publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_volume monograph_edition first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type subtype subjects standard_number standard_status standard_modifier_status "Electrical Engineering" 0095-9197 2376-7804 1931 50 1 1954 73 12 6413714 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IRE Transactions on Circuit Theory" 0096-2007 2331-3854 1954 1 1 1954 1 1 8148 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "Journal of the A.I.E.E." 0095-9804 2376-5976 1924 43 1 1930 49 12 6528086 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Engineering Profession; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Signal Processing and Analysis; Transportation "Journal of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers" 0360-6449 2376-7723 1920 39 1 1923 42 12 6530802 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "Newsletter of the IRE Professional Group on Audio" 2168-3026 2168-3018 1950 1 1 1952 3 1 8462 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "Proceedings of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers" 0097-2444 2376-7758 1905 24 1 1919 38 12 6530810 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers" 0731-5996 2162-6626 1913 1 1 1938 26 12 5547934 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis; Photonics and Electrooptics "Proceedings of the IRE" 0096-8390 2162-6634 1939 27 1 1954 42 12 10933 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession; Aerospace; Bioengineering; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Geoscience; Nuclear Engineering; Robotics and Control Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis; Transportation; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Photonics and Electrooptics "Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers" 0096-3860 2330-9431 1884 I 1 1951 70 2 4763772 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis "Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Part I: Communication and Electronics" 0097-2452 2379-674X 1952 71 1 1954 73 5 6367273 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Part II: Applications and Industry" 0097-2185 2379-6774 1952 71 1 1954 73 5 6366379 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Signal Processing and Analysis; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Part III: Power Apparatus and Systems" 0097-2460 2379-6766 1952 71 1 1954 73 2 4498434 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Robotics and Control Systems "Transactions of the I.R.E. Professional Group on Electronic Computers" 2168-1740 2168-1759 1952 PGEC-1 1 1954 EC-3 4 5407679 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "Transactions of the Institute of Radio Engineers Professional Group on Nuclear Science" 0277-6278 2374-9822 1954 NS-1 1 1954 NS-1 1 6449343 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Nuclear Engineering; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics" 2168-0167 2168-0175 1953 PGAE-10 1954 ANE-1 4 5062323 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Aerospace; Transportation; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Airborne Electronics" 2168-0213 2168-0221 1951 PGAE-1 1952 PGAE-6 5062335 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Aerospace; Transportation; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Antennas and Propagation" 2168-0639 2168-0647 1952 1 1 1954 2 4 8236 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Audio" 2168-2968 1953 AU-1 1 1954 AU-2 6 8340 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Aerospace; Transportation; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Broadcast and Television Receivers" 2168-1619 2168-1627 1952 PGBTR-1 1 1954 PGBTR-8 1 4505045 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Circuit Theory" 0197-6389 2331-3870 1952 PGCT-1 1954 CT-1 4 4811122 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Communications Systems" 0277-6243 2162-2140 1953 1 1 1954 2 3 8161 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Component Parts" 2168-1686 2168-1694 1954 1 1 1954 2 1 8219 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Electron Devices" 0197-6370 2379-8653 1952 PGED-1 1 1954 ED-1 4 4639141 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Engineering Management" 0276-1165 2331-396X 1954 PGEM-1 1954 PGEM-2 5010148 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Engineering Profession; General Topics for Engineers "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Industrial Electronics" 0273-1959 2379-867X 1953 1 1 1953 1 1 4319302 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Information Theory" 2168-2690 2168-2704 1953 1 1 1954 4 4 4547596 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Instrumentation" 2168-1880 2168-1899 1952 PGI-1 1954 PGI-3 5007309 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Medical Electronics" 2168-071X 2168-0728 1953 PGME-1 1953 PGME-1 5008468 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Bioengineering; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis; Computing and Processing "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Microwave Theory and Techniques" 0276-1173 2331-1614 1953 1 1 1954 2 3 4547925 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Quality Control" 2168-2755 2168-2763 1952 PGQC-1 1954 PGQC-3 5007101 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Aerospace; Transportation; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Radio Telemetry and Remote Control" 2168-0272 2168-0280 1954 PGRTRC-1 1954 PGRTRC-2 4335619 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Aerospace; Transportation; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Reliability and Quality Control" 2168-2771 2168-2798 1954 PGQC-4 1954 PGQC-4 5007112 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Ultrasonic Engineering" 0277-626X 2162-0679 1954 PGUE-1 1954 PGUE-2 10323 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Vehicular Communications" 2150-1394 2151-6243 1952 PGVC-1 1954 PGVC-4 10783 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Transportation; Aerospace; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Robotics and Control Systems; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems