High-power emitter-switched transistors have been operated at 20 kHz and 80 A off 600 V, using voltage clamps instead of shunt snubbers. Under these conditions, snubbing ...Show MoreMetadata
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High-power emitter-switched transistors have been operated at 20 kHz and 80 A off 600 V, using voltage clamps instead of shunt snubbers. Under these conditions, snubbing is the dominant source of switching-related power loss and transistors deadtime. An analysis of series snubbers reveals configurations conducive to minimal reset-time and power-loss. Cascode switches operating at high-current ideally require adaptive voltage-clamps which clip at current-dependent voltage levels; practical realizations of such clamps are given.<>
Date of Conference: 11-14 April 1988
Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 06 August 2002
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