" 0361-1434 1558-1500 1972 PC-15 1 1999 42 4 47 fulltext IEEE Serial 4322293 P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession "IEEE Transactions on Radio Frequency Interference" 2168-1848 2168-1856 1963 5 1 1963 5 2 4607257 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Aerospace; Transportation; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering" 1063-6528 1558-0024 1993 1 1 1999 7 4 86 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Bioengineering; Signal Processing and Analysis; Robotics and Control Systems; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Reliability" 0018-9529 1558-1721 1963 R-12 1 1999 48 4 24 fulltext IEEE Serial 5007123 P Journal Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation" 1042-296X 2374-958X 1989 5 1 1999 15 6 70 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Robotics and Control Systems "IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing" 0894-6507 1558-2345 1988 1 1 1999 12 4 66 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Technology Modeling and Simulation" 1996 1996 6414144 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing" 1053-587X 1941-0476 1991 39 1 1999 47 12 78 fulltext IEEE Serial 29 P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering" 0098-5589 1939-3520 1975 SE-1 1 1999 25 6 32 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics" 0018-9537 2162-1403 1964 11 1 1985 32 6 10326 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Transactions on Space Electronics and Telemetry" 0096-2414 2374-9539 1963 9 1 1965 SET-11 2 4335581 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Aerospace; Transportation; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing" 1063-6676 1558-2353 1993 1 1 1999 7 6 89 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Systems Science and Cybernetics" 0536-1567 2168-2887 1965 1 1 1970 6 4 4082035 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers; Robotics and Control Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics" 0018-9472 2168-2909 1971 SMC-1 1 1995 25 12 21 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Robotics and Control Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans" 1083-4427 1558-2426 1996 26 1 1999 29 6 3468 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Robotics and Control Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics)" 1083-4419 1941-0492 1996 26 1 1999 29 6 3477 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers; Robotics and Control Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews)" 1094-6977 1558-2442 1998 28 1 1999 29 4 5326 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Robotics and Control Systems "IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Engineering" 0893-6706 2162-1373 1963 10 1 1963 10 3 10325 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control" 0885-3010 1525-8955 1986 33 1 1999 46 6 58 fulltext IEEE Serial 10326 P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Communications" 0096-2503 2151-6278 1963 12 1 1966 15 2 10785 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Transportation; Aerospace; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Robotics and Control Systems; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology" 0018-9545 1939-9359 1967 16 1 1999 48 6 25 fulltext IEEE Serial 10785 P Journal Transportation; Aerospace "IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems" 1063-8210 1557-9999 1993 1 1 1999 7 4 92 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics" 1077-2626 1941-0506 1995 1 1 1999 5 4 2945 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Bioengineering; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Translation Journal on Magnetics in Japan" 0882-4959 2375-0545 1985 1 1 1994 9 6 4509580 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking" 1063-6692 1558-2566 1993 1 1 1999 7 6 90 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics" 1083-4435 1941-014X 1996 1 1 1999 4 4 3516 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IRE Professional Group on Antennas and Propagation Newsletter" 2168-0523 2168-0515 1958 1 1 1962 5 2 8235 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IRE Transactions on Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics" 0096-1639 2331-0804 1955 ANE-2 1 1960 ANE-7 4 4201388 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Aerospace; Transportation "IRE Transactions on Aerospace and Navigational Electronics" 0096-1647 2331-0812 1961 ANE-8 1 1962 ANE-9 4 5483689 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Aerospace; Transportation; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis "IRE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation" 0096-1973 1558-3643 1955 3 2 1962 10 6 8234 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IRE Transactions on Audio" 0096-1981 2168-2984 1955 AU-3 2 1962 AU-10 6 8335 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IRE Transactions on Automatic Control" 0096-199X 1558-3651 1956 1 1 1962 7 5 8163 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Robotics and Control Systems; Transportation "IRE Transactions on Bio-Medical Electronics" 0096-1884 2168-0817 1961 8 1 1962 9 4 4322768 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Bioengineering; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Robotics and Control Systems; Computing and Processing "IRE Transactions on Broadcast and Television Receivers" 0096-1655 2168-1635 1955 BTR-1 1 1962 BTR-8 3 4502897 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis "IRE Transactions on Broadcast Transmission Systems" 0099-6866 1955 PGBTS-1 1 1958 PGBTS-12 1 4505116 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis "IRE