publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_volume monograph_edition first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type subtype subjects standard_number standard_status standard_modifier_status "Bell Labs Technical Journal" 1089-7089 1538-7305 2005 9 4 2020 25 6731002 fulltext Nokia Bell Labs Serial 6731003 P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "China Communications" 1673-5447 2013 10 1 6245522 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "Computer" 0018-9162 1558-0814 2005 38 1 2 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "Computing in Science & Engineering" 1521-9615 1558-366X 2005 7 1 5992 fulltext IEEE Serial 99 P Journal Computing and Processing; Bioengineering; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine" 0885-8985 1557-959X 2005 20 1 62 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Aerospace; Transportation "IEEE Annals of the History of Computing" 1058-6180 1934-1547 2005 27 1 85 fulltext IEEE Serial 5488650 P Journal Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine" 1045-9243 1558-4143 2005 47 1 74 fulltext IEEE Serial 8233 P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Photonics and Electrooptics "IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters" 1536-1225 1548-5757 2005 4 7727 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE BITS the Information Theory Magazine" 2692-4080 2692-4110 2021 1 1 9393008 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering" 2694-1783 2021 44 1 9349829 fulltext IEEE Serial 9754 P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine" 8755-3996 1558-1888 2005 21 1 2006 22 6 101 fulltext IEEE Serial 6331049 P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Aerospace; Bioengineering; Computing and Processing; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; General Topics for Engineers; Signal Processing and Analysis; Transportation; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Photonics and Electrooptics; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine" 1531-636X 1558-0830 2005 5 1 7384 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Cloud Computing" 2325-6095 2014 1 1 2018 5 6 6509491 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Communications Letters" 1089-7798 1558-2558 2005 9 1 4234 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Communications Magazine" 0163-6804 1558-1896 2005 43 1 35 fulltext IEEE Serial 5488653 P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Signal Processing and Analysis; Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Communications Standards Magazine" 2471-2825 2471-2833 2017 1 1 7886829 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials" 1553-877X 2005 7 1 9739 fulltext IEEE Serial 7041148 P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine" 1556-603X 1556-6048 2006 1 1 10207 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Computer Architecture Letters" 1556-6056 1556-6064 2005 4 1 10208 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications" 0272-1716 1558-1756 2005 25 1 38 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine" 2162-2248 2162-2256 2012 1 1 5962380 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing "IEEE Control Systems" 1066-033X 1941-000X 2005 25 1 5488303 fulltext IEEE Serial 37 P Journal Robotics and Control Systems; Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Control Systems Letters" 2475-1456 2017 1 1 7782633 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Robotics and Control Systems; Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Design & Test" 2168-2356 2168-2364 2013 30 1 6221038 fulltext IEEE Serial 54 P Journal Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Design & Test of Computers" 0740-7475 1558-1918 2005 22 1 2012 29 6 54 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Distributed Systems Online" 1541-4922 2005 6 1 2008 9 12 8968 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine" 0883-7554 1558-4402 2005 21 1 57 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "IEEE Electrification Magazine" 2325-5897 2325-5889 2013 1 1 6508996 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine" 2162-2264 2162-2272 2012 1 1 5962381 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing "IEEE Electron Device Letters" 0741-3106 1558-0563 2005 26 1 55 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Electron Devices Magazine" 2832-7683 2832-7691 2023 1 1 10035030 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Electron Devices Reviews" n/a 2995-424X 2024 1 1 10347230 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Embedded Systems Letters" 1943-0663 1943-0671 2009 1 1 4563995 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine" 0739-5175 1937-4186 2005 24 1 2010 29 3 51 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Bioengineering "IEEE Engineering Management Review" 0360-8581 1937-4178 2005 33 1 46 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Engineering Profession; General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters" 1545-598X 1558-0571 2005 2 1 8859 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Geoscience; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine" 2473-2397 2168-6831 2013 1 1 6245518 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Geoscience; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine" 1932-4529 1941-0115 2007 1 1 4154573 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Industry Applications Magazine" 1077-2618 1558-0598 2005 11 1 2943 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Signal Processing and Analysis; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing "IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine" 1094-6969 1941-0123 2005 8 1 5289 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Intelligent Systems" 1541-1672 1941-1294 2005 20 1 9670 fulltext IEEE Serial 5254 P Journal Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine" 1939-1390 1941-1197 2009 1 1 5117645 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Transportation; Aerospace; Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Internet Computing" 1089-7801 1941-0131 2005 9 1 4236 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Internet of Things Journal" 2327-4662 2014 1 1 6488907 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Internet of Things Magazine" 2576-3180 2576-3199 2018 1 1 8548628 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing "IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics" 2168-2194 2168-2208 2013 17 1 6221020 fulltext IEEE Serial 4233 P Journal Bioengineering; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology" 2469-7249 2469-7257 2017 1 1 7397573 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Bioengineering; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics" 2687-9735 2687-9743 2020 1 1 8847244 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Robotics and Control Systems "IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics" 2168-6777 2168-6785 2013 1 1 6245517 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering" 0364-9059 1558-1691 2005 30 1 48 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Geoscience; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics" 2156-3381 2156-3403 2011 1 1 5503869 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Photonics and Electrooptics "IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics" 0018-9197 1558-1713 2005 41 1 3 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Photonics and Electrooptics "IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification" 2469-7281 2017 1 1 7433271 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics" 1077-260X 1558-4542 2005 11 1 2944 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Photonics and Electrooptics "IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing" 1932-4553 1941-0484 2007 1 1 4200690 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits" 0018-9200 1558-173X 2005 40 1 4 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Computing and Processing "IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems" 2156-3357 2156-3365 2011 1 1 5503868 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Journal on Flexible Electronics" 2768-167X 2022 1 1 9552934 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Journal on Miniaturization for Air and Space Systems" 2576-3164 2020 1 1 8253411 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Aerospace; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Transportation "IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques" 2379-8793 2016 1 7274859 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing "IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications" 0733-8716 1558-0008 2005 23 1 49 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory" 2641-8770 2020 1 1 8700143 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Letters of the Computer Society" 2573-9689 2018 1 1 2020 3 2 8012254 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Letters on Electromagnetic Compatibility Practice and Applications" 2637-6423 2019 1 1 8566057 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "IEEE Magnetics Letters" 1949-307X 1949-3088 2010 1 5165412 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Micro" 0272-1732 1937-4143 2005 25 1 40 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters" 1531-1309 1558-1764 2005 15 1 2022 PP 99 7260 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters" 2771-957X 2771-9588 2023 33 1 9944983 fulltext IEEE Serial 7260 P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Microwave Magazine" 1527-3342 1557-9581 2005 6 1 6668 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE MultiMedia" 1070-986X 1941-0166 2005 12 1 93 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine" 1932-4510 1942-7808 2007 1 1 4451717 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing "IEEE Network" 0890-8044 1558-156X 2005 19 1 65 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing "IEEE Networking Letters" 2576-3156 2019 1 1 8253410 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing "IEEE Pervasive Computing" 1536-1268 1558-2590 2005 4 1 7756 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Photonics Technology Letters" 1041-1135 1941-0174 2005 17 1 68 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Photonics and Electrooptics "IEEE Power and Energy Magazine" 1540-7977 1558-4216 2005 3 1 8014 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Geoscience "IEEE Power Electronics Letters" 1540-7985 1558-3767 2005 3 1 2005 3 4 8012 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Aerospace; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Nuclear Engineering; Signal Processing and Analysis; Transportation "IEEE Power Electronics Magazine" 2329-9207 2329-9215 2014 1 1 6570649 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Pulse" 2154-2287 2154-2317 2010 1 1 5454060 fulltext IEEE Serial 51 P Journal Bioengineering; Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Reliability Magazine" 2641-8819 2024 1 1 10167708 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering" 1937-3333 1941-1189 2008 1 4664312 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Bioengineering; Computing and Processing; Robotics and Control Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje" 1932-8540 2013 8 1 6245520 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine" 1070-9932 1558-223X 2005 12 1 100 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Robotics and Control Systems; Aerospace; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Engineering Profession; General Topics for Engineers; Signal Processing and Analysis; Transportation; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters" 2377-3766 2016 1 1 7083369 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Robotics and Control Systems; Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Security & Privacy" 1540-7993 1558-4046 2005 3 1 8013 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Aerospace; Bioengineering; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Engineering Profession; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; General Topics for Engineers; Nuclear Engineering; Robotics and Control Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis; Transportation; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Photonics and Electrooptics; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Sensors Journal" 1530-437X 1558-1748 2005 5 1 7361 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Robotics and Control Systems "IEEE Sensors Letters" 2475-1472 2017 1 1 7782634 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Robotics and Control Systems; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Signal Processing Letters" 1070-9908 1558-2361 2005 12 1 97 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Signal Processing Magazine" 1053-5888 1558-0792 2005 