Transactions on Broadcasting" 0096-1663 1959 PGBC-13 0 1962 BC-8 1 4501502 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis "IRE Transactions on Circuit Theory" 0096-2007 2331-3854 1954 1 1 1962 9 4 8148 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IRE Transactions on Communications Systems" 0096-2244 2162-2132 1956 4 1 1962 10 4 4547465 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis "IRE Transactions on Component Parts" 0096-2422 2168-1708 1955 3 1 1962 9 4 8222 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IRE Transactions on Education" 0893-7141 1958 1 1 1962 E-5 3/4 4321999 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession "IRE Transactions on Electron Devices" 0096-2430 2379-8661 1955 2 1 1962 9 6 4639142 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers" 0367-9950 1955 EC-4 1 1962 EC-11 6 5407885 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IRE Transactions on Engineering Management" 0096-2252 2331-0820 1955 PGEM-3 1962 EM-9 4 5007355 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Engineering Profession; General Topics for Engineers "IRE Transactions on Engineering Writing and Speech" 0893-7869 2331-3692 1958 1 1 1962 5 2 4322631 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession "IRE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics" 0099-4561 2168-2836 1960 HFE-1 1 1962 HFE-3 2 4503253 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers; Robotics and Control Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IRE Transactions on Industrial Electronics" 0197-5706 2331-0839 1955 PGIE-2 1962 IE-9 2 5007029 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IRE Transactions on Information Theory" 0096-1000 2168-2712 1955 1 1 1962 8 6 4547527 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis; Computing and Processing "IRE Transactions on Instrumentation" 0096-2260 2168-1902 1955 PGI-4 1962 I-11 3/4 5006544 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IRE Transactions on Medical Electronics" 0097-1049 2168-0795 1955 PGME-2 1960 ME-7 4 5007879 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Bioengineering; Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IRE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques" 0097-2002 2331-088X 1955 3 2 1962 10 6 4547924 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IRE Transactions on Military Electronics" 0096-2511 2331-1630 1957 MIL-1 1 1962 MIL-6 4 5008109 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Aerospace; Transportation; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IRE Transactions on Nuclear Science" 0096-2015 2374-9814 1955 2 1 1962 9 5 4315440 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Nuclear Engineering; Bioengineering; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing "IRE Transactions on Product Engineering and Production" 0096-1760 1961 5 1 1962 6 4 8223 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IRE Transactions on Production Techniques" 0096-1779 2331-1649 1956 1 1 1959 6 1 8220 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IRE Transactions on Radio Frequency Interference" 0099-4545 1959 RFI-1 1 1962 RFI-4 3 6507928 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis "IRE Transactions on Reliability and Quality Control" 0097-4552 2168-2801 1955 PGRQC-5 1962 RQC-11 3 5007123 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IRE Transactions on Space Electronics and Telemetry" 0096-252X 2331-1657 1959 SET-5 1 1962 SET-8 4 5008636 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Aerospace; Transportation; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IRE Transactions on Telemetry and Remote Control" 0096-2538 1955 TRC-1 1 1958 TRC-4 1 6459057 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Aerospace; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Robotics and Control Systems; Transportation "IRE Transactions on Ultrasonic Engineering" 0096-1019 2162-1349 1955 PGUE-3 1962 9 2 10324 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IRE Transactions on Vehicular Communications" 0097-6628 2151-626X 1955 PGVC-5 1962 VC-11 1 10784 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Transportation; Aerospace; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Robotics and Control Systems; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IT Professional" 1520-9202 1941-045X 1999 1 1 1999 1 6 6294 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Engineering Profession; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "Journal of Lightwave Technology" 0733-8724 1558-2213 1983 1 1 1999 17 12 50 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Photonics and Electrooptics "Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems" 1057-7157 1941-0158 1992 1 1 1999 8 4 84 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "Journal of Technology Computer Aided Design TCAD" 1097-2102 1996 1996 6414145 fulltext IEEE Serial 6414144 P Journal Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "Journal of the A.I.E.E." 0095-9804 2376-5976 1924 43 1 1930 49 12 6528086 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Engineering Profession; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Signal Processing and Analysis; Transportation "Journal of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers" 0360-6449 2376-7723 1920 39 1 1923 42 12 6530802 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "Newsletter of the IRE Professional Group on Audio" 2168-3026 2168-3018 1950 1 1 1952 3 1 8462 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "Proceedings of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers" 0097-2444 2376-7758 1905 24 1 1919 38 12 6530810 