22 1 79 fulltext IEEE Serial 53 P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing "IEEE Software" 0740-7459 1937-4194 2005 22 1 52 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters" 2573-9603 2018 1 1 8011414 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing "IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine" 1943-0582 1943-0590 2009 1 1 4563670 fulltext IEEE Serial 4563671 P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Aerospace; Computing and Processing; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Geoscience; Robotics and Control Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis; Transportation; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Newsletter" 1098-4232 2005 10 1 2008 13 4 4563671 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "IEEE Systems Journal" 1932-8184 1937-9234 2007 1 1 4267003 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing "IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine" 2380-1298 2333-942X 2015 1 1 6745853 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Technology and Society Magazine" 0278-0097 1937-416X 2005 24 1 44 fulltext IEEE Serial 6457542 P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession "IEEE Technology Policy and Ethics" 9736405 fulltext IEEE Other P "IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging" 1521-3323 1557-9980 2005 28 1 2010 33 4 6040 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems" 0018-9251 1557-9603 2005 41 1 7 fulltext IEEE Serial 4319312,4319334,4323026,4335581 P Journal Aerospace; Robotics and Control Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing" 1949-3045 2010 1 1 5165369 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Robotics and Control Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics" 2771-9529 2023 1 1 9787768 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; General Topics for Engineers; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation" 0018-926X 1558-2221 2005 53 1 8 fulltext IEEE Serial 8234 P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Aerospace; Transportation; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity" 1051-8223 1558-2515 2005 15 1 77 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence" 2691-4581 2020 1 1 9078688 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing" 1558-7916 1558-7924 2006 14 1 2013 21 12 10376 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control" 0018-9286 1558-2523 2005 50 1 9 fulltext IEEE Serial 8163 P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering" 1545-5955 1558-3783 2005 2 1 8856 fulltext IEEE Serial 70 P Journal Robotics and Control Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development" 1943-0604 1943-0612 2009 1 1 2015 7 4 4563672 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on Big Data" 2332-7790 2015 1 1 6687317 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems" 1932-4545 1940-9990 2007 1 1 4156126 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Bioengineering; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering" 0018-9294 1558-2531 2005 52 1 10 fulltext IEEE Serial 5483695 P Journal Bioengineering; Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science" 2637-6407 2019 1 1 8423754 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Bioengineering; Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting" 0018-9316 1557-9611 2005 51 1 11 fulltext IEEE Serial 4501502 P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Artificial Intelligence" 2996-6647 2024 1 1 10495160 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology" 1051-8215 1558-2205 2005 15 1 76 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers" 1549-8328 1558-0806 2005 52 1 8919 fulltext IEEE Serial 81 P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs" 1549-7747 1558-3791 2005 52 1 8920 fulltext IEEE Serial 82 P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing" 2168-7161 2013 1 1 6245519 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems" 2379-8920 2379-8939 2016 8 1 7274989 fulltext IEEE Serial 4563672 P Journal Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking" 2332-7731 2015 1 1 6687307 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Communications" 0090-6778 1558-0857 2005 53 1 26 fulltext IEEE Serial 4547467 P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies" 1521-3331 1557-9972 2005 28 1 2010 33 4 6144 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology" 2156-3950 2156-3985 2011 1 1 5503870 fulltext IEEE Serial 6040,6104,6144 P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging" 2573-0436 2333-9403 2015 1 1 6745852 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers; Geoscience "IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games" 1943-068X 1943-0698 2009 1 1 2017 9 4 4804728 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems" 2329-924X 2014 1 1 6570650 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems" 0278-0070 1937-4151 2005 24 1 43 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Computers" 0018-9340 1557-9956 2005 54 1 12 fulltext IEEE Serial 4037753 P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics" 0098-3063 1558-4127 2005 51 1 30 fulltext IEEE Serial 4079767 P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems" 2325-5870 2014 1 1 6509490 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Robotics and Control Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology" 1063-6536 1558-0865 2005 13 1 87 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Robotics and Control Systems "IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics" 2168-2267 2168-2275 2013 43 1 6221036 fulltext IEEE Serial 3477 P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Robotics and Control Systems; General Topics for Engineers; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing" 1545-5971 1941-0018 2005 2 1 8858 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability" 1530-4388 1558-2574 2005 5 1 7298 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation" 1070-9878 1558-4135 2005 12 1 94 fulltext IEEE Serial 14 P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "IEEE Transactions on Education" 0018-9359 1557-9638 2005 48 1 13 fulltext IEEE Serial 4321999 P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession "IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility" 0018-9375 1558-187X 2005 47 1 15 fulltext IEEE Serial 4607257 P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices" 0018-9383 1557-9646 2005 52 1 16 fulltext IEEE Serial 4639142 P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing" 1521-334X 1558-0822 2005 28 1 2010 33 4 6104 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence" 2471-285X 2017 1 1 7433297 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing" 2168-6750 2013 1 1 6245516 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion" 0885-8969 1558-0059 2005 20 1 60 fulltext IEEE Serial 10669 P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Geoscience "IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation" 2771-9626 2023 1 1 9794458 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Geoscience; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management" 0018-9391 1558-0040 2005 52 1 17 fulltext IEEE Serial 5007355 P Journal Engineering Profession "IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation" 1089-778X 1941-0026 2005 9 1 4235 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Field Robotics" 2997-1101 2024 1 10495159 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Robotics and Control Systems "IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems" 1063-6706 1941-0034 2005 13 1 91 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Games" 2475-1502 2475-1510 2018 10 1 7782673 fulltext IEEE Serial 4804728 P Journal Bioengineering; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing" 0196-2892 1558-0644 2005 43 1 36 fulltext IEEE Serial 4043135 P Journal Geoscience; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking" 2473-2400 2017 1 1 7511293 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Transactions on Haptics" 1939-1412 2329-4051 2008 1 1 4543165 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems" 2168-2291 2168-2305 2013 43 1 6221037 fulltext IEEE Serial 5326 P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis; Robotics and Control Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; General Topics for Engineers; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Image Processing" 1057-7149 1941-0042 2005 14 1 83 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems" 2832-7004 2023 1 9984155 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Robotics and Control Systems "IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics" 0278-0046 1557-9948 2005 52 1 41 fulltext IEEE Serial 11166 P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics" 1551-3203 1941-0050 2005 1 1 9424 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Signal Processing and Analysis; Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications" 0093-9994 1939-9367 2005 41 1 28 fulltext IEEE Serial 4180499 P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Signal Processing and Analysis; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security" 1556-6013 1556-6021 2006 1 1 10206 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine" 1089-7771 1558-0032 2005 9 1 2012 16 6 4233 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Bioengineering; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory" 0018-9448 1557-9654 2005 51 1 18 fulltext IEEE Serial 4547527 P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement" 0018-9456 1557-9662 2005 54 1 19 fulltext IEEE Serial 5006544 P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems" 1524-9050 1558-0016 2005 6 1 6979 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Transportation; Aerospace; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Robotics and Control Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles" 2379-8858 2379-8904 2016 1 1 7274857 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Transportation; Robotics and Control Systems; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering" 1041-4347 1558-2191 2005 17 1 69 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies" 1939-1382 2008 1 1 4620076 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Transactions on Magnetics" 0018-9464 1941-0069 2005 41 1 20 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Transactions on Materials for Electron Devices" 2993-1576 2024 1 10167711 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging" 0278-0062 1558-254X 2005 24 1 42 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Bioengineering; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics" 2576-3202 2019 1 1 8253409 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Bioengineering; Robotics and Control Systems; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques" 0018-9480 1557-9670 2005 53 1 22 fulltext IEEE Serial 4547924 P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing" 1536-1233 1558-0660 2005 4 1 7755 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications" 2332-7804 2015 1 1 6687308 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Bioengineering; Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems" 2332-7766 2015 1 1 2018 4 4 6687315 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Multimedia" 1520-9210 1941-0077 2005 7 1 6046 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience" 1536-1241 1558-2639 2005 4 1 7728 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Bioengineering; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology" 1536-125X 1941-0085 2005 4 1 7729 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management" 1932-4537 2005 2 1 4275028 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering" 2327-4697 2014 1 1 6488902 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks" 1045-9227 1941-0093 2005 16 1 2011 22 12 72 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems" 2162-237X 2162-2388 2012 23 1 5962385 fulltext IEEE Serial 72 P Journal Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science" 0018-9499 1558-1578 2005 52 1 23 fulltext IEEE Serial 4315440 P Journal Nuclear Engineering; Bioengineering "IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems" 1045-9219 1558-2183 2005 16 1 71 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence" 0162-8828 1939-3539 2005 27 1 34 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Bioengineering "IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science" 0093-3813 1939-9375 2005 33 1 27 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery" 0885-8977 1937-4208 2005 20 1 61 fulltext IEEE Serial 10669 P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics" 0885-8993 1941-0107 2005 20 1 63 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Aerospace; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; General Topics for Engineers; Nuclear Engineering; Signal Processing and Analysis; Transportation "IEEE Transactions on Power Systems" 0885-8950 1558-0679 2005 20 1 59 fulltext IEEE Serial 10669 P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication" 0361-1434 1558-1500 2005 48 1 47 fulltext IEEE Serial 4322293 P Journal General Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession "IEEE Transactions on Radar Systems" 2832-7357 2023 1 9931145 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Aerospace; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Geoscience; Signal Processing and Analysis; Robotics and Control Systems; Transportation "IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences" 2469-7311 2469-7303 2017 1 1 7433213 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Nuclear Engineering; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Bioengineering; Computing and Processing; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Transactions on Reliability" 0018-9529 1558-1721 2005 54 1 24 fulltext IEEE Serial 5007123 P Journal Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Transactions on Robotics" 1552-3098 1941-0468 2005 21 1 8860 fulltext IEEE Serial 70 P Journal Robotics and Control Systems; Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing" 0894-6507 1558-2345 2005 18 1 66 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas "IEEE Transactions on Services Computing" 1939-1374 2008 1 1 4629386 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks" 2373-776X 2015 1 1 6884276 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies "IEEE Transactions on Signal and Power Integrity" 2768-1866 2022 1 9745882 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing" 1053-587X 1941-0476 2005 53 1 78 fulltext IEEE Serial 29 P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid" 1949-3053 1949-3061 2010 1 1 5165411 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering" 0098-5589 1939-3520 2005 31 1 32 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing" 1063-6676 1558-2353 2005 13 1 2005 13 6 89 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing" 2377-3782 2016 1 1 7274860 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy" 1949-3029 1949-3037 2010 1 1 5165391 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Geoscience; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans" 1083-4427 1558-2426 2005 35 1 2012 42 6 3468 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Robotics and Control Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics)" 1083-4419 1941-0492 2005 35 1 2012 42 6 3477 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers; Robotics and Control Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews)" 1094-6977 1558-2442 2005 35 1 2012 42 6 5326 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Robotics and Control Systems "IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems" 2168-2216 2168-2232 2013 43 1 6221021 fulltext IEEE Serial 3468 P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Robotics and Control Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society" 2637-6415 2020 1 1 8566059 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Engineering Profession; General Topics for Engineers "IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology" 2156-342X 2156-3446 2011 1 1 5503871 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification" 2332-7782 2015 1 1 6687316 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Transportation; Aerospace; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control" 0885-3010 1525-8955 2005 52 1 58 fulltext IEEE Serial 10326 P Journal Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics "IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology" 0018-9545 1939-9359 2005 54 1 25 fulltext IEEE Serial 10785 P Journal Transportation; Aerospace "IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems" 1063-8210 1557-9999 2005 13 1 92 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing "IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics" 1077-2626 1941-0506 2005 11 1 2945 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Bioengineering; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications" 1536-1276 1558-2248 2005 4 1 7693 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine" 1556-6072 1556-6080 2006 1 1 10209 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Transportation; Aerospace; Computing and Processing; Robotics and Control Systems "IEEE Wireless Communications" 1536-1284 1558-0687 2005 12 1 7742 fulltext IEEE Serial 98 P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE Wireless Communications Letters" 2162-2337 2162-2345 2012 1 1 5962382 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing" 2329-9290 2329-9304 2014 22 1 6570655 fulltext IEEE Serial 10376 P Journal Signal Processing and Analysis; Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; General Topics for Engineers "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics" 1545-5963 1557-9964 2005 2 1 8857 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Bioengineering; Computing and Processing "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking" 1063-6692 1558-2566 2005 13 1 90 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis "IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics" 1083-4435 1941-014X 2005 10 1 3516 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica" 2329-9266 2329-9274 2014 1 1 6570654 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; General Topics for Engineers; Robotics and Control Systems "IT Professional" 1520-9202 1941-045X 2005 7 1 6294 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Computing and Processing; Engineering Profession; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications "Journal of Display Technology" 1551-319X 1558-9323 2005 1 1 2016 12 12 9425 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Photonics and Electrooptics "Journal of Lightwave Technology" 0733-8724 1558-2213 2005 23 1 50 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Photonics and Electrooptics "Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems" 1057-7157 1941-0158 2005 14 1 84 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems "Journal of Optical Communications and Networking" 1943-0620 1943-0639 2009 1 1 4563700 fulltext IEEE Serial P Journal Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Photonics and Electrooptics