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "Proceedings of the IEEE" 0018-9219 1558-2256 1963 51 1 1999 87 12 5 fulltext IEEE Serial 10933 P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession; Aerospace; Bioengineering; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Geoscience; Nuclear Engineering; Robotics and Control Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis; Transportation; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Photonics and Electrooptics "Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers" 0731-5996 2162-6626 1913 1 1 1938 26 12 5547934 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis; Photonics and Electrooptics "Proceedings of the IRE" 0096-8390 2162-6634 1939 27 1 1962 50 12 10933 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession; Aerospace; Bioengineering; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Geoscience; Nuclear Engineering; Robotics and Control Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis; Transportation; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Photonics and Electrooptics "Technology and Society" 0194-3359 2379-5646 1977 5 17 1981 9 4 6457542 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession "Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers" 0096-3860 2330-9431 1884 I 1 1951 70 2 4763772 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis "Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Part I: Communication and Electronics" 0097-2452 2379-674X 1952 71 1 1963 81 6 6367273 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Part II: Applications and Industry" 0097-2185 2379-6774 1952 71 1 1963 81 6 6366379 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Signal Processing and Analysis; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Part III: Power Apparatus and Systems" 0097-2460 2379-6766 1952 71 1 1962 81 3 4498434 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Robotics and Control Systems "Transactions of the I.R.E. Professional Group on Electronic Computers" 2168-1740 2168-1759 1952 PGEC-1 1 1954 EC-3 4 5407679 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "Transactions of the Institute of Radio Engineers Professional Group on Nuclear Science" 0277-6278 2374-9822 1954 NS-1 1 1954 NS-1 1 6449343 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Nuclear Engineering; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics" 2168-0167 2168-0175 1953 PGAE-10 1954 ANE-1 4 5062323 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Aerospace; Transportation; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Airborne Electronics" 2168-0213 2168-0221 1951 PGAE-1 1952 PGAE-6 5062335 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Aerospace; Transportation; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Antennas and Propagation" 2168-0639 2168-0647 1952 1 1 1955 3 1 8236 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Audio" 2168-2968 1953 AU-1 1 1955 AU-3 1 8340 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Aerospace; Transportation; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Broadcast and Television Receivers" 2168-1619 2168-1627 1952 PGBTR-1 1 1954 PGBTR-8 1 4505045 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Circuit Theory" 0197-6389 2331-3870 1952 PGCT-1 1954 CT-1 4 4811122 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Communications Systems" 0277-6243 2162-2140 1953 1 1 1955 3 1 8161 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Component Parts" 2168-1686 2168-1694 1954 1 1 1954 2 1 8219 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Electron Devices" 0197-6370 2379-8653 1952 PGED-1 1 1954 ED-1 4 4639141 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Engineering Management" 0276-1165 2331-396X 1954 PGEM-1 1954 PGEM-2 5010148 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Engineering Profession; General Topics for Engineers "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Industrial Electronics" 0273-1959 2379-867X 1953 1 1 1953 1 1 4319302 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Information Theory" 2168-2690 2168-2704 1953 1 1 1954 4 4 4547596 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Instrumentation" 2168-1880 2168-1899 1952 PGI-1 1954 PGI-3 5007309 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Medical Electronics" 2168-071X 2168-0728 1953 PGME-1 1953 PGME-1 5008468 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Bioengineering; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis; Computing and Processing "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Microwave Theory and Techniques" 0276-1173 2331-1614 1953 1 1 1955 3 1 4547925 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Quality Control" 2168-2755 2168-2763 1952 PGQC-1 1954 PGQC-3 5007101 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Aerospace; Transportation; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Radio Telemetry and Remote Control" 2168-0272 2168-0280 1954 PGRTRC-1 1954 PGRTRC-2 4335619 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Aerospace; Transportation; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Reliability and Quality Control" 2168-2771 2168-2798 1954 PGQC-4 1954 PGQC-4 5007112 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Ultrasonic Engineering" 0277-626X 2162-0679 1954 PGUE-1 1954 PGUE-2 10323 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Vehicular Communications" 2150-1394 2151-6243 1952 PGVC-1 1954 PGVC-4 10783 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Transportation; Aerospace; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Robotics and Control Systems